
30 April 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA
2017 Ocha Zanmai Chanoyu & Tea Culture Conference


Submission Deadline: October 20, 2016

Who: All are invited to apply, including (but not limited to) scholars, students, artists, museum curators, tea practitioners, and tea manufacturers.

What: Any subject matter related to the conference theme “Chanoyu & Zen” will be considered, including but not limited to calligraphy by Zen priests (禅林)墨跡, Zen paintings 禅画, Zen words禅語, Zen spirituality in chanoyu 茶の湯における禅の精神性, Zen aesthetics in chanoyu 茶の湯における禅的美, tea masters and Zen 茶匠と禅.

How: Send an English abstract (250~500 words) for a 20~30-minute presentation with a separate cover sheet.  The cover sheet must contain the following information:

  1. title of the paper
  2. applicants’ full name
  3. position
  4. institution
  5. email address
  6. street address
  7. telephone number.

Please write the title on the top of the abstract page but do not write your name or institution that will identify you. The cover sheet and the abstract will be separated for blind peer reviews.

Where to send: Send the abstract with the cover sheet by email attachment (PDF format) to [email protected].

Publication: Successful applicants will have an opportunity to publish their papers in the conference’s proceedings volume.

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