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Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of an Underwater Glider with Dual-Eccentric Attitude Regulating Mechanism Using Dual Quaternions

Key Laboratory Mechanism Theory and Equipment Design of Ministry of Education, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China
The Joint Laboratory of Ocean Observing and Detection, Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao), Qingdao 266237, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11(1), 5;
Submission received: 19 October 2022 / Revised: 13 December 2022 / Accepted: 15 December 2022 / Published: 20 December 2022
(This article belongs to the Section Ocean Engineering)


The underwater glider has difficulty accessing the complex and narrow hadal trench for observation, which is affected by its limited regulation capability of pitch angle (−45°~45°). In this study, a compact attitude regulating mechanism is proposed to extend the regulation range of pitch angle from −90°to 90° and to install it on the hadal-class underwater glider Petrel-XPLUS. Subsequently, the dynamics model of Petrel-XPLUS is established using dual quaternions to solve the “gimbal lock” problem caused by the increased pitch angle range. Within the extended pitch range, the motion modes of the glider are enriched into long-range, virtual mooring, and Lagrangian float modes for long-range, small-area, and current-following observation missions, respectively, and are analyzed using the established dynamics model. Moreover, a ballast method was used to modify the pitch angle range and initial equilibrium state of a constructed underwater glider. Finally, Petrel-XPLUS achieved a pitch angle regulation range of −90°~90° in a water pool experiment and completed three consecutive profiles in a sea trial in the Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench, with all depths over 10,000 m, of which the maximum depth was 10,619 m. The proposed mechanism and methods can also be applied to other submersibles to facilitate ocean observations.

1. Introduction

As the deepest and most inaccessible area of the ocean, the hadal trenches remain a mystery to date. The hadal class submersibles are mainly human-operated vehicles [1,2], unmanned underwater vehicles with cables [3,4], and landers [5] on the seabed, which have provided valuable observation data for hadal science. However, with the development of hadal science, it is considered necessary to develop new platforms for long-term and extensive observations in hadal trenches to improve the current situation of lacking and fragmented available observation data [6]. Underwater gliders, with their advantages of low cost, long range, long endurance and independence, are considered to be possibly one of the viable methods for effective data sampling to the extensive measurements of the abyss [7]. Currently, some studies [8,9,10] have attempted to extend the application of underwater gliders to hadal trenches, yet their observation depths are still insufficient to cover the hadal zones. The funnel-shaped and narrow terrain of hadal trenches [11] poses great challenges to the glider for effective access, which requires the glider to provide more optional sailing trajectories.
The attitude regulating mechanism (ARM) controls the horizontal distance of an underwater glider at a target dive depth by changing the pitch angle and adjusts the heading direction by changing the roll angle, which further controls the actual sailing trajectory in the ocean. There are currently three typical legacy ARMs: (1) the pitch and roll angle are regulated by the movement and rotation of an eccentric battery pack along the glider’s longitudinal axis, respectively [8,12,13,14,15]; (2) the pitch and roll angle are regulated by the movement of one battery pack and the rotation of the other battery pack, respectively [16]; (3) the pitch and heading angle are regulated by the movement of an eccentric battery pack and vertical rudder, respectively [17]. However, the regulation of pitch angle in the above mechanisms are all achieved by moving an eccentric battery pack along the longitudinal axis, resulting in a typical range of −45°~45° due to the space restraints of the pressure housing. This regulation range imposes limitations on the glider’s trajectory, which need to be eliminated by a compact mechanism design that extends the pitch angle range from −90° to 90°. Currently, Zhu et al. [18] designed a new type of ARM with multiple degrees of freedom to realize the vertical motion of an underwater glider with two eccentric battery packs. However, there is an overlap of the working space when the two battery packs rotate independently, thus, adversely affecting the roll angle regulation. Cao et al. [19] designed a special ARM that can convert an underwater glider with a sawtooth motion to an ARGO float with a vertical motion. However, the regulation range of pitch angle by the mechanism is not continuous in the range of −90°~90°. Therefore, it is necessary to design a new ARM to achieve continuous regulation of the pitch angle in the range of −90°~90°.
Moreover, many studies have been conducted on the dynamics modeling of underwater gliders using the Newton–Euler method [20], Kane’s method [21], Lagrange’s equation [22], the Gibbs–Appell equation [23], or differential geometry [24]. Furthermore, based on the established models, research on underwater glider performance analysis and optimization [10,25,26], parameter identification [27,28], motion control [29,30], path planning [31,32], and formation [33,34] have been carried out. These studies have contributed to the development of underwater gliders in ocean observations, which hold promise for their integration into the Global Ocean Observing System [35]. In the above models, Euler angles are usually used to describe the attitude of underwater gliders. It is intuitive and reasonable because the pitch angle of a legacy glider is usually in the range of −45°~45°. However, after pitch angle is extended to −90°~90°, the “gimbal lock” problem occurs when the pitch angle is equal to ±90°.
In this study, a compact dual-eccentric attitude regulating mechanism (DARM) is developed to increase the regulation range of the pitch angle. The mechanism has two battery packs with equal mass and eccentric distance and regulates pitch angle by the forward and backward movement of the two battery packs as a whole and further enhances the regulation of the pitch angle by the equal angle reverse rotation of the two battery packs. DARM is mounted on Petrel-XPLUS, a hadal-class underwater glider for large spatial–temporal monitoring in hadal trenches. There are four advantages of DARM: (1) the pitch angle of an underwater glider can be regulated in the continuous range of −90°~90°; (2) the mechanism can directly replace the ARM of a legacy glider without additional installation space; (3) it retains the pitch angle regulation pattern by the ARM in a legacy glider; (4) the motion modes of the underwater glider are enriched into a long-range mode (LR mode), virtual mooring mode (VM mode), and Lagrangian float mode (LF mode).
Dual quaternions can avoid the “gimbal lock” problem in describing the pose of a rigid body and are more computationally efficient owing to the avoidance of trigonometric calculations. They also have more compact and uniform forms than the way to model the dynamics of underwater gliders by the attitude representation with quaternions [36]. Therefore, dual quaternions are used to describe the pose of Petrel-XPLUS in establishing its dynamics model. Based on the established model, the performances of Petrel-XPLUS in the three typical motion modes were further analyzed. Moreover, the influence of ballast mass and mounting position on the regulation range of the pitch angle is analyzed based on a ballast method, which provides guidance for the modification of the pitch angle regulation range and the calibration of the initial equilibrium state. Finally, a water pool experiment verified the pitch angle regulation capability of DARM, and a sea trial of Petrel-XPLUS proved the validity of the dynamics model by comparing the sea trial navigation data with the simulation data.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 analyzes the limitations of the ARM in legacy gliders and introduces the design and operation processes of DARM. Section 3 establishes the dynamics model of Petrel-XPLUS using dual quaternions. Section 4 introduces the simulation analysis of Petrel-XPLUS in the three typical motion modes based on the established model. Section 5 analyzes the effects of ballast mass and mounting position on the pitch angle regulation range and the initial equilibrium state based on a ballast method. In Section 6, the water pool experiment and sea trial of Petrel-XPLUS are presented. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the main contributions and gives the conclusions.

