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Settings and Clinical Applications of Subthreshold Micropulse Laser Therapy: A Review

⁠Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Via Rita Levi, Montalcini 4, Pieve Emanuele, 20072 Milan, Italy
Eye Center, Humanitas Gavazzeni-Castelli, 24128 Bergamo, Italy
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia, Via Ferrata 3, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Viale Camillo Golgi 19, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13(19), 5729;
Submission received: 19 August 2024 / Revised: 3 September 2024 / Accepted: 13 September 2024 / Published: 26 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Imaging in Ophthalmology—Volume II)


Subthreshold lasers operate below the threshold of visible tissue damage, thereby preventing ophthalmoscopically visible thermal damage to the chorio-retinal layers. They could represent a safe and effective alternative and/or adjunctive procedure to conventional lasers in treating diabetic macula edema (DME), central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR), and branch retina vein occlusion (BRVO). This review focuses on the use of subthreshold micropulse laser (SMPL), its settings, and clinical applications. Despite their widespread use, a standardized protocol for sub-threshold laser settings has not been established yet, and thus, there is uncertainty in selecting effective and safe parameters for any specific situation. We conducted a comprehensive overview of the existing indications for subthreshold laser therapy and their settings for different retinal diseases. The debate revolves around which parameters could guarantee the safety of the procedure for each case, depending on the duty cycle, the laser wavelength, the spot duration, and the power, with laser power titration on one side or choosing a fixed lowered power value on the other side. SMPL therapy for DME, CSCR, and BRVO-associated macular edema has shown significant effectiveness in reducing the macular thickness, facilitating subretinal fluid absorptions, increasing the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and reducing the number of intravitreal injections (IVI) required annually. We presented a broad list of the laser parameters reported in the literature, organized into different tables divided based on the specific pathology, with the aim of providing a useful tool for future studies.

1. Introduction

Traditional retinal laser treatments work on the application of supra-threshold energy, resulting in visible retinal tissue damage and potential side effects. Subthreshold laser treatments, which operate below the threshold for ophthalmoscopically visible tissue damage, represent a precise and gentle alternative to conventional lasers [1,2]. The use of a series of short, repetitive laser pulses allows the tissue to cool down between pulses, helping to prevent thermal damage, as the inner retina remains below the threshold of coagulative damage [2]. Among different types of subthreshold laser treatments, we focused our review on the subthreshold micropulse laser (SMPL), its settings, and clinical applications.
The rationale for using a subthreshold laser over a conventional one is that the former causes limited damage to the retinal and choroidal tissues. This allows for treatment in close proximity to the foveal area, permits multiple re-treatments over time, and avoids the known side effects associated with conventional laser treatment applied to the central macular region, such as central negative scotoma, post-laser unpredictable spot enlargement, and visual field loss [3].
A debated parameter for a successful subthreshold treatment is the appropriate laser power, as no standardized protocols for SMPL have been proposed, and there is significant variability in the choice of parameters, such as laser power, titration, duty cycle (DC), and pulse duration.
This approach proves to be valuable in addressing conditions in which RPE stimulation could reduce the severity of intraretinal or subretinal fluid retention, including post-surgical inflammatory macular edema, diabetic macular edema, central serous chorioretinopathy, and retinal vascular diseases. It provides therapeutic benefits through the thermal stress response of the retina pigment epithelium (RPE) induced by the subthreshold laser treatment [4].

2. Methods

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the relevant articles available in the literature up to the end of 2023. The information used to write this paper was collected from several sources, including Medline, the references of retrieved articles, and authoritative texts, in order to present a broad perspective on the topic and to provide our recommendations. We carried out a preliminary search of the literature to select articles containing the parameters of interest for our research, such as subthreshold laser setting values and clinical outcomes, including the central macular thickness (CMT) and the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). The results of 144 articles were analyzed, through which we constructed 3 tables summarizing the inclusion criteria, the type of treatment performed, and the clinical outcomes obtained for each pathology.

3. Subthreshold Laser Therapy

Subthreshold laser (STL) photocoagulation aims to induce therapeutic effects without visible intra-retinal damage targeting the RPE selectively and minimizing the negative thermal effects on the neural retina [5,6,7]. It activates a sequence of biological reactions, including upregulation and downregulation of RPE-mediated factors, cellular responses, inflammation modulation, tissue repair, and enhanced function of intra-RPE heat-shock proteins (HSPs), including HSP70 [5,7,8,9].
To achieve a less-damaging subthreshold treatment, it is crucial to create a moderate sub-lethal thermal elevation confined to the RPE cells, controlling the thermally affected volume and factors like retinal spot size, irradiance, and laser pulse duration [5,10].
Subthreshold laser treatments encompass a spectrum of photocoagulation techniques that provide therapeutic benefits for retinal or macular diseases while avoiding damaging laser scars in the treated area [3,11] These treatments were developed to preserve the RPE while effectively treating underlying macular pathology [6,11,12].
Five distinct types of subthreshold laser techniques have been identified [2,13].
These modalities exhibit fundamental differences in their underlying mechanisms, contributing to variations in their therapeutic effects.
  • A subthreshold micropulse laser (SMPL) achieves subthreshold effects by delivering laser energy through repetitive short pulses interspersed with periods of non-firing, as opposed to a continuous wave. In an in vitro study, sublethal photothermal stimulation with SMPL demonstrated the ability to stimulate the repair of the inner blood–retinal barrier and increase the activity of RPE without causing damage to photoreceptors [11,13];
  • Endpoint management (EpM) employs a computational model of retinal photothermal damage to minimize tissue damage. The protocol adjusts the laser’s power and duration by analyzing the visible threshold, aiming to achieve subthreshold effects. It is important to consider that EPM is still a form of titration algorithm, and therefore, greater care must be taken to avoid unintentional LIRD [14];
  • Selective retina therapy (SRT) utilizes short pulses on the order of microseconds to target RPE cells while sparing surrounding tissues, restoring the function of the photoreceptors. Achieved through high-energy pulses with very short durations (<5 microseconds), SRT selectively destroys damaged RPE cells and stimulates wound healing, referred to as “retinal rejuvenation” [11];
  • A Subthreshold nanosecond Laser (SNL) employs ultra-short pulses on the order of nanoseconds to specifically target RPE cells and spare surrounding tissues. Using a green wavelength to target melanosomes, SNL’s hypothesized mechanism is akin to that of SRT. Targeted elimination of RPE through microbubble formation leads to “retinal rejuvenation”, with surrounding healthy RPE filling the lasered tissue [15,16,17,18];
  • Transpupillary Thermotherapy (TTT) is a subthreshold laser technique utilizing a long-pulse, low-irradiance, and infrared photocoagulation laser [19]. In contrast to previous techniques, TTT is applied over a large spot, ranging between 0.5 and 3.0 mm, with a pulse duration of 1 min using an 810 nm near-infrared laser to minimize damage to the nerve fiber layer [20].
We focused on the SMPL laser, as it is the one with which we have the most experience, being an integral part of our daily clinical practice. Additionally, there is extensive literature available, enabling us to conduct our review with solid data.

