“My Father Put Me in a Patera So I Could Study”: Key Aspects of Socio-Educational Support for Minors Who Migrate Alone
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Context and Objectives
2.2. Participants
- (a)
- Profile 1: Professionals at Juvenile Protection Centers in the province of Cordoba (CPM).
- (b)
- Profile 2: Professionals in the educational field in the province of Cordoba (ED).
- (c)
- Profile 3: Professionals in the social sphere in the province of Cordoba (ONG).
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- Dimension 1: Profile of MENAS
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- Dimension 2: Integration of the MENAs in the CPMs
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- Dimension 3: Relationships and coexistence inside and outside the center
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- Dimension 4: Professional team in the CPM
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- Dimension 5: Organization and resource management
3. Results
3.1. The Complexity of the Socio-Educational Inclusion Process for Minors in the Institutional Sphere
“There is usually a lot of respect for the rules of the center, there are usually not many problems, discipline problems, they follow the rules quite well”.(E_ED3)
“They adapt well, and they are well accepted by the Spaniards, I didn’t think so, but… they are very well accepted”.(E_CPM3)
“It is a very stressful job… so you work with urgency, working with urgency is not the same as working on a daily basis, I organize… I bring a schedule every day and I rarely … comply with that schedule…”.(E_CPM1)
“The rules, in principle, there are some who accept them very well and others… well… they have a harder time (…) because there are children who come, for example, from being on the street and then, well, maybe they cross the Strait… maybe two months on the street…living on the street, not at home, but on the street”.(E_CPM3)
“…I think that they take from our society, from our culture, what is really of interest to them, what they are not interested in they won’t take, it’s very difficult for them to integrate, to adapt, to integrate into our society; in fact, very few of them have Spanish friends”.(E_CPM5)
3.2. Expectations of Professionals Regarding Migrant Minors’ Educational and Professional Development
“The MENAs come with many basic needs. The first thing is the language; there is a barrier there, which is hard for us, especially at the beginning, although they are very smart, as they quickly learn much better than us, and delve into our culture”.(E_CPM2)
“Most of them come to look for a better life, a better future. They come to look for education, they come to look for work, they come with a tremendous interest in learning and training and in assimilating another vision and another world. In fact, you can see how many children evolve and adapt”.(E_CPM2)
“They don’t give us problems. They are not kids with behavioral problems… in my experience at the centers where I have been”.(E_ED1)
“There is usually a lot of respect for the rules of the center, there are usually not many discipline problems, they follow the rules quite well…”.(E_ED3)
“I was a tutor in the first intake of the two, and their academic tutor there at the high school told me that they would even have the possibility of finishing ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education), although the advisable thing, it was said that the possibility of basic vocational training was the most advisable thing…”.(E_CPM1)
“… I don’t know if they will continue studying, I want to send them to school this year, because one is doing gardening at IES (Secondary School) XXX; another is doing carpentry at XXX, and they are doing very well because they get good grades and everything (…) They are schooled as much as possible, so that they are not idle here… Because, as they are already “lazy,” they can’t be here all morning lying around or with their cell phones…”.(E_CPM4)
“… these students require a psycho-pedagogical evaluation because they are compensatory students… so what is recommended is that the counselor evaluate and determine their level of curricular competence, which will be very low…”.(E_ED1)
“When they arrive without the language and at those ages, 15–16 years old, and you put them in a lower grade… a young person who does not know the language, who has not been in school before… cannot complete an ordinary ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education) because it is very curricular, so it is impossible, so either a basic vocational training, if they meet the age and well… if they meet the age and some minimum criteria… you have no other options…”.(E_ED1)
“The kids come here and they want to go to college. And they say: ‘no, no, no… you’re in a juvenile center. What you have to do is a vocational training course to become a carpenter’, but maybe they don’t want to study that, maybe they want to go to university to study medicine”.(E_ONG1)
“My father put me on a patera to come to Spain because I wanted to study’, from the first day he told me, and now he’s a nurse. So let’s give them the opportunity for them to say yes. We have to guide, we have to decide, but they have to know all the options, because if we think they all come here to work, are we going to train them all as waiters? Let’s see what they need…”.(E_ONG1)
3.3. Strategies to Facilitate Socio-Educational Intervention
