
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Bioinorganic Chemistry

A section of International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067).

Section Information

This section of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) aims to rapidly publish contributions on all aspects of bioinorganic chemistry. Contributions on molecular approaches of inorganic ion-participating biological actions in appropriate in vivo models, microbes, animals, humans, or plants will be considered. Novel methods-, models- or systems-based articles are also within the scope of this section. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • structure, function and chemistry of metallobiomoleculars, e.g., metalloproteins, metalloenzymes, inorganic ion-boning biomoleculars
  • metal–biomolecule (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids) interactions
  • bioinorganic material preparation, characterization and its biological or medical application
  • coordination biochemistry
  • metal-participating gene regulation
  • metal-containing drugs


inorganic ions; trace elements; metals; inorganic biomaterials; bioaccumulation and biotoxicity; oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species; metal turnover, metabolism and regulation; metal transporter; metal sensing, signaling and reactions; analytical techniques; metallochaperone, metalloprotein, metallothionein among others; organometallics; chelation, chelator, complexation, complex formation; metal detoxification, sequestration and compartmentalization; functional genomics and proteomics; transcriptional regulation and transcription factors; artificial metalloproteins; binding motif; heavy metal stress

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