4. Subthreshold Micropulse Laser Therapy

Subthreshold micropulse laser (SMPL) therapy involves delivering laser energy in a pulsed manner, allowing for intermittent energy release. This approach proves valuable for addressing conditions like macular edema and retinal vascular diseases, delivering therapeutic benefits while minimizing thermal damage [3,5,10]. The primary objective of subthreshold micropulse treatment protocols is to spatially confine damaging thermal elevations, thereby minimizing collateral damage. Unlike conventional threshold photocoagulation, where the final burn size exceeds the laser spot on the retina, micropulse treatment limits both axial and lateral spread, maintaining the treated RPE area close to the laser spot size [3,5,7,10].
This less-destructive laser therapy presents a more favorable benefit-to-risk ratio, justifying earlier treatment in the disease course and enabling stabilization or improvement of less compromised visual functions [8,21].
Importantly, the therapeutic effect of subthreshold micropulse laser treatment occurs without inducing ophthalmoscopically visible thermal damage to the retina, making it particularly advantageous for treatments near the fovea [12].

4.1. Tissue Interaction

SMPL employs a train of very short pulses to deliver energy to a single spot. The total amount of energy is intentionally limited to prevent tissue damage. However, this energy is sufficient to stimulate the RPE cells efficiently [22,23].
As a result, this method positively influences retinal biological processes, offering benefits such as the reduction of inflammation and the preservation of natural homeostasis within the glial cell population [3,24].
SMPL has been demonstrated, particularly in recent human studies, to downregulate various local factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF inducers, and permeability factors [2]. Experiments conducted on animals have shown that the expression of HSPs, primarily the HSP70, after SMPL irradiation is not significantly different from the more damaging conventional laser treatments involving RPE cell damage [25]. The HSP70 upregulates the antiapoptotic protein BCL2 and prevents the formation of the caspase-dependent apoptosis complex [25].
The induction of HSPs by subthreshold stimulus confirms that destructive irradiation is not necessary to evoke a biological response in the RPE layer [26].
Moreover, the RPE cellular healing response subsequent to laser stimulus reduces the expression of genes encoding for inflammatory mediators such as NFkB and TNF-alpha [25].
In vitro models, using mouse RPE cells, have been proposed to study the effects of a subthreshold micropulse laser on the RPE. A significant study conducted by Li Z. et al. involved irradiating mouse-derived RPE cells with an A 810 nm micropulse laser, setting a 5% duty cycle and the power between 100 and 400 mW. The results showed a decrease in the mRNA expression of angiogenic stimulators (VEGF-A, TGF-B, and bFGF), while the expression of the inhibitors (PEDF) significantly increased. Regarding cell viability, the same in vitro model demonstrated that, at a power of 100 and 200 mW with a 5% duty cycle, the 810 nm laser-induced apoptosis was at 3.52% and 3.55% respectively. However, at powers of 300 and 400 mW, with the same duty cycle of 5% and the same 810 nm laser, the apoptotic rates significantly increased at 9.31% and 14.24%, respectively [21].
A recent study suggests that there is a significant reduction in the VEGF concentration after SMPL treatment at both 3 and 12 months in eyes affected by diabetic macular edema (DME) compared to the baseline, particularly in comparison to healthy eyes [24].
Moreover, the same study observed changes in the expression of proteins associated with glial cells, including glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) 4.1, in patients with di (DME) treated with SMPL [24].
GFAP, an intermediate filament protein, is prominently expressed in activated retinal Müller cells. The decrease in GFAP levels implies a potential modulation of Müller cell activity in response to SMPL treatment [27].
Kir 4.1, found in Müller cells, plays a crucial role in regulating potassium conductance and significantly influences simultaneous water transport across cellular membranes [24].
The glial cell family includes Müller cells, astrocytes (macroglia), and microglial cells, playing a dual role in maintaining the structural integrity and homeostasis of the retinal environment [28].
Activated by stress conditions, such as chronic hyperglycemia, these glial cells can undergo morphological and functional changes. In instances of activation, as seen in conditions like diabetes, microglial cells migrate from the inner to the outer retina. Subsequently, they release pro-inflammatory and vasoactive substances, including VEGF. This contributes to a local inflammatory response, leading to heightened vascular permeability [28].
It has been proposed that microglial cells in the retina can be visualized using SD-OCT as hyperreflective foci (HRF) [29].
Recently, SMPL has been shown to reduce HRF, even at a long-term follow-up of 1 year. This reduction is accompanied by improvements in various parameters, including a decrease in the area of cysts, the reorganization of inner retinal layers, and a reduction in the number of microaneurysms [30].
The concentration of GFAP has been demonstrated to decrease at 12 months after the first SMPL application in eyes with DME, indicating the normalization of Müller cell activity. Similarly, the expression of Kir 4.1, associated with Müller cells, also decreases [31].
The decreased expression of both GFAP and Kir 4.1 suggests that SMPL may contribute to reducing the concentration of inflammatory cascade proteins produced by retinal glial cells [31].

4.2. Safety

The feared complications of conventional laser treatments (CLT) historically include visual decline and the development of scotomas due to chorioretinal damage, expanding spot scars, and subretinal fibrosis. This set of events is classically referred to as laser-induced retinal damage (LIRD) [32].
In contrast, SMPL is generally considered safe, and cases of overtreatment are rarely reported. Due to the specific characteristics of the SMPL parameters discussed above, there is no evidence of photoreceptor or RPE damage following subthreshold laser therapy, as demonstrated by ophthalmoscopy and imaging techniques, including optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus autofluorescence (FAF), dye-based angiographic imaging, and biomicroscopy [2,5,7,33,34].
Additionally, in cases of insufficient or partial response, SMPL therapy may be repeated with a specific timing that varies depending on the type of pathology treated. In the case of DME, SMPL can be repeated after a minimum of 3 months from the previous treatment [35].
Ultimately SMPL treatment can be safely completed in a single session due to its safety profile and the absence of adverse effects or pain.

5. Settings of SMPL

The micro-pulsed mode of delivering energy to the retina, with specific duty cycle settings, subthreshold power settings, and spot duration, can be applied to various lasers currently available on the market that operate at different wavelengths, including 810 nm (infrared), 532 nm (green), 577 nm (yellow) and 670 nm (red) [36].
Relevant parameters for SMPL include duty cycle (DC), laser power, titration, exposure time, and spot size [2,5,7,33,34]. SMPL technology typically uses higher power compared to the power values used in conventional continuous-wave (CW) photocoagulation. However, the final irradiance is lower because it is reduced by the limited duty cycle to avoid any unintended laser-induced retinal damage (LIRD) to the RPE and neurosensory retina.
The data presented in the tables below primarily detail the parameters used for the two types of lasers, namely the infrared at 810 nm and the yellow at 577 nm, which are those frequently used in the study analyzed in this review.

5.1. Laser Power

There is uncertainty in choosing the appropriate laser power settings for SMPL therapy [37]. Various therapeutic approaches exist, including laser power titration and setting power to fixed low values.
Titration involves a gradual increase in power, typically performed on the border of the edematous retina, until a threshold value is reached [3,5,10]. Once the laser impact is barely visible as retinal whitening, 30–50% of the threshold value may be used [36]. The power is carefully titrated to ensure that the temperature in the targeted tissue remains confined to sub-lethal levels, thereby avoiding the production of any visible lesion (subvisible threshold) [3,5].
This process must be carefully executed to balance the risk of overtreatment and LIRD, which is more likely using a 577 nm wavelength laser compared to an 810 nm laser and could lead to visible burns on the retina on one hand, and undertreatment which could lead to treatment failure on the other [9,12].
However, titration is not considered a standardized procedure. First, it is challenging to determine the specific area of the retina where it should be performed, and second, there is no clear guidance on how much to reduce the laser power once the threshold value is found [36]. For these reasons, the International Retinal Laser Society (LIGHT) suggests using fixed laser parameters (the same settings in all eyes) to obtain the therapeutic effect and reduce the likelihood of unintended retinal damage [3,37].
Donati and colleagues were the first to study the morpho-functional outcomes of patients affected by mild center-involving DME treated with two different settings of yellow 577 nm SMPL, using a fixed or a variable regimen delivered with the same DC (5%) [38]. They showed that both approaches were effective in terms of visual stabilization and reduction of central retinal thickness. However, fixed SMPL (F-SMPL) treatment appeared more suitable compared to variable SMPL (V-SMPL), minimizing treatment time and reducing the possible errors associated with incorrect titration when switching from continuous to micropulse mode [38].
Given the current uncertainty in setting these parameters, prospective, large, randomized, controlled studies are necessary to further understand the effectiveness and reliability of SMPL when utilizing different parameters and treatment regimens.