2. DARM Design

In this study, the compact dual-eccentric attitude regulating mechanism (DARM) was innovatively designed, as shown in Figure 1. The DARM uses a translation mechanism and two rotation mechanisms to control two equal eccentric battery packs to move as a whole and rotate independently of each other (Figure 1b,c). The translation mechanism consists of a screw motor that drives the two battery packs forward and backward along the square tube, with a linear potentiometer monitoring the position for feedback control. The rotation mechanism is shown in the red dashed box in Figure 1b. A rotating motor (with a power gear) mounted on a fixed plate drives a battery pack (with a driven gear) to rotate around the round tube. A detection gear is also mounted on the end of the angular sensor to monitor the rotation angle for feedback control. The round tube is mounted outside the fixed square tube and can be moved forward and backward along the square tube, ensuring that the rotation and movement of battery packs are independent. Therefore, θ can be regulated in the legacy pattern by moving the two battery packs together forward and backward. It can be further regulated in the DARM pattern by the equal-angle reverse rotation of the two battery packs when the regulation requirement cannot be met through the legacy pattern. The regulation process of DARM is shown in Figure 2, with the legacy pattern in the red box and the DARM pattern in the blue dashed box. The significant benefits of DARM through the sequential regulation of the two patterns are as follows:
  • The regulation of θ can be extended to a continuous range of −90°~90°;
  • The mechanism inherits the regulation pattern of a legacy glider, including pitch and heading regulation.
  • DARM can be directly replace the ARM in the legacy glider without additional installation space.
Figure 1. The dual-eccentric attitude regulating mechanism: (a) Installation position on Petrel-XPLUS; (b) 3D model; (c) DARM in testing.
Figure 1. The dual-eccentric attitude regulating mechanism: (a) Installation position on Petrel-XPLUS; (b) 3D model; (c) DARM in testing.
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Figure 2. The regulation process of θ by DARM. The red dashed box shows the legacy pattern, while the blue dashed box shows the DARM pattern.
Figure 2. The regulation process of θ by DARM. The red dashed box shows the legacy pattern, while the blue dashed box shows the DARM pattern.
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The DARM divides the motion of Petrel-XPLUS into three typical modes: LR mode (−45° ≤ θ ≤ −15° in descent, 15° ≤ θ ≤ 45° in ascent), VM mode (−80° ≤ θ ≤ −45° in descent, 45° ≤ θ ≤ 80° in ascent), and LF mode(−80° ≤ θ ≤ −90° in descent, 80° ≤ θ ≤ 90° in ascent) by regulating θ to control the ratio of horizontal distance to target dive depth, as shown in Figure 3. LR mode is a motion mode in which the underwater glider glides with small pitch angle for long range ocean monitoring. In this mode, the horizontal distance is greater than the dive depth so that the glider can perform long-range monitoring such as surveys along the hadal trench axis. VM mode is a motion mode in which the underwater glider performs observations in a designated small area. In this mode, the horizontal distance is less than the dive depth, which allows the glider to perform station-keeping observations in a small, designated area of the hadal trench. LR mode is a motion mode in which the underwater glider dives or floats at a near vertical pitch angle. In this mode, the horizontal distance is almost negligible compared with the dive depth; therefore, the glider can perform monitoring tasks by following the movement of ocean currents. The three modes have typical pitch angle ranges, and DARM achieves coverage of the above modes by regulating the pitch angle to the corresponding angle range. Moreover, within the range of the glider stall (−15° ≤ θ ≤ 15°), the glider can be operated in a hybrid-driven mode by installing a propeller to perform monitoring missions near the seafloor.

