20 May 2024
Interview with Dr. Chao Chen—Winner of the Energies 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award

We are pleased to announce Dr. Chao Chen as one of the winners of the Energies 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award.


Name: Dr. Chao Chen
Affiliation: College of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China
Research Interests: steelmaking; CFD; water model; mixing; ladle; tundish; continuous casting; inclusions; solidification; secondary refining; computational fluid dynamics; steel; melting; particles; fluid; numerical model; modeling

The following is an interview with Dr. Chao Chen:

  1. Could you give a brief introduction of yourself to the readers?
    My name is Dr. Chao Chen. I have a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, in 2015. I joined Taiyuan University of Technology, China, where I was promoted to associate professor, and nominated as dean of department in 2015, 2016, and 2019, respectively. I have been working on about 20 research projects, with funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. I have published about 50 peer-reviewed journal papers and been invited to present reports more than 20 times at conferences. I am serving on the Topical Advisory Panel of MDPI journals Metals and Fluids and as Special Issue Guest Editor of MDPI journals Metals, Materials, Crystals, and Processes.
  1. What’s your current research focus, and why did you choose this research field? As a reviewer, what kind of manuscripts would you prefer to review in the future?
    My research focus is computational fluid dynamics, such as numerical model and physical model application in industries, for example, in metallurgy and materials processing, as well as the chemical engineering process. This field is very important for economic development.
    I would like to review the manuscripts with a focus on multiphase flow, computational fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, reactor design, and process design.
  1. Which research topics do you think are of particular interest to the research community in the coming years?
    AI-assisted machine learning and combinations of thermodynamics, kinetics, fluid mechanics, and heat and mass transfer in industrial applications.
  1. We are an open access journal. How do you think open access impacts authors?
    Open access is good for readers who cannot access journals.
  1. Which qualities do you think reviewers need?
    A wide scope of industry application and scientific research. Deep insight into fundamental theories and mechanisms.

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