5.2. Duty Cycle

The duty cycle (DC) is another important SMPL parameter that influences the amount of energy delivered to the retinal tissues and the potential for thermal damage. DC is defined as the ratio of the laser’s “on” time to its total cycle time and is expressed as a percentage. Common DCs for SMPL therapy range from 5% to 15% [5,7,33,34].
Luttrull et al. found that a DC higher than 5% with an 810 nm subthreshold laser was associated with an increased risk of retinal burn, and this risk increases further when using shorter wavelength lasers [39].
In a study conducted by Yu et al. on enucleated rabbits’ eyes, of the eyes treated using an 810 nm micropulse laser or a 532 nm micropulse laser with 5%, 10%, 20%, and 40% DC, only the 5% DC therapy caused no retinal damage [40].
Chhablani et al. described the yellow subthreshold microsecond laser as safe and effective with both 5 and 15% DCs following careful titration compared to a CW laser in DME [41]. However, even though the 15% DC setting seemed to achieve better functional outcomes and the largest decrease in volume of the subretinal fluid in CSCR, they found ophthalmoscopically visible burns in 1 out of 10 eyes treated with 15% DC [41].
Indeed, several studies described retinal burns in SMPLs performed with 10% and 15% duty cycles [3,17,22,42].

5.3. Exposure Time and Pulse Duration

In SMPL therapy, the laser energy is delivered in a micropulse fashion with alternating “on and off” periods. More specifically, a series of repeated brief laser pulses distribute laser energy within an “envelope” with a standard width of 0.1 to 0.5 s (exposure time). The duration of each individual laser pulse (pulse duration) is usually in the range of 100–300 ms. The “envelope” consists in both “off” time, which is the interval between the micropulses, and “on” time, which is the length of every micropulse. The “off” duration is crucial because it allows the cooling process between pulses. The time interval (T) is equal to the sum of the “on” and “off” time, and 1/T represents the frequency (f), i.e., the pulse per second, expressed in Hertz (Hz) [5,7].

5.4. Spot Size

Since the SMPL targets the RPE, an extensive RPE area has to be treated to improve clinical outcomes [1,36].
LIGHT suggests avoiding focal treatment and instead performing panmacular treatment with confluent laser spots between the vascular arcades, covering the edematous retina and the foveal center [37].
Spot size is still, to this day, a parameter that causes confusion, as there is a significant variability in its choice across the studies we compared in the review. For a long time, it was chosen based on personal preferences and prior experience rather than on evidence, likely due to the past uncertainty about the mechanisms and biophysics of laser action.
In treating DME with SMPL, the spot size ranged between a minimum of 100 µm to a maximum of 210 µm, with a mean value of 145 µm. Across the studies presented in Table 1, a spot size of 100 µm was used in eight studies, making it the most commonly used, spots of 200 µm were used in seven studies making this size the second most commonly used one, and lastly, spot sizes of 125 µm, 160 µm, and 210 µm were used in two studies, four studies, and one study, respectively.
In treating CSCR with SMPL, spot size ranges between a minimum of 100 µm to a maximum of 200 µm with a mean value of 144 µm. Among the studies presented in Table 2, the most commonly used spot diameter was 160 µm, with nine studies choosing it. A spot size of 100 µm was used in eight studies, making it the second most commonly used size, and lastly, sizes of 112.5 µm, 125 µm, 150 µm, and 200 µm were used in one study, five studies, one study, and six studies, respectively.
In treating BRVO with SMPL, spot size ranges between a minimum of 100 µm to a maximum of 200 µm. As reported in Table 3, authors chose to use 100 µm or 200 µm as the diameter of the spot in two studies and, lastly, 125 µm in three studies.

6. Clinical Application

SMPL is considered an alternative treatment for macular disorders associated with macular edema [7,34].
A summary of the collected data and the most commonly used settings in the literature are presented in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 for macular edema associated with DME, CSCR, and BRVO, respectively.

6.1. Diabetic Macular Edema

The efficacy of SMPL versus conventional photocoagulation or intravitreal injections in the treatment of DME has been compared in three meta-analyses.
In 2016, Chen G. et al. analyzed the results of six randomized controlled trials (RCTs) including 398 eyes. They found similar anatomical outcomes and better visual acuity in the group treated with STL therapy compared to those treated with conventional laser photocoagulation [42].
In the same year, Qiao G. et al. analyzed the results of 425 eyes from seven different studies and found that SMPL showed an equal effect on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and reduction of DME compared to conventional mETDRS protocol, inducing less retinal damage [100]. In 2017, Wu Y. et al. performed a Bayesian network meta-analysis finding that there was no significant difference in functional outcomes between SMLP and CLT. However, the most effective treatment was Ranibizumab therapy combined with CLT followed by SMLP monotherapy, Bevacizumab therapy combined with CLT, and CLT monotherapy [101].
In 2023, Tai F. et al. performed a systematic review and meta-analysis, including fourteen RCTs comprising 514 eyes treated with a conventional laser and 574 eyes treated with a subthreshold laser. No difference in functional outcomes and rates of adverse events at 12 months were found. A small reduction in central retinal thickness, which is unlikely to be clinically significant, was observed in the group treated with a conventional laser [102].
Recently, Hu X. et al. analyzed eight randomized controlled trials involving a total of 546 eyes for comparison in a meta-analysis of SMLP to CLT in the treatment of DME. They found that SMLP, compared with CLT, could have superior efficacy and safety in the improvement of BCVA, reduction of CMT, and preservation of contrast sensitivity [103].
By using angio-OCT, along with the improvement in functional and anatomical outcomes in naïve DME treated with STL, Li G. et al. studied several microvascular perfusion parameters, including vessel density, vessel length density, and fractal dimension. They found an improvement in the deep capillary plexus and choriocapillary plexus at 6 months post-STL treatment [104].
The DIAMONDS (diabetic macular edema and diode subthreshold micropulse laser) trial compared CLT with SMPL to treat diabetic macular edema suitable for a macular laser (CMT < 400 microns), finding no differences in anatomical and functional outcomes, even with a slightly higher number of laser treatments in the STL group [105]. According to the findings from these meta-analyses, SMPL could represent a valid alternative to conventional laser treatment and a solid adjuvant to an intravitreal therapy regimen for DME.
SMPL could be introduced as a first-line therapy for treating DME, in adjunction to the gold-standard IVI regimen, to stabilize the anatomical and functional outcomes and to reduce the number of injections required per year.