3. Dynamics Modeling

3.1. Mathematics Overview

Quaternions were introduced by Hamilton in 1843 [36] and are the extension of complex numbers to four-dimensional space with one real element and three imaginary elements. A quaternion can be defined as:
{ q 4 , q = q 0 + q 1 i + q 2 j + q 3 k q 0 , q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = i j k = 1
where i, j, and k are mutually orthogonal imaginary unit vectors and ℍ is the set of quaternions. An alternative representation is to simplify the vector expression of the quaternion using ordered pairs:
q = ( q 0 , q ¯ ) ; q ¯ = [ q 1 q 2 q 3 ] T
where q0 is the scalar part of the quaternion and q ¯ is the imaginary vector part. The basic operations of quaternions are shown in Table A1. Quaternions can only represent the attitude of a rigid body and are considered to be the best general solution to represent rotation [37]. However, dual quaternions provide a way to represent both rotational and translational motions at the same time, yielding a more uniform, simple result than quaternions.
The dual quaternions were introduced by Clifford in 1873 [36], which combines the dual numbers and quaternions in a multidimensional space, and a dual quaternion can be defined as:
{ q ^ d 8 , q ^ = q r + ε q d q r , q d , ε 0 ,   ε n = 0 , n 2 , n
where ℍd denotes the set of dual quaternions, the quaternions qr and qd are called the real and imaginary parts of the dual quaternion, respectively, and ɛ is the dual operator. The main dual quaternion algebra is listed in Table 1.
Moreover, the multiplication of a matrix N ∈ ℝ4×4 with a quaternion q = ( q 0 , q ¯ ) and a matrix M ∈ ℝ8×8 with a dual quaternion q ^   =   q r + ε q d are noteworthy and are defined as:
{ N q = ( N 11 q 0 + N 12 q ¯ , N 21 q 0 + N 22 q ¯ ) M q ^ = ( M 11 q r + M 12 q d ) + ε ( M 21 q r + M 22 q d )
{ N = [ N 11 N 12 N 21 N 22 ] , N 11 , N 12 1 × 3 , N 21 3 × 1 , N 22 3 × 3 M = [ M 11 M 12 M 21 M 22 ] , M 11 , M 12 , M 21 , M 22 4 × 4
The skew-symmetric operator [ · ] × for the cross product of a dual quaternion q ^ is defined as:
[ q ^ ] × = [ [ q r ] × 0 4 * 4 [ q d ] × [ q r ] × ]
where [ q ] × is the skew-symmetric operator for the cross product of a quaternion q and is expressed as:
[ q ] × = [ 0 0 1 × 3 0 3 × 1 q ¯ × ] ,   [ q ¯ ] × = [ 0 q 3 q 2 q 3 0 q 1 q 2 q 1 0 ]

