KeywordsP2P networks; eDonkey; pedophile activity; sport; child abuse and protection; athlete welfare; human rights; primary care; health; GPs; children; child protection; child safeguarding; responses; intervention; joint-working; decision-making; child protection; child abuse; child homicide; infant protection; infant abuse; infant homicide; social surveillance; unnatural death; online grooming; victims; child sexual abuse; adolescents; child maltreatment; SafeCare; child welfare; evidence-based programs; parenting; technology; child protection; knowledge base; child-centrism; professionalism; child abuse and neglect; heterogeneity; mandatory reporting laws; differential response; child sexual abuse; empirical cross-jurisdictional analysis; effect of mandatory reporting on case identification; child protection; child development; well-being; risk-assessment; policy; differential response; children’s rights; participation; protection; adult processes; report writing; decision making; child abuse; child sexual abuse; child protection; royal commissions; child protection inquiries; child safe organisations; children; risk; care proceedings; Children and Families Act 2014; Public Law Outline; child protection; safeguarding; sport; Bourdieu; habitus; intimate partner violence; child maltreatment; concertation; children well-being; child protection; social interdependence; productive conflict; metamorphic effects of power; child welfare practice; care leavers; young people’s perspective; child protection system; qualitative research; child protection; children’s rights; civil society; NGOs; collective action frames; alliances; Uruguay; child protection; victimhood; social policy; sexual abuse; child abuse; child protection; sport; empirical foundations; risk; youth care; child and family social work; child welfare; child protection; child abuse and neglect; child maltreatment; quality improvement; audit; health services; emergency health services; child welfare; systems improvement; child protection; out of home care; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children; reunification; adoption; transition; reunification; biological family training; educational needs; child welfare system; child protection; child abuse; uncertainty; alternative care; risk assessment; child rescue; child protection; child protection; children’s rights; explanatory theory; models for practice; social work; child welfare; decision-making; risk; practice; orientations; safeguarding; child protection; African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child; legislation; states parties; kinship foster care; assessment tool; action research; child sexual abuse; forensic interviewing; anatomical dolls; questioning children about abuse; infant of substance abusing mother; child maltreatment; child wellbeing; substance abuse; service integration; health services; child welfare