6.2. CSCR

Subthreshold lasers are of great interest in the treatment of CSCR due to the lack of available effective treatments and because it is a condition that affects the central region of the macula. Conventional laser treatments in this area are associated with several side effects, making subthreshold laser therapy a more attractive option.
In 2008, Lanzetta et al. described in a pilot study the efficacy of nonvisible micropulse diode laser irradiation in the treatment of CSCR, showing improved metabolic function of RPE cells and their capability to drain the subretinal fluid, which is the mechanism that could lead to the resolution of visual impairment [1].
Wu Z. et al. analyzed four RCTs and five retrospective studies with 790 eyes with chronic CSRC, finding that SML significantly improved the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) compared with PDT at 6 to 8 weeks, 6 months, and 7 to 8 months in patients with chronic CSCR [106].
Li X. et al. in a meta-analysis included eleven studies with 834 eyes, where 428 eyes underwent SML treatment and 406 eyes received other interventions. They found that the clinical efficacy of SML therapy was similar to other treatments without serious side effects [107].
Although spontaneous healing of some patients with acute CSCR, Long He et al. described that the therapy with 577 nm SML can shorten the disease course, reducing the risk of chronic transformation and improving visual acuity [67].
Zhou L. et al. compared the SML therapy with the CLT in acute CSCR, finding that 577 nm SML has the same effectiveness as 577 nm CL for improving anatomical and functional outcomes at 6 months with less damage to the retina [69].
Altınel MG et al. analyzed the optical coherence tomography parameter predictors of treatment response to a 577 nm SMLT in chronic CSRC, finding that the presence of baseline intact EZ and RPE and extrafoveal foci can potentially be used as predictors of the SML treatment success in chronic CSCR [75].
Across the studies analyzed in the review, SMPL has demonstrated a significant reduction in central macula thickness (CMT), a significant improvement in BCVA, and may reduce the recurrence of the visual impairment [69]. Due to its high safety profile, repeatability, and absence of visual side effects, SMPL could be introduced as a first-line interventional therapy for CSCR. It may be used in the initial presentation of the condition to reduce the risk of developing a chronic form and long-term visual impairment.

6.3. BRVO

Despite anti-VEGF therapies and traditional retinal laser photocoagulation being considered effective treatments for BRVO-CME, they are not without risks or side effects, and new treatment options have been proposed [94]. The application of 810 nm diode SMPL for BRVO-CME was first described in 1997 by Friberg et al., while recently, 577 nm SMPL has been reported to be effective against BRVO-CME, with a significant therapeutic effect but without visible retinal damages [99,108].
Parodi et al. compared the use of conventional laser treatment and SMPL in BRVO-CME and found that the resolution of macular edema and the visual acuity improvement were similar, but SMPL did not determine retinal biomicroscopic or angiographic visible signs [99].
Ozkurt et al. did not find a significant difference between anti-VEGF Ranibizumab and SMPL in reducing macular thickness and increasing visual acuity at 1-year follow-up, as both treatments were shown to be beneficial [95]. Terashima et al. highlighted how the combination of Ranibizumab intravitreal injection (IVI) and SMPL is not significantly different from IVI alone for improving VA and reducing macular thickness but reduces the number of IVI needed [94].
In a prospective randomized clinical trial, Parodi et al. evaluated the use of SMPL versus bevacizumab IVI in BRVO-associated macular edema resistant to traditional laser photocoagulation. At 1-year follow-up, bevacizumab IVI demonstrated significant effects on BCVA and central foveal thickness (CFT), while SMPL did not show beneficial activity [96].
In accordance with the analyzed data in the review, we conclude that SMPL should not be used as a stand-alone therapy for treating BRVO-CME, but it could be combined with the gold-standard IVI regimen, potentially enhancing the effects of anti-VEGF by further reducing the CMT and decreasing the number of IV injections required annually.

7. Conclusions

Subthreshold micropulse laser treatment has demonstrated safety and efficacy in the management of diabetic macular edema (DME), CSCR, and macular edema secondary to venous occlusion. Despite SMPL’s increasing use in clinical practice, significant variability remains in the selection of laser parameters among practitioners, highlighting ongoing challenges and a need for standardized protocols. For instance, some practitioners adjust the power in micropulse mode based on titration, often dividing the value by two, which may extend the duration and expose patients to the risk of more side effects. Other practitioners multiplied the threshold value by 0.5–4 when switching from the continuous wave to the micropulse mode. Other practitioners use fixed values that consist of the same identical settings in all eyes. Moreover, the International Retinal Laser Society (LIGHT) suggests using fixed parameters, discouraging the titration mode due to the risk of unintentional LIRD [37].
Considering this, it is clear that there is a great variability in preferences and recommendations among different authors and practitioners.
The variability in protocols highlights the critical need for a more precise and comprehensive understanding of the optimal laser parameters for SMPL treatments. This variability in treatment outcomes arises from practitioners lacking sufficient knowledge of new scientifically validated principles of safe and effective subthreshold laser treatment. Specifically, new evidence suggests that practitioners should use the 810 nm wavelength laser with a duty cycle of 5% over the 577 nm wavelength one, as it is difficult, if not impossible, to cause any LIRD with an 810 nm wavelength laser at 5% DC, while it is more likely to cause unintentional retinal damage using the 577 nm, even at a 5% DC and low power values. It is also advisable to not exceed a 5% duty cycle for macular treatments and to prefer a confluent high-density application over extensive retinal areas [9]. The lack of standardization across studies can lead to inconsistent outcomes, making it challenging for practitioners to determine the most effective approaches. This review, therefore, aims to be a significant resource for clinicians and researchers by thoroughly summarizing the types of lasers used, the specific parameters applied in various studies, and the clinical outcomes observed over time. By consolidating this diverse information, the review not only aims to enhance the learning process for practitioners but also provides a solid foundation for guiding future research. Additionally, it seeks to contribute to refining the treatment protocols. This approach is intended to support the development of standardized practices, leading to improved patient outcomes and advancing the field of SMPL treatments.


This research received no external funding.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. SMPL therapy in diabetic macular edema.
Table 1. SMPL therapy in diabetic macular edema.
First AuthorYearStudy DesignEyes (N=)Inclusion CriteriaLaser TypeSpot DiameterDuty CyclePowerSafety BCVACMTFU
(Zavorkova et al., 2023) [43]2023Prospective52DR complicated by DME577 nm MicroPulse yellow diode laser100 μm5%Continuous laser power was titrated to a barely visible burn, then switched to MicroPulse mod with power 2–3 times bigger than that measured during dosing.
(between 400 and 700 mW)
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0 70.0, SD 10.1 ETDRS

1y 72, SD 10.0 letters

5y 66.9, SD 12.1 ETDRS
Decreased (p < 0.05)
345.9 µm SD 122.6

5 years:
decreased by 89.5 µm SD 153.6
(Tatsumi et al., 2022) [44]2022Prospective51DME with central involvement
CMT ≥ 300 μm Baseline BCVA from 0.7 to 0.05
577 nm Yellow200 μm10%A test burn was made and a subthreshold power was determined by titrating the burn to be barely visible
(120–170 mW)
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)
T0: 0.478 ± 0.320 logMAR

48 w:
0.279 ± 0.222 logMAR

96 w
0.283 ± 0.273 logMAR
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 472.8 ± 136.1 µm,

344.7 ± 73.1 µm

329.0 ± 78.5 μm
(Kikushima et al., 2021) [45]2021Retrospective43Treatment-naïve DME or DME not treated within the last 4 months; CRT > 200 μm; BCVA > 0.05 577 nm Yellow

670 nm Red
210 μm 10% Power was increased until a visible mark on the retina, then reduced (120–350 mW) No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