3.2. Coordinate Systems and Kinematic Equations

As shown in Figure 4, the inertial frame (I-frame), the body frame (B-frame), and the flow frame (F-frame) are established for describing the motion of Petrel-XPLUS. The I-frame (Oe-xeyeze) is a North–East–Down coordinate system defined relative to the Earth’s reference ellipsoid, whose origin point Oe is usually chosen as the dive point on the sea surface during deployment. The B-frame (Ob-xbybzb) is a moving coordinate system, the origin of which is usually fixed to the center of buoyancy of the glider body. The xb-axis is the longitudinal axis of Petrel-XPLUS and directs to the head, the yb-axis is defined as the transversal axis of the glider and points to starboard, and the zb-axis is the normal axis of the glider whose direction is from top to bottom. The F-frame (Of-xfyfzf) is obtained by rotating the B-frame to analyze and calculate the hydrodynamic force. The attack angle α and slip angle β are the attitude angles of the underwater glider relative to the fluid.
Here, a unit dual quaternion q ^ B / I is defined to represent the position and orientation of the B-frame with respect to the I-frame, and the subscript B/I represents the conversion from the I-frame to the B-frame.
{ q ^ B / I = q B / I , r + ε q B / I , d = q B / I + ε 1 2 r B / I I q B / I q B / I , r = q 0 + q 1 i + q 2 j + q 3 k q B / I , d = q 4 + q 5 i + q 6 j + q 7 k
where r B / I I is a unit quaternion and denotes the translation vector from the origin of the I-frame to the origin of the B-frame expressed in the I-frame, r B / I I = ( 0 ,   r ¯ B / I I ) ,   r ¯ B / I I = [ X ,   Y ,   Z ] T ; qB/I is a unit quaternion and is defined as a representation of the orientation of the B-frame with respect to the I-frame. The orientation of Petrel-XPLUS in the I-frame can be denoted as η ¯ = [ φ ,   θ ,   ψ ] T .
Note that there are two algebraic conditions satisfied by a unit dual quaternion:
q r q r = 1 ,   q r q d = 0
According to Equation (8), the translational and rotational kinematic equations of the glider in the B-frame with respect to the I-frame using dual quaternion algebra can be expressed as:
q ^ · B / I = 1 2 q ^ B / I w ^ B / I B
where w ^ B / I B is the dual velocity of the glider in the B-frame with respect to the I-frame expressed in the B-frame:
w ^ B / I B = w B / I B + ε v B / I B = ( 0 , w ¯ B / I B ) + ε ( 0 , v ¯ B / I B )
where w ¯ B / I B = [ p ,   q ,   r ] T and v ¯ B / I B = [ u ,   v ,   w ] T are the angular and linear velocity vectors in the B-frame, respectively. Since trigonometric calculations are avoided, the attitude problem of singular values when θ = ±90° can be avoided. Although dual quaternions improve the efficiency of operations due to the absence of trigonometric operations, the pose cannot be obtained directly. Therefore, the pose of the glider needs to be calculated from the dual quaternions, and the transformation relation is expressed as:
[ X Y Z ] = [ 2 ( q 0 q 5 q 1 q 4 + q 2 q 7 q 3 q 6 ) 2 ( q 0 q 6 q 1 q 7 + q 3 q 5 q 2 q 4 ) 2 ( q 0 q 7 q 2 q 5 + q 1 q 6 q 3 q 4 ) ]
[ φ θ ψ ] = [ arctan [ 2 ( q 2 q 3 + q 0 q 1 ) q 0 2 q 1 2 q 2 2 + q 3 2 ] arcsin [ 2 ( q 1 q 3 q 2 q 0 ) ] arctan [ 2 ( q 1 q 2 + q 0 q 3 ) q 0 2 + q 1 2 q 2 2 q 3 2 ] ]
Similarly, the unit dual quaternion p ^ B / F is defined as a conversion vector from the F-frame to the B-frame and expressed as:
{ p ^ B / F = p B / F , r + ε p B / F , d = p B / F + ε 1 2 r B / F F p F / B p B / F , r = p 0 + p 1 i + p 2 j + p 3 k p B / F , d = p 4 + p 5 i + p 6 j + p 7 k
where p B / F is a unit quaternion to denote the orientation of the F-frame with respect to the B-frame and unit quaternion r B / F F is the translation vector from the origin of the F-frame to the origin of the B-frame expressed in the F-frame. According to the definition of the F-frame, there is no translational motion between the two frames; then, we have:
{ r B / F F = 0 ;   0 = ( 0 , 0 ¯ ) , 0 ¯ = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] T p B / F , d = 1 2 r B / F F p B / F = 0 ; p 4 = p 5 = p 6 = p 7 = 0 p ^ B / F = p B / F , r + ε 0 = p B / F + ε 0
Herein, w ^ F / I F = w F / I F + ε v F / I F is defined as the dual velocity of the glider in the F-frame with respect to the I-frame expressed in the F-frame. According to the definition of the F-frame:
v F / I F = ( 0 , v ¯ F / I F ) , v ¯ F / I F = [ U , 0 , 0 ] T , U = u 2 + v 2 + w 2
In the F-frame, the pose of the glider is represented by the attack angle α and slip angle β, and their expressions are:
{ α = arctan ( w u ) β = arcsin ( v U )

3.3. Force Analysis

The external forces acting on the glider include buoyancy, gravity, viscous hydrodynamic force, inertial hydrodynamic force, and the generated moments when the external forces are moved to Ob. In dual quaternion algebra, a dual force F ^ is defined to describe the forces and moments in a unified form as F ^ = f + ε τ , where f = ( 0 , f ¯ ) , f ¯ = [ f 1 ,   f 2 ,   f 3 ] T are the total external force vectors in the B-frame and τ = ( 0 ,   τ ¯ ) , τ ¯ = [ τ 1 ,   τ 2 ,   τ 3 ] T are the total external moment vectors in the B-frame.

3.3.1. Dual Buoyancy B ^ g and Dual Gravity F ^ g

The buoyancy center deviation resulting from glider oil volume adjustment is neglected because the adjustable oil is a small percentage of the glider volume [38]. In the initial equilibrium state, the buoyancy force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the gravity force. Therefore, the dual buoyancy force B ^ g = b g + ε 0 , can be expressed as:
B ^ g = q ^ B / I * ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m g g ] T + ε 0 ) q ^ B / I
where g is the gravity acceleration and mg is the glider mass.
The dual gravity of the glider in the B-frame is defined as F ^ g = f g + ε τ g , whose expression is:
F ^ g = q ^ B / I * ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m g g ] T + ε [ r g ] × [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m g g ] T ) q ^ B / I
where rg is a quaternion representing the position vector from Ob to the center of gravity Og.