“Yes, when a minor arrives, the first thing we do is [tell them that] we have rights and duties, and then those rights and duties are given to the child, in writing, we keep a copy. In those rights and duties, we say… the rules are written there… they are told that the minor has the right to housing, has the right to food, has the right to a doctor, has the right to clothing, has the right to education… well, and we are there to help them and, of course, they also have some duties, some obligations, so the obligations are also conveyed… they have schedules, they have rules… schedules regarding entering, eating, leaving, cleaning and the dining room too, and then they also have a discipline in terms of their education…”.(E_CPM3)
“… the resource is that teacher, that teacher in the Temporary Linguistic Adaptation Classroom (ATAL) where they work on Spanish, the Spanish language, which is the vehicle for integration… They also advise the teachers regarding the linguistic adaptation materials, how to work with them… then the center also… when they call us, we advise them on what measures and how to organize all this at the center….for example, the reinforcements, the support, how to organize them… how to work with them… even with specific resources, such as the Therapeutic Pedagogy teacher, if it has to be linked to a psycho-pedagogical evaluation and a psycho-pedagogical evaluation report…”.(E_ED1)
“Everyone, in all the departments, the teaching staff already has materials, because they come every year, they already have materials prepared, and, if they don’t, they look for them, with the ATAL, to give them material”.(E_ED3)
3.4. Learning to Coordinate: A Key Issue in Support for Minors
“…we need some guidelines, some coordination protocols between institutions because the problem is not only educational: it is a social problem, it is a labor problem (…) we need to further define this inter-institutional coordination between protection, education and, well… to regulate it more and not depend on self-initiative”.(E_ED1)
“Every day we are finding at the high schools, at the elementary schools, personnel who are more committed to helping them as well. In terms of relationships with other protection centers, we should establish a better collaboration network in order to be able to unify criteria and action guidelines, etc.”.(E_CPM6)
“Well, having a contact person, practically daily (…) So, in order to be able to work with them at the educational level, it is necessary to have constant contact and to see…talk to the children, to know that the person who is working with them is in contact with the center”.(E_ONG1)
“When we have to do something important together, for example, tomorrow… it is organized by the Service and we get together and talk a lot with the three [protection] centers, the three directors talk a lot, the technical team, the worker and the psychologist also talk a lot with their colleagues from the other centers. In other words, communication is continuous between the three centers, and with the Service. Then we also have meetings with the centers and with the guardianship units, and with the Service Head to coordinate many problems of the minors, to see how each child’s case is coming along”.(E_CPM2)
“The truth is that I do it through the counselor at the center, sometimes I have had contact with a tutor, but not usually. Normally the one who talks to the foster homes and others is the counselor of the center… well, I tell her what I want to know “look at this minor to see if you can determine what their problem is,” and she is the one who is in charge of calling them, and when I return they call me and say “I’ve contacted them, this is what is going on, don’t worry…”.(E_ED2)
“It is easy to coordinate because we see each other all day long. Well, and also, the attitude we have is one of coordination. We can see each other all day long, and not want to coordinate”.(E_ED3)
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Field | Interviewees | |
Child Protection Centres (CPM) | CPM1 | Director |
CPM2 | Director | |
CPM3 | Educator | |
CPM4 | Director | |
CPM5 | Educator | |
CPM6 | Director | |
CPM7 | Educator | |
Education/formal | ED1 | Government Delegate of Education |
ED2 | ATAL Teacher (Temporary Language Adaptation Classroom) | |
ED3 | School Councelor | |
ED4 | ATAL Teacher (Temporary Language Adaptation Classroom) | |
Social | ONG1 | Responsible for the literacy program |
ONG2 | Career Guidance | |
ONG3 | Head of the organization | |
ONG4 | Specialist | |
ONG5 | Specialist |
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Olivares-García, M.Á.; García-Segura, S.; García-Cabrera, M.d.M.; Fernández-Caminero, G.; Martínez Romero, B.M.; Arcos Aguilar, B. “My Father Put Me in a Patera So I Could Study”: Key Aspects of Socio-Educational Support for Minors Who Migrate Alone. Societies 2023, 13, 228. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc13110228
Olivares-García MÁ, García-Segura S, García-Cabrera MdM, Fernández-Caminero G, Martínez Romero BM, Arcos Aguilar B. “My Father Put Me in a Patera So I Could Study”: Key Aspects of Socio-Educational Support for Minors Who Migrate Alone. Societies. 2023; 13(11):228. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc13110228
Chicago/Turabian StyleOlivares-García, María Ángeles, Sonia García-Segura, María del Mar García-Cabrera, Gemma Fernández-Caminero, Belén María Martínez Romero, and Blanca Arcos Aguilar. 2023. "“My Father Put Me in a Patera So I Could Study”: Key Aspects of Socio-Educational Support for Minors Who Migrate Alone" Societies 13, no. 11: 228. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc13110228
APA StyleOlivares-García, M. Á., García-Segura, S., García-Cabrera, M. d. M., Fernández-Caminero, G., Martínez Romero, B. M., & Arcos Aguilar, B. (2023). “My Father Put Me in a Patera So I Could Study”: Key Aspects of Socio-Educational Support for Minors Who Migrate Alone. Societies, 13(11), 228. https://doi.org/10.3390/soc13110228