Yellow SMPL group:
0.40 ± 0.33 LogMAR,

0.45 ± 0.35 LogMAR

Red SMPL group:
0.35 ± 0.22 LogMAR

12 m 0.33 ± 0.28 LogMar
Decreased (p < 0.05)

yellow SMPL group
449 ± 169

12 m:
389 ± 159 µm

red SMPL group
515 ± 171 µm

12 m:
415 ± 196 µm
(Donati et al., 2021) [38]2021Retrospective39Type 1 or 2 DM and HbA1c < 10%; CRT ≤ 400 mm, (BCVA) ≥ 35 letters on ETDRS chart577 nm Yellow100 μm5%Continuous laser power was titrated to a barely visible burn, then switched to MicroPulse mode, multiplying the test burn power by 4
250 mW
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

0.297 ± 0.431 LogMAR

12 m:
0.289 ± 0.473 LogMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

371.06 ± 37.8 μm

12 m:
325.60 ± 110.0 μm
(El matri et al., 2021) [46]2021Retrospective98Treatment-naïve central DME with (BCVA) ≥ 20/400, CMT ≤ 500 μm, HbA1C < 9%577 nm Yellow200 μm5%400 mWNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.692 ± 0.35 LogMAR

48 w:
0.501 ± 0.37
Decreased (p < 0.05)

479.1 ± 14.3 μm

48 w:
289.6 ± 15 μm
(Passos et al., 2021) [47]2021Retrospective56Type I or II DM; center-involving DME; BCVA ≤ 20/40; 577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Power titrated to the thermal threshold, in an area of non-edematous retina, then reduced by 50%.No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.59 ± 0.32 LogMAR

14 w:
0.43 ± 0.25
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)14
(Citirik, 2021) [48]2021Retrospective70Diabetic patients with recurrent macular edema previously treated with 3 or 4 monthly consecutive intravitreal Ranibizumab injections.577 nm Yellow200 μm-Retinal burn power was titrated from 100 mW upward until a burn became visible., then reduced to 30%. No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.54 ± 0.05

(Group1)2 w:
0.39 ± 0.06
Decreased (p < 0.05)

272.48 ± 39.45 μm

229.64 ± 38.68 μm
(Frizziero et al., 2021) [49]2021Retrospective134Type 1 or 2 DM with HbA1C < 8%; DME previously untreated with CRT ≤ 400 μm 577 nm Yellow100 μm5%250 mW No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

Baseline 77.3 ± 4.5 ETDRS

79.4 ± 4.4
Decreased (p < 0.05)

Baseline 327.2 ± 45.8 μm

324.9 ± 27.2
16.6 ± 6.5
(Lai et al., 2021) [50]2021Retrospective164Patients with type 1 or 2 DM; CMT > 300 μm; BCVA between 20/30 and 20/400 577 nm Yellow200 μm5%400 mWNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

visual acuity change from baseline at 6 months:
0.077 ± 0.237

visual acuity change from baseline at 24 months:
0.132 ± 0.280
Decreased (p < 0.05)

Central macular thickness change from baseline at 6 months:
μm 44.5 ± 81.1

Central macular thickness change from baseline at 24 months:

μm 112.1 ± 100.5
(Filloy et al., 2020) [51]2020Retrospective23OCT-confirmed CI-DME; patients asymptomatic with BCVA ≥ 20/32 577 nm Yellow160 μm5%1/3 of the minimum power whitened the retina in the macular periphery. No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)Decreased (p < 0.05)

mean reduction of 16.9 μm at 12 w

mean reduction of 22 μm at the end of the follow-up
Up to 18
(Vujosevic et al., 2020) [52]2020Prospective37No previous treatment for DME; CMT ≤ 400 μm; BCVA ≥ 78 letters (ETDRS) score, or BCVA < 78 letters ETDRS score who refused or had contraindications for Anti-VEGF intravitreal injection treatment.577 nm Yellow100 μm5%250 mWNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

69.4 ± 12.0 ETDRS letters

12 m:
76.0 ± 9.1 ETDRS letters
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

304.95 ± 50.69 μm

12 m:
294.49 ± 39.8 μm
(Kanar et al., 2020) [53]2020Prospective28Type 2 DM with DME center involving; BCVA from 0.2 to 0.9 (Snellen); CMT ≥ 300 μm; no ischemic maculopathy on FA577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Laser Power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then reduced by 50%.No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.40 ± 0.09 LogMAR

12 m:
0.17 ± 0.06 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

466.07 ± 71.79 µm

12 m:
312.0 ± 39.29 µm
(Citirik, 2019) [54]2019Prospective80Recurrent DME, defined as CFT > 250 μm, previously treated with Ranibizumab577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then reduced by 50%.No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

(Group 1) baseline
0.52 ± 0.05 LogMAR

(Group 1)
2 months follow-up
0.38 ± 0.04 LogMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

(Group 1) baseline 276.00 ± 22.44 µm

(Group 1)
2 months follow-up
238.57 ± 25.87 µm
(Hamada et al., 2018) [14]2018Prospective10Type 2 diabetes with macular edema involving the fovea, active leakage on FA, CMT ≥ 300 μm; BCVA 0.3–1.0 logMAR; contraindication for direct microaneurysm photocoagulation ≥ 12 weeks577 nm Yellow200 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then reduced by 50%.No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)Decreased (p < 0.05)

mean 499.0 μm

6 M
mean 337.6 μm
(Moisseiev et al., 2018) [55]2018Retrospective38Patients treated for central DME with anti-VEGF injections and/or micropulse laser; no more than 3 prior intravitreal injections of Ranibizumab, last injection > 2 months before577 nm Yellow100 μm5%400 mWNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.29 ± 0.12 logMAR

12 m:
to 0.24 ± 0.17 logMAR
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)
316.8 ± 91.5 µm

12 m:
282.6 ± 59.1 µm
(Latalska et al., 2017) [56]2017Prospective75Diabetic patients qualified for micropulse laser if they did not agree to start or continue anti-VEGF treatment for DME.577 nm Yellow100 μm5%Power titrated to the thermal threshold, then laser switched into micropulse mode and power doubledNo side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

baseline median BCVA: 0.20 ± 0.27

6 months median BCVA: 0.30 ± 0.37
Decreased (p < 0.05)

Baseline median CMT: 500 ± 205 µm

6 months median CMT:
346 ± 153 µm
(Elhamid, 2017) [57]2017Prospective20DME CMT ≥ 300 um; BCVA 0.1–0.8. Persistent DME after ≥3 IVI of anti-VEGF with last injection performed at least 3 months before potential Ozurdex injection577 nm Yellow200 μm5%400 mW No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.45± 0.14

12 m
0.59 ± 0.14
Decreased (p < 0.05)

420.7 ± 38.74 µm

12 m:
285.2 ± 14.99 µm
(Vujosevic et al., 2015) [58]2015Prospective53Type 1 or 2 DM and an HbA1C ≤ 10%, previously untreated center-involving macular edema with CMT up to 400 µm

BCVA of at least 35 letters on the modified ETDRS chart
577 nm yellow light laser

810 nm diode laser
100 µm

125 µm

250 mW

750 mW
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

79.7 ± 6.1
ETDRS Letters

6 m:
78.7 ± 7.4
ETDRS Letters
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

357.8 ± 46.1 µm

6 m:
339.9 ± 55.7 µm
(Inagaki et al., 2015) [59]2015Prospective53Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy or proliferative diabetic retinopathy with clinically significant macular edema (ETDRS criteria) involving either the center of the macular region or a border involving the foveal avascular zone. Diffuse dye leakage confirmed at FFA810 nm MP laser

577 nm MP laser
200 µm15%Power titrated to the thermal threshold, then laser switched into micropulse mode and employed by 60%

Mean energy

954.9 mW (500–2000 mW) in the 810 MP group

204.1 mW (180–400 mW) in the 577 nm MP group
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

Baseline BCVA

Infrared: 0.594 (SD 0.414)
0.305 (SD 0.309)