3.3.2. Dual Net Buoyancy Δ B ^

The change in the net buoyancy of the glider includes the adjustment of the variable buoyancy system (Figure 5) and buoyancy loss caused by the marine environment. Herein, Δ B ^ = Δ b + ε τ Δ b , Δ B ^ r = Δ b r + ε τ Δ b r , and Δ B ^ l = Δ b l + ε τ Δ b l are denoted as the dual net buoyancy, dual regulation buoyancy, and dual lost buoyancy, respectively, and expressed as:
{ Δ B ^ = Δ B ^ r + Δ B ^ l Δ B ^ r = q ^ B / I * ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , ρ s e a V o i l g ] T + ε [ r o ] × [ 0 , 0 , 0 , ρ s e a V o i l g ] T ) q ^ B / I Δ B ^ l =   q   ^ B / I * ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , B l ( h ) ] T + ε 0 ) q ^ B / I
where Voil is the volume of adjustable oil, ρsea is the seawater density on the surface, and ro is a quaternion representing the position vector from Ob to the center of the outer bladder. Bl(h) is the buoyancy variation of the underwater glider under the effect of seawater density, pressure housing compression, and buoyancy compensation (Figure 6), which is fitted by the polynomial as:
B l ( h ) = a 1 h + a 2 h 2 + a 3 h 3 + a 4 h 4 + a 5 h 5 + a 6 h 6 + a 7 h 7 + a 8 h 8 + a 9 h 9
where the polynomial fit coefficients a1 = 0.01816; a2 = −1.98984 × 10−5; a3 = 1.17318 × 10−8; a4 = −4.11583 × 10−12; a5 = 8.86404 × 10−16; a6 = −1.18291 × 10−19; a7 = 9.52836 × 10−24; a8 = −4.2411 × 10−28; a9 = 8.00614 × 10−33.

3.3.3. Dual Regulation Force F ^ r

The DARM generates the regulation force and moment to regulate the attitude of the glider by the translation and rotation of the two battery packs (Figure 7). The dual regulation force F ^ r = f r + ε τ r is defined as the representation of the regulation force and moment and expressed as:
{ F ^ r = F ^ r 1 + F ^ r 2 F ^ r 1 = q ^ B / I * ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m r 1 g ] T + ε [ r r 1 ] × [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m r 1 g ] T ) q ^ B / I F ^ r 2 = q ^ B / I * ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m r 2 g ] T + ε [ r r 2 ] × [ 0 , 0 , 0 , m r 2 g ] T ) q ^ B / I
where F ^ r 1 = f r 1 + ε τ r 1 and F ^ r 2 = f r 2 + ε τ r 2 are the dual regulation forces generated by battery pack 1 and battery pack 2, respectively; mr1 and mr2 are the masses of battery pack 1 and battery pack 2, respectively; rr1 and rr2 are quaternions representing the position vector from Ob to the mass center of battery pack 1 and battery pack 2, respectively, and are expressed as:
{ r r 1 = ( 0 , r ¯ r 1 ) , r ¯ r 1 = [ l 1 , e cos γ 1 , e sin γ 1 ] T r r 2 = ( 0 , r ¯ r 2 ) , r ¯ r 2 = [ l 2 , e cos γ 2 , e sin γ 2 ] T
where l1 and l2 are the projections of the position vectors of battery pack 1 and battery pack 2 on the xb-axis, respectively; e is the eccentric distance of the two battery packs; λ1 and λ2 are the rotation angles of battery pack 1 and battery pack 2, which follow the right-hand spiral rule: the thumb direction is along the xb-axis, positively in the counterclockwise direction and negatively in the clockwise direction. Since the two battery packs are moving on the whole, l1 and l2 can be represented by l, l = (l1 + l2)/2.

3.3.4. Dual Inertia Force F ^ i

The motion of the glider in the ocean is affected by the surrounding environment to generate inertial hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on Ob. Based on the symmetry of the glider in the transverse and longitudinal planes, the dual inertial hydrodynamic force F ^ i = f i + ε τ i can be expressed as:
{ F ^ i = q B / F * F ^ i F q B / F F ^ i F = M a ( w ^ ˙ F / I F ) S , M a = [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 λ 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 λ 22 0 0 0 0 λ 26 0 0 0 λ 33 0 0 λ 35 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 λ 44 0 0 0 0 0 λ 53 0 0 λ 55 0 0 0 λ 62 0 0 0 0 λ 66 ]
where F ^ i F = f i F + ε τ i F is the dual inertia force expressed in the F-frame; Ma ∈ ℝ8×8 is the added mass matrix; λij in Ma is called the coefficient of inertia hydrodynamic or the added mass, which can be calculated by the strip theory and panel method. The calculated added mass of Petrel-XPLUS is shown in Table 2.

3.3.5. Dual Viscous Force F ^ v

The surrounding flow field around the underwater glider also generates viscous hydrodynamic forces and moments during its movement, which is defined as the dual viscous force F ^ v = f v + ε τ v and expressed in the B-frame as:
{ F ^ v = q B / F * F ^ v F q B / F F ^ v F = ( [ 0 K D 0 + K D α 2 K S β K L 0 + K L α ] + ε [ 0 K K β + K p p K M 0 + K M α + K q q K N β + K r r ] ) v F / I F 2
where F ^ v F = f v F + ε τ v F is the dual viscous force expressed in the F-frame; KD0, KD, KS, KL0, KL, KK, Kp, KM0, KM, Kq, KN, and Kr are the hydrodynamic coefficients and can be obtained by CFD simulation, as shown in Table 3.
The total external dual force F ^ B acting on the glider about Ob can be expressed as:
F ^ B = b g + f g + Δ b + f r + f i + f v + ε ( τ g + τ Δ b + τ r + τ i + τ v )

