
1–3 March 2018, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
93rd Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America


1. Representing the Mysteries of Faith in Art, Liturgy, and Devotion

2. The Religious Orders: Diffusion of Artistic and Religious Practices between Monastery and City
3. The Medieval Artes and their Books
4. The Long Fourteenth Century
5. Transconfessional Spaces in Andalusi Cities
6. Umayyad Córdoba and Nasrid Granada: Poetry, Philosophy, and Architecture
7. Restoring Medieval Buildings: Gains, Problems, and Technologies     
8. Materiality of Medieval Objects: What Now?
9. Monumental Narratives: Bayeux and Beyond
10. Legal History of Landholding and Property      

11. New Medieval Economic Institutions
12. Legacy of Rome: Legal, Literary, and Artistic   
13. Migration, Movement, and Slavery        
14. Female Spirituality and Mysticism
15. Bible Translation and Reform Movements

16. Medieval Cosmographies and Geographies
17. Trade and Material Culture in the Mediterranean
18. Chaucer and the Poets
19. Anglo-Saxon Objects and Spaces, Poems and Places
Faith and Inquiry: Exegesis, Speculative Theology, and Normative Argument
21. Faith and Culture: Devotional Practices, Symbolism, and Lived Religion
22. Transgressing “Isms”: Platonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism . . .
23. Comparative Kingship from the Carolingians to 1300
24. Truth, “Truthiness,” and Falsehood in Documentary Practice

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