12 months follow-up mean BCVA

0.594 Logmar
0.275 Logmar
Decreased (p < 0.05)

Baseline CMT

488.2 µm (SD 175.8)
Yellow 416.9 µm (SD 112.9)

12 months follow-up mean CMT

361.8 µm
Yellow 335.2 µm
(Kwon et al., 2014) [60]2014Retrospective14DM with recent history of visual deterioration; Cystic macular lesion on OCT and/or CMT > 260 μm.577 nm Yellow100 μm15%Power titrated to the thermal threshold, then laser switched into micropulse mode

100–180 mW
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.51 ± 0.42 LogMAR

Final follow-up
0.40 ± 0.35 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

385.0 ± 111.0 μm

Final follow-up
327.0 ± 87.7 μm
7.9 ± 1.6
(Figueira et al., 2009) [61]2009Prospective 84Type 2 diabetic patients with CSMO (as defined by ETDRS study)810 nm infrared diode laser125 µm15%Power to achieve the visible laser burn doubledLaser scars in 6/43 eyes treated No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

78.4 (SD 8.1) ETDRS letters

12 months:
75.0 (SD 13.7) ETDRS letters
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

Baseline:248.9 (SD 58.7) mm)

12 months: increase in CMT of 41.9 (SD 103.8)
(Laursen et al., 2004) [62]2004Prospective 23Type I or type II DM
Clinically significant macular edema
HbA1c ≤ 10.0
Blood pressure (160/100 mm Hg
Subthreshold micropulse diode laser (814 nm)125 µm-Power was initially adjusted upward to the minimum threshold value for a barely visible burn, then reduced to 50%No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) Decreased (p < 0.05) 6.5
Table 2. SMPL therapy in CSCR.
Table 2. SMPL therapy in CSCR.
First AuthorYearStudy DesignEyes (N=)Inclusion CriteriaLaser TypeSpot DiameterDuty CyclePowerSafetyBCVACMTFU
(Enrìquez-Fuentes et al., 2023) [63]2023Prospective149chronic CSCR with SRF > 4 months. 577 nm Yellow150 μm 5%
400 mWHyperplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium (HRPE)Improved (p < 0.05) in 144 eyes; decreased (p < 0.05) in 5 HRPE eyes-2
(Lee et al., 2023) [64]2023Retrospective31SRF involving the fovea ≥ 3 months on OCT scans; FU ≥ 6 months; 577 nm Yellow200 μm-Laser Power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced to 30%.No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.31 ± 0.29 logMAR

6 m: 0.31 ± 0.40 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 350.7 ± 112.76 µm

6 m: 239.71 ± 130.25 µm
(Zeng et al., 2022) [65]2022Retrospective18Symptoms of CSC ≤ 3 months or less;
SRF involving the fovea
810 nm diode laser 125 μm15%Laser Power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then switched to micropulse mode and power reducedNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 63.67 ± 9.79 (ETDRS)

12 m: 75.28 ± 12.58 (ETDRS)
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 427.28 ± 52.23 μm

12 m: 243.67 ± 39.46 μm
(Kiraly et al., 2022) [66]2022Prospective31CSC < 3 months onset;
no other retinal diseases
577 nm Yellow-5%250 mWNo side effects-Decreased (p < 0.05)
(Long et al., 2022) [67]2022Retrospective34CSC < 3 months, not previously treated;
no other concomitant retinal disease
577 nm Yellow200 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then obtained as a quadruple of the titration energyNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 0.48 ± 0.20 logMAR

6 m: 0.01 ± 0.06 lofMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 485.38 ± 151.44 µm

6 m: 291.38 ± 26.46 µm
(Chhablani et al., 2021) [68]2021Retrospective101Chronic or recurrent leakage in CSC (symptoms > 3 months) treated
with micropulse laser and follow up ≥5 months after treatment.
577 nm Yellow100–200 μmVariable
Variable (170–866 mW)No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 0.35 ± 0.3 lgoMAR

10 m: 0.27 ± 0.31 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 325 ± 130 µm

10 m: 255 ± 115 µm

10 (Range 5–36)
(Zhou et al., 2021) [69]2021Prospective55CSC symptoms ≥ 4 weeks, leakage ≥ 300 μm away from fovea on FA; choroidal vessels dilatated on ICGA; SRF involving the fovea on OCT 577 nm Yellow100 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced by 50%No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 0.32 ± 0.21 logMAR

6 m: 0.00 ± 0.10 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 474 ± 154 µm

6 m: 221 ± 74.4 µm
(Altinel et al., 2021) [70]2021Retrospective52CSC with SRF involving macula center ≥ 6 months; at least 6 months of follow up; diffuse leakage on FA with corresponding hyperfluorescence on ICGA577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced by 50%No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)Decreased (p < 0.05)8.42 ± 3.34
(Schworm et al., 2021) [71]2021Prospective42CSC, visual acuity score ≥ 35 on ETDRS charts.
SRF ≥ 4 months, mottling of the RPE on OCT, active leakage on FA, and hyperflurescence on ICG
577 nm Yellow200 μm-Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced to 30%.No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 79.7 ± 12.9 (ETDRS)

6 m: improved by 4.9 ± 8.6 ETDRS letters
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 398 ± 135 µm

6 m: 291 ± 68 µm
(Uzlu et al., 2021) [72]2021Retrospective20Evidence of CSC on OCT; leakage at the RPE level on FA577 nm Yellow100 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced by 50%.

160–200 mW
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 0.24 ± 0.28 logMAR

6 m: 0.18 ± 0.27 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 308.10 ± 95.25 µm

6 m: 203.88 ± 72.79 µm
(Prasuhn et al., 2021) [73]2021Prospective27CSC with SRF involving the macula on OCT and persistent SRF ≥ 3 months. Evidence of leakage on FA. 577 nm Yellow200 μm10%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced by 40–50%.No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.4 logMAR (range 0.1–0.14)

4 w: 0.3 logMAR (range 0.1–0.5)
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 306 µm (range 254–389)

4 w: 266 µm (range 236–324)
(Işik et al., 2020) [74]2020Retrospective58Symptomatic CSC ≥ 3 months; SRF involving the fovea as shown on OCT577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced by 50%.No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: median BCVA 0.22 logMAR

Final median BCVA: 0.0 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 438 μm (mean: 455 μm)

Final median CMT: 220 μm (mean: 243 μm)
11.4 ± 8.5
(Guzin Altinel et al., n.d.) [75]2020Retrospective39CSC with SRF on the macula center ≥ 4 months; ≥6 months of follow-up; leakage area or irregular RPE defects on FA. 577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced by 50%.No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.26 ± SD 0.24

0.25 ± SD 0.27
Decreased (p < 0.05) in remission group. Stable in failure group.

(Remission) Baseline: 330.43 ± 105.48

(Remission) 12 Months
220.17 ± 72.37
(Zhou et al., 2019) [76]2019Prospective54CSC duration < 6 months; no previous treatment for CSC 577 nm Yellow100 μm5%Power titration started at 600 mW and increased until a visible burn. When this threshold was reached, the power was reduced by 50% or 25%.

400–600 mW (50%)
200–300 mW (25%)
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

50% power group:
baseline BCVA 0.34 ± 0.20 LogMAR

End BCVA 0.02 ± 0.13 LogMAR

25% power group:
Baseline BCVA
0.27 ± 0.15 LogMAR

End BCVA 0.14 ± 0.21 LogMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

50% power group: Baseline CMT 491.6 ± 154.8 μm

228.2 ± 88.1 μm at 3 months

25% power group
baseline CMT 444.9 ± 164.1 μm

End CMT 254.5 ± 101.7 μm at 3 month
(Gawęcki et al., 2019) [77]2019Retrospective32Symptomatic CSC ≤ 6 months; subfoveal SRF on OCT577 nm Yellow160 μm5%250 mWNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.37 ± 0.22 logMAR

6 m
0.22 ± 0.20 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

± 89.59 μm

6 m:
262.47 ± 57.74 μm
(Kim et al., 2019) [78]2019Retrospective27Symptomatic CSC ≥ 3 months; Recurrent CSC and a history of chronic CSC; previous SMYL treatment for CSC; ≥3 years of
follow-up data.
577 nm Yellow100 μm15%200–400 mWNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.26 ± 0.24 LogMAR

0.08 ± 0.15 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

389.6 ± 103.4 μm

196.4 ± 40.2 μm
3.7 years ± 0.8
(Gawęcki et al., 2017) [79]2017Retrospective51Chronic CSCR, visual symptoms ≥ 4 months; no previous retinal laser treatments; absence of CNV577 nm Yellow160 μm5%250 mW No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)Decreased (p < 0.05)

301.0 ± 32.1 μm

T 2 m:
286.9 ± 21.3 μm
(Ambiya et al., 2016) [80]2016Prospective10Vision loss > 3 months due to persistent CSC diagnosed by the presence of SRF at the fovea and verified by SD-OCT; focal subfoveal leak on FFA577 nm yellow laser100 µm5% Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced to 30%

120–280 mW
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

73.3 ± 16.1 letters

6 m:
76.9 ± 13.0 letters (p = 0.59)
Decreased (p < 0.05)

298 ± 128.58 μm

6 m:
214.9 ± 90.10 μm
(Özmert et al., 2016) [81]2016Retrospective 33CSC with SRF involving the fovea > 6 months; leakage and/or RPE changes on baseline FA; no prior micropulse laser or PDT therapies. 577 nm yellow laser160 µm5%Initially increased upward to the minimum threshold value to cause a barely visible burn on micropulse mode, then reduced by 50%No side effectsIncreased

67.3 ± 14.2 ETDRS letters

12 months: 71.5 ± 21.4 ETDRS letters in the SMYL group
Decreased (p < 0.05)

287.3 ± 126 μm

12 months:
138.0 ± 40 µm in the SMYL group
(Scholz et al., 2016) [82]2016Retrospective 100Persistent SRF owing to cCSC ≥ 6 weeks who were treated with the 577 nm SML or half-dose PDT 577 nm laser160 μm5%Started at 700 mW, then increased stepwise until a just-visible burn appeared and reduced by 50%No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

0.39 ± 0.24 LogMAR

6 w:
0.31 ± 0.27 LogMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

445 ± 153 μm

6 w:
297 ± 95 μm
6 weeks-
(Breukink et al., 2016) [83]2016Prospective

(prospective treatment protocol consisting of half-dose PDT as a primary treatment in chronic CSC, followed by HSML in nonresponders to two half-dose PDT treatments)
59Chronic symptomatic CSC with active leakage of fluid under the retina at SD-OCT, ICGA, or/and FA810 nm diode laser125 µm5%A laser test spot of 1800 mW was first applied. If retinal discoloration was seen at a power of 1800 mW, power was reduced with steps of 300 mW until there was no visible reactionNo side effectsImprovement of BCVA was highest after the first half-dose PDT treatment

0.28 logMAR at baseline to 0.16 logMAR at final follow-up
Decrease of CMT was highest after the first half-dose PDT treatment6Patients treated with HSML (n = 10) had previously received 3 mg/m2 verteporfin (half-dose) intravenously twice
(Elhamid et al., 2015) [84]2015Prospective15CSC > 3 months confirmed by FFA and OCT577 nm laser 200 μm10%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then switched to micropulse mode and power tripled

318 ± 70.63 mW
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.67 ± 0.097 Snellen

6 m:
0.85 ± 0.097 Snellen
Decreased (p < 0.05)

389.6 ± 46.4 µm

6 m:
263.6 ± 24 µm
6 -
(Scholz et al., 2015) [85]2015Retrospective38Chronic CSC defined by serous SRF on SD-OCT, leakage on FA, and hyperfluorescence on ICG

PDT whose treatment ≥3 months prior to SML
577 nm laser160 µm5%Started at 700 mW and then gradually increased until a just-visible burn was seen, then reduced by 50%No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.36 (SD ± 0.24)

6 w
0.33 ±

3 m
0.27 ± 0.26

6 m
0.29 ± 0.19

T 5.0 ± 3.7 months
0.30 ± 0.25
Decreased (p < 0.05)

402 (SD ± 139

6 w
309 ± 86 μm

3 m
263 ± 57 μm

6 m
276 ± 46 μm

T 5.0 ± 3.7 months
287 ± 75 μm
(Yadav et al., 2015) [86]2015Case series15Patients with idiopathic serous macular detachment on OCT; Leakage at RPE level on FFA or ICGA. 577 nm yellow laser100 µm10%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced to 50%

from 70 to 200 mW
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

20/40 (20/20–20/400)

T average of 8 weeks (range 4–19 weeks)
Decreased (p < 0.05)

decrease in fluid height was 79%
2 (range 4–19 weeks)-
(Kim et al., 2015) [87]2015Retrospective 10Symptomatic CSC ≥6; recurrent CSC

Patients who had received SMYLP for CSC treatment.
577 nm yellow laser system100 µm15%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then reduced to 50%

250–350 mW
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.21 ± 0.21

3 m
0.055 ± 0.093 logMAR

final follow-up
0.035 ± 0.063 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

349.2 ± 53.2 μm

3 m
250.7 ± 28.8 μm

final follow-up
261.2 ± 38.31 μm
(range 3–18 months)
(Malik et al., n.d.) [88]2015Retrospective 11 (10 patients)Diagnosis of CSCR treated with an 810-nm STMP laser
Symptomatic CSCR ≥ 3 months
810 nm MicroPulse laser-5%7 patients
950 mW

1 patient
750 mW

1 patient
900 mW

1 patient
1000 mW
No side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

39.2 letters (SD 15.1)

2–12 m
45.5 letters (sd 12)
Decreased (p < 0.05)

414 mm (standard deviation = 137.0 mm)

2–12 m
316.2 mm
(standard deviation = 96.5)
(Scholz et al., 2015) [85]2015Retrospective38Serous SRF on SD-OCT, leakage on FA with equivalent hyperfluorescence on ICGA. SRF ≥ 6 weeks

Patients treated with PDT whose treatment ≥ 3 months prior to SML.
577 nm Yellow160 μm5%Power titration started at 700 mW and increased until a visible burn. When this threshold was reached, the power was reduced by 50%.No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

0.36 (SD ± 0.24)

6 w
0.33 ±

3 m
0.27 ± 0.26

6 m
0.29 ± 0.19

T 5.0 ± 3.7 months
0.30 ± 0.25
Decreased (p < 0.05)

402 (SD ± 139

6 w
309 ± 86 μm

3 m
263 ± 57 μm

6 m
276 ± 46 μm

T 5.0 ± 3.7 months
287 ± 75 μm
5 ± 3.7
(Roisman et al., 2013) [89]2013Prospective 15CSC lasting more than 6 months810 nm diode micropulse laser 125 µm15%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient; laser power was then increased by 1.2 × threshold

444 mW (range: 300 to 660 mW)
No side effectsIncreased

35.4 letters (20/49
Snellen equivalent)
± 11.6

3 m
47.9 letters (20/27
Snellen) ± 8.0

6 m
50.0 (20/25
Snellen) ± 6.8
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

419.6 ± 111.8 mm

3 m
265.4 ± 98.1 mm

6 m
247.2 ± 105.4 mm
(Koss et al., 2012) [90]2012Prospective 52Diagnosis of CSC with no more than two ALSs on FA810 nm infrared diode laser125 µm15%Once the threshold CW power was determined, the laser was switched from CW into the MicroPulse emission mode, and power was doubled No side effectsIncreased

45.4 ± 7.2

6 w
47.8 ± 6.8

6 w
50.5 ± 7.3

10 m
51.6 ± 7.0
Decreased (p < 0.05)

419 ± 59 mm

6 w
387 ± 94 mm

6 m
329 ± 69 mm

10 m
325 ± 93 mm
(Ricci et al., 2009) [91]2009Prospective 7Idiopathic chronic CSC810 nm infrared diode laser112.5 μm10%A test burn was performed either in the nasal mid periphery or on a peripheral active leakage site when present to ensure that no visible or latent retinal burn

500 mW power
No side effectsIncreased Increased

mean VA
improvement at the 12-month follow-up visit was 0.19
from 6 to 12 months
(Chen et al., 2008) [92]2008Prospective26CSC ≥ 4 months, with juxtafoveal leakage on FA.

Group 1: point source leakage but without associated RPE atrophy.
Group 2: point source leakage and associated RPE atrophy.
Group 3: diffuse RPE decompensation without definite point source leakage
810 nm diode laser 125 μm15%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then switched to micropulse mode
534.65 ± 179.97 mW
No side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

from 0.348 ± 0.228 to
0.124 ± 0.178 after
Decreased (p < 0.05)

Mean foveal thickness improved
from 340.50 ± 95.34 mm before surgery to 160.53 ± 73.51 mm after
9.5 ± 2.6
(Lanzetta et al., n.d.) [1]2008Prospective 24Diagnosis of CSC was based on clinical and angiographic patternsMicropulse diode infrared laser200 µm15%Laser power titrated to the retinal thermal threshold for each patient, then switched to micropulse mode with power from 1 to 2 W (mean, 1.35 W)No side effectsIncreased

20/32 (range 20/100–20/20)

T final follow-up
20/25 (range 20/200–20/20)
Decreased (p < 0.05)

328 µm

197 µm

T final follow-up
168 µm
14 (range, 3–36 months)
Table 3. SMPL therapy in BRVO-associated edema.
Table 3. SMPL therapy in BRVO-associated edema.
First AuthorYearStudy DesignEyes
Inclusion CriteriaLaser TypeSpot DiameterDuty CyclePowerSafety BCVACMTFU
(Feng et al., 2023) [93]2023Prospective94BRVO with history of ≥3 intravitreal Ranibizumab injections CMT > 250 µm; FFA showing no signs of ischemia577 nm yellow laser200 μm5%Continuous-wave mode after titrating for each eyeNo side effects Improved (p < 0.05)

T0: 0.76 ± 0.18

6 m: 0.43 ± 0.11 logMAR

12 m: 0.30 ± 0.10
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 490.53 ± 109.27

6 m: 267.56 ± 30.69

12 m: 263.84 ± 33.955
(Terashima et al., 2019) [94]2019Retrospective 46BCVA from 20/400 to 20/25 (Snellen); CRT > 250 μm 577 nm yellow laser100 μm15%Power titrated from 80 mW upward until a burn became visible, then from the continuous wave to the micropulse modeNo side effectsImproved (p < 0.05)

T0: 0.45 ± 0.24 logMAR

6 m: 0.11 ± 0.15 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 515 ± 172 μm

6 m: 296 ± 98 μm
6Combination therapy with IVI Ranibizumab + SMPL
(Buyru Özkurt et al., 2018) [95]2018Retrospective 51BRVO ≥ 3 months CMT ≥ 250 μm; BCVA was between 0.22 and 1 (LogMAR), 577 nm yellow laser100 μm10%Power titrated upward until a burn became visible, then from the continuous wave to the micropulse modeNo side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

Improved (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.5 ± 0.18 logMAR

6 m: 0.28 ± 0.1 logMAR

12 m: 0.33 ± 0.11 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 495.83 ± 97.74 μm

6 m: 296.5 ± 52.09 μm

12 m: 317.17 ± 37.42 μm
(Parodi et al., 2015) [96]2015Prospective35Previous conventional grid laser photocoagulation with documented resolution of ME and subsequent recurrence of ME; BCVA between 20/400 and 20/40
CFT ≥ 250 μm
infrared diode laser125 μm15%Power titrated upward until a burn became visible, then continuous wave to the micropulse modeNo side effectsNo statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.92 +/− 0.31 LogMAR

12 m: 0.99 +/− 0.2 LogMAR
No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 485.5 +/− 87 μm

12 m: 445 μm
(Inagaki et al., 2014) [97]2014Case series32BRVO with CMT < 600 μm810 nm diode laser200 μm15%The lowest energy required to make a visible burn, then used at 60%–90% of that energy level in micropulse mode

In 13 eyes 878.46 ± 215.05 mW (750 mW to 1500 mW)

In 19 eyes 933.68 ± 417.81 mW (360 mW to 2000 mW)
No side effectsImproved
(p < 0.05)

T0: 0.34 logMAR

12 m: 0.29 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 390.16 ± 94.95 μm

12 m: 312.28 ± 104.90 μm
12All patients completed 3 months of follow-up, after which additional SMDLP was performed in 11 eyes
(Parodi et al., 2008) [98]2008Prospective 24BRVO occurring 3–18 months earlier;
perfused macular edema involving the fovea; BCVA 20/40 or poorer
Infrared diode laser125 µm15%Power was determined by means of a single test burn which brought about a ‘‘medium’’ white burn in continuous waveNo side effects No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.76 ± 0.34 logMAR

12 m: 0.65 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 429 μm

12 m: 278 μm
(Parodi et al., 2006) [99]2006Prospective 36BRVO occurring 3 to 18 months earlier; macular edema involving the fovea; BCVA 20/40 or poorerinfrared diode laser125 µm10%Power was determined by means of a single test burn which brought about a ‘‘medium’’ white burn in continuous wave

1401.7 ± 171.8 mW (range, 1130–1850)
No side effects Increased

No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)

T0: 0.7 logMAR

12 m 0.49 logMAR
Decreased (p < 0.05)

Decreased (p < 0.05)

T0: 80 ± 70.7 μm

12 m: 217 ± 50.5 μm
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sorrentino, T.; Allegrini, D.; De Rosa, G.; Santoru, F.; Crepaldi, L.; Feo, A.; Zanellati, G.; Marconi, S.; Auricchio, F.; Romano, M.R. Settings and Clinical Applications of Subthreshold Micropulse Laser Therapy: A Review. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 5729.

AMA Style

Sorrentino T, Allegrini D, De Rosa G, Santoru F, Crepaldi L, Feo A, Zanellati G, Marconi S, Auricchio F, Romano MR. Settings and Clinical Applications of Subthreshold Micropulse Laser Therapy: A Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024; 13(19):5729.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sorrentino, Tania, Davide Allegrini, Giacomo De Rosa, Francesco Santoru, Lorenzo Crepaldi, Alessandro Feo, Giacomo Zanellati, Stefania Marconi, Ferdinando Auricchio, and Mario R. Romano. 2024. "Settings and Clinical Applications of Subthreshold Micropulse Laser Therapy: A Review" Journal of Clinical Medicine 13, no. 19: 5729.

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