3.4. Dynamic Equations

Herein, the dual momentum of the underwater glider with respect to the I-frame about Ob is defined as H ^ B / I B and is given by:
H ^ B / I B = M B * ( w ^ B / I B ) S
M B = [ J B m g [ r g ] × m g [ r g ] × M g ] = [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J x x J x y J x z 0 0 m g z g m g y g 0 J y x J y y J y z 0 m g z g 0 m g x g 0 J z x J z y J z z 0 m g y g m g x g 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 m g z g m g y g 0 m g 0 0 0 m g z g 0 m g x g 0 0 m g 0 0 m g y g m g x g 0 0 0 0 m g ]
According to the momentum and momentum moment theorem, the dynamics equation of the glider can be written as:
d H ^ B / I B d t + w ^ B / I B × H ^ B / I B = F ^ B
Substituting Equation (27) into Equation (29), the dynamic equations can be further written as:
( w ^ · B / I B ) S = ( M B ) 1 ( F ^ B w ^ B / I B × ( M B ( w ^ B / I B ) S ) )
where (MB)−1 is the inverse of MB, Equation (30) is the unified dynamic equation of the glider represented by dual quaternions.
Bringing Equation (12) and Equations (27)–(29) into Equation (30), one obtains the following:
d [ ( m v B / I B + m w B / I B × r g ) + ε ( J B w B / I B + m r g × v B / I B ) ] / d t + ( w B / I B + ε v B / I B ) × [ ( m v B / I B + m w B / I B × r g ) + ε ( J B w B / I B + m r g × v B / I B ) ] = b g + f g + Δ b + f r + f i + f v + ε ( τ g + τ Δ b + τ r + τ i + τ v )
Expanding the real and dual parts of Equation (31) yields:
{ m v · B / I B + m w · B / I B × r g + m w B / I B × ( v B / I B + w B / I B × r g ) = b g + f g + Δ b + f r + f i + f v J B w · B / I B + m r g × v · B / I B + w B / I B × ( J B w B / I B ) + m w B / I B × r g × v B / I B + m v B / I B × w B / I B × r g = τ g + τ Δ b + τ r + τ i + τ v
Equation (32) is the classical translational and rotational dynamic equation of an underwater glider.

4. Motion Simulation

The underwater glider has two main motions, sawtooth motion and spiral motion. As the main motion, the sawtooth motion of Petrel-XPLUS is divided into LR mode, VM mode, and LF mode, which combines vertical and horizontal distances allowing the glider to make profile observations. Spiral motion is mainly used for heading adjustment and to a lesser extent for station-keeping observations [39]. Therefore, it is essential to simulate motions using a dynamics model to guide ocean observations. In this study, the motion simulations of Petrel-XPLUS are performed in MATLAB software, where the ODE45 function is used for the numerical solution of the dynamics model.

4.1. Sawtooth Motion Simulation

The adjustable oil volume Voil, battery pack position xr, and battery pack rotation angles λ1 and λ2 are the main parameters that need to be set in a sawtooth motion at a given target depth. In sawtooth motion simulations, Voil is set to −1.0~1.0 L, i.e., 1.0 L of oil returns in the initial equilibrium state on the sea surface and 2.0 L of oil discharges after reaching the target depth of 10,000 m. In the initial equilibrium state, xr of the two battery packs is −0.418 m with respect to Ob on the xb-axis and is in the range from −0.478 m~−0.358 m due to space constraints. In the descent and ascent phases, xr of the battery packs is set to −0.438 m and −0.388 m in LR mode, −0.358 m and −0.478 m in VM mode, and −0.358 m and −0.478 m in LF mode for θ regulation, respectively. In addition, λ1 and λ2 are set to 0° and 0° in LR mode, −30° and 30° in VM mode, and 140° and −140° in LF mode, respectively, and remain constant during the two phases. Note that the process of regulating the control parameters from the initial equilibrium state to the new state is ignored. In the solution process of the ODE45 function, the time step is set to 0.1 s, and the simulation results are shown in Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10.
Figure 8 shows the simulation results of Petrel-XPLUS in LR mode, which achieved a horizontal distance of 49.7 km in 38.9 h. However, the descent and ascent phases are not symmetrical, and the descent time and horizontal distance are less and shorter, respectively. It is because Bl (Figure 6) is positive from 0 m to 7000 m and negative from 7000 m to 10,000 m, resulting in a faster vertical velocity in descent than in ascent. In addition, affected by the variation in Bl with depth, Petrel-XPLUS tends to accelerate and then decelerate during the descent phase. At the same time, the opposite trend is observed during the ascent phase (Figure 8b). The θ of the glider is also affected by Bl, causing θ to decrease from −20.6° to −24.8° and then increase to −15.8° during the descent phase and to decrease from 24.5° to 15.7° and then increase to 20.3° during the ascent phase (Figure 8c). In the whole profile, the variation trend of γ is the same as that of θ, while the variation trend of α (Figure 8d) is opposite to that of θ. The above changes in angles are caused by the change in pitching moment due to the velocity variation. A decrease (increase) in velocity will reduce (amplify) the pitching moment, which reduces (amplify) θ during the descent (ascent) phase.
Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the simulation results of Petrel-XPLUS in VM and LF modes, respectively. In VM mode, the glider achieves a horizontal distance of 8.17 km in 8.89 h. In LF mode, the horizontal distance of the glider can be neglected compared to its dive depth, which resulted in a much shorter time of 7.78 h to complete a profile. The trends of glider velocities and attitude angles variation in these two modes are the same as those in LR mode. However, the attitude angles vary less as the absolute value of θ increases during descent and ascent, showing that a tendency for attitude is more stable in a larger absolute value of θ. In the LF mode simulation, the attitude angles remain almost constant, where θ is almost equal to γ (87.5°) and α is almost 0°.

4.2. Spiral Motion Simulation

Spiral motion is usually presented as an assisted motion for regulating the heading of an underwater glider. Therefore, the spiral motion simulations of Petrel-XPLUS are based on the sawtooth motion simulations in Section 4.1. Note that Petrel-XPLUS in LF mode follows the movement of ocean currents in the horizontal direction; thus, the spiral motion is no longer meaningful in this mode. In the LR mode simulation, λ1 and λ2 are all set to 45° counterclockwise from the initial 0°. In the VM mode simulation, the two battery packs are all rotated 45° counterclockwise on the basis of the initial λ1 = −λ2 = 30°, i.e., finally, the λ1 and λ2 are set to 15° and 75°, respectively. Figure 11 and Figure 12 show the results of spiral motion simulations performed within the descent phase of LR mode and VM mode, respectively.
The time to reach a depth of 10,000 m is 16.2 h and 3.77 h in the LR and VM mode simulations, respectively. However, the spiral motion takes longer than the sawtooth motion (LR mode is 13.98 h, VM mode is 3.6 h) due to the rotation of the two battery packs weakens the regulation ability of θ, resulting in a smaller absolute value of θ and longer dive time. The spiral radius is affected by the velocity variation, as the faster the velocity is, the larger the radius, so in both modes, the spiral radius increases first and then decreases (Figure 11f and Figure 12f), which is consistent with the variation described in the literature [11]. The variations of velocities and attitude angles are basically the same as those in the sawtooth motion, and the yaw angle ψ keeps repeating 0°~360° until reaching the target depth. In LR mode, the glider has more sufficient time to perform the spiral motion, resulting in more spirals to the target depth than that in VM mode. Moreover, the rotation radius in VM mode is larger than that in LR mode, owing to the inverse relationship between the radius and θ [10].

5. Ballast Method to Adjust the Pitch Angle Range

The capability of DARM to regulate θ is related to the position of the center of gravity of the glider, which can be adjusted by the ballast method to ensure minor modifications even after the glider is constructed. The ballast method is usually used to balance the glider in a water pool using lead blocks placed in the submerged fairings at the front and rear, as shown in Figure 13. Therefore, in the longitudinal plane, there are two main types of ballast regulation: (1) placing lead blocks inside the front or rear fairings to regulate the position of the center of gravity on xb-axis xg and (2) placing lead blocks equally inside the front and rear fairings to regulate the position of the center of gravity on zb-axis zg. Note that the buoyancy force of an underwater glider is generally designed to be slightly greater than its gravity to provide a certain net buoyancy for the correction of construction error. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the weight of the installed lead blocks is balanced by a net buoyancy of equal magnitude.
The analysis of forces and moments of Petrel-XPLUS in the longitudinal and transverse planes in a water pool is expressed as follows:
{ F X Z = ρ o i l V o e g + ρ o i l V o i g + m s g + m r g + m b a 1 g + m b a 2 g m g g ρ s e a V o e = 0 M X Z = ( m s x s + ρ o i l V o e x o e + ρ o i l V o i x o i + m r x r + m b a 1 x b a 1 + m b a 2 x b a 2 ρ s e a V o e x o e ) cos θ ( m s z s cos φ + 0.5 m r z r cos ( λ 1 φ ) + 0.5 m r z r cos ( λ 2 φ ) ) sin θ = 0
{ F Y Z = F X Z M Y Z = 0.5 m r g z r sin ( γ 1 φ ) + 0.5 m r g z r sin ( γ 2 φ ) ( m s g z s + m b a 1 g z b a 1 + m b a 2 g z b a 2 ) sin φ = 0
where Voi and Voe are the volumes of oil in the inner tank and external bladder, respectively, and xoi and xoe are the positions of the inner tank and external bladder on the xb-axis, respectively.
Combining Equations (34) and (35), θ can be obtained as:
θ = tan 1 ( m s x s + ρ o i l V o e x o e + ρ o i l V o i x o i + m r x r + m b a 1 x b a 1 + m b a 2 x b a 2 ρ s e a V o e x o e ( m s z s + m b a 1 z b a 1 + m b a 2 z b a 2 ) cos φ + 0.5 m r z r cos ( λ 1 φ ) + 0.5 m r z r cos ( λ 2 φ ) )
φ = tan 1 ( sin λ 1 + sin λ 2 2 ( m s z s + m b a 1 z b a 1 + m b a 2 z b a 2 ) / m r z r + cos λ 1 + cos λ 2 )
The settings of ballast mass for regulating xg are shown in Table 4, and the positions of the ballast on both sides are r ¯ b a 1 = [xba1, yba1, zba1]T = [1.5, 0, 0]T m and r ¯ b a 2   = [xba2, yba2, zba2]T = [−1.5, 0, 0]T m. The center of gravity Og will be moved forward (backward) along the xb-axis by placing ballast in the front (rear) fairing, while the two battery packs of DARM need to be moved in the opposite direction to maintain an equilibrium state. Results in a change in the distances from the new equilibrium position of the battery packs to the front limit (xr = −0.358 m) and to the rear limit (xr = −0.478 m). Thus, in the legacy pattern (Figure 14b), the curve of θ vs. xr is changed, where the larger the mass of ballast in the front fairing is, the larger the regulation range of θ in the head down state and the smaller the regulation range of θ in the head up state, while the opposite variation occurs when adding ballast on the other side. Figure 14a,c show the curves of θ vs. λ1/−λ2 in the DARM pattern at different ballast masses when the battery packs are located at the rear limit and front limit, respectively. Although the curves of θ vs. λ1/−λ2 do not coincide at different ballast masses, λ1/−λ2 is the same when θ reaches 90° or −90° (λ1 = −λ2 = 143.1°). Therefore, the regulation range of θ in the legacy pattern is changed when placing the ballast in the front or rear fairing, while it is not affected in the DARM pattern. This also demonstrates the advantages of DARM and provides guidance for the modification of the initial equilibrium state.
The ballast mass and position for regulating zg are symmetric about the zb-axis and are listed in Table 5. Figure 15, Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the curves of θ vs. zba with ballast mass mba equal to 1.0 kg, 2.0 kg, and 3.0 kg, respectively, where zba = zba1 = zba2 and mba = mba1 + mba2, mba1 = mba2. When mba is constant, the lower zba, the smaller the regulation range of θ in the legacy pattern, while the initial equilibrium state of the battery packs remains constant (Figure 15b, Figure 16b, and Figure 17b). In the DARM pattern, the regulation range of θ decreases as zba varies from 0 m to 0.15 m and increases as zba varies from 0 m to −0.15 m (Figure 15a,c, Figure 16a,c, and Figure 17a,c). Moreover, the regulation range of θ increases as mba increases from 1.0 kg to 3.0 kg when zba∈[−0.15 m, 0] and decreases as mba increases from 1.0 kg to 3.0 kg when zba∈[0, 0.15] m. The θ fails to reach −90°~90° at the position of zba = 0.1 m and 0.15 m in Figure 15a,c and the position of zba = 0.05 m, 0.1 m, 0.15 m in Figure 16a,c and Figure 17a,c. For the same mass of ballast, the upper the mounting position, the smaller the λ1/−λ2 when θ reaches 90° or −90°, which gives us an insight that ballasts can be placed symmetrically on the top of the front and rear fairings to achieve a θ range of −90°~90° when its regulation range is insufficient in the DARM pattern.

6. Experimental Verification

6.1. Water Pool Experment

In order to verify the capability of DARM for regulating pitch angle, an experiment was carried out in a water pool, as shown in Figure 18a. In the initial equilibrium state of Petrel-XPLUS, its net buoyancy is 0 N and pitch angle θ is 0° with its body completely submerged in the water. The position and rotation angles of the two battery packs are regulated according to the process in Figure 2. Figure 18b shows that Petrel-XPLUS has the ability to regulate the pitch angle from −90° to 90°, which satisfies the design target of DARM.

6.2. Sea Trial

In July 2020, Petrel-XPLUS completed a sea trial in the western depression of the Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench (Figure 19). The complex and narrow topography of the western depression [40] and the North Equatorial Current [41] pose a significant challenge for access to this region. Therefore, Petrel-XPLUS conducted a station-keeping observation though VM mode targeting the deepest point (142.2047° E, 11.3331° N) in this depression. Finally, three profiles (G1, G2, and G3) exceeding 10,000 m were completed with a maximum depth of 10,619 m (G3) and an average position deviation of 2.018 km on the sea surface. In addition, the motion performance of Petrel-XPLUS in the LR mode was also tested.
The comparison between the experiments and simulations in LR and VM modes is shown in Figure 20 and Figure 21, respectively. The experimental profile in LR mode dives to a depth of 6889 m with xr values of −0.433 m (descent), −0.403 m (ascent), and λ1 = −λ2 = 0° (descent and ascent). The experimental profile in VM mode dives to a depth of 10,619 m with xr values of −0.358 m (descent), −0.478 m (ascent), and λ1 = −λ2 = 90° (descent and ascent). Note that the non-stationary process due to oil drainage is ignored in the simulation of VM mode, as the duration of the process is approximately 2 h [42]. In general, the results of the simulations and experiments are in good agreement, while the navigation times of the experimental profiles are longer than those of the simulations. This is because the simulations did not consider the disturbance caused by actual ocean currents, which can produce navigation bias and control regulation and, thus, result in a longer navigation time. As shown in Figure 20c, there is a sawtooth variation of θ in LR mode due to the control threshold setting (regulated if the bias of θ exceeds 5° and turned off if the bias of θ is below 5°), which did not occur in VM mode (Figure 21c). Moreover, oil discharge changes the net buoyancy of the glider, resulting in a non-stationary phenomenon of oscillations in vertical velocity and pitch angle.

7. Conclusions

This study is one of our works to extend the observation depth of underwater gliders to hadal trenches. In this work, a compact ARM named DARM is proposed to increase the regulation range of pitch angle from −45°~45° to −90°~90°. DARM also enriches the motion of an underwater glider in three typical modes, LR mode, VM mode, and LF mode, and helps the glider to enter the complex and narrow hