17 May 2024
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Lamprou Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section “Physical Pharmacy and Formulation” in Pharmaceutics

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Lamprou has been appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of the Section “Physical Pharmacy and Formulation” in Pharmaceutics (ISSN: 1999-4923). With his extensive background in scientific research and publishing, he will bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this prestigious role.

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Lamprou (Ph.D., MBA) is the Chair of Biofabrication and Advanced Manufacturing, and Director of MSc Industrial Pharmaceutics at Queen's University Belfast, UK. He is also the Chair of the United Kingdom and Ireland Controlled Release Society (UKICRS). Moreover, he is an expert in emerging biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical technologies, with over 160 peer-reviewed publications and over 450 conference abstracts, and has delivered over 180 invited talks at institutions and conferences across the world.

Prof. Dr. Lamprou is a recognized world leader in 3D printing and microfluidics, with PubMed-based algorithms placing him in the top 0.1% of scholars writing about 3D printing and in the top 0.07% of scholars writing about microfluidics over the past 10 years. He has also been named in Stanford University's list of the World's Top 2% Scientists for several consecutive years thanks to his research on pharmaceutics and biomedical engineering. His research and academic leadership have been recognized through a range of awards, including the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Science Award, the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (SULSA) Leaders Scheme Award, and Doctor Honoris Causa Award by Semmelweis University (Hungary). More info can be found at www.emergingtechnologieslab.com.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Lamprou, who shared his vision for the journal with us, as well as his views on the research area and open access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to become its Section Editor-in-Chief?
I am very familiar with the journal as I have been serving as an editor of Pharmaceutics for many years, checking 50+ papers, editing 10+ Special Issues, and organizing two successful webinars. With this appointment, I will be able to further support the journal, weed out low-quality contributions, guarantee the caliber of the articles that are published, and, at the same time, boost the topic.

2. What are your plans and vision for the journal?
“Physical Pharmacy and Formulation” examines the physicochemical properties of liquid and semi-solid pharmaceutical dosage forms to deliver an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), and the research on the topic is crucial in drug discovery research for new molecules and excipient development. The topic is also very important for the development of safer drug delivery systems (DDSs) for future medicines. The main vision of this open access section is to make this important research more visual to researchers in the field by bringing fundamental and advanced research to them, supporting the development of advanced DDSs.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?
This field was always very important and a hot topic. To keep the rise in research with coherent and strong manuscripts, we must make sure that new Special Issues are introduced with improved standards and selectivity. The topic to be developed needs high-quality manuscripts, and to achieve this there need to be strict regulations and higher standards.

4. What do you think of the development of open access literature in the publishing field?
Currently, the majority of traditionally subscription-based journals offer open access as an option, which is great since research must be available to everyone. For journals that are offering only open access, there needs to be a focus on the quality of the manuscripts. There are so many open access journals these days, with more advertised every day; therefore, one needs to be continuously creative and strictly monitor and uphold publishing ethics.

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Lamprou as the Section Editor-in-Chief of “Physical Pharmacy and Formulation” and look forward to his contribution to the continued success of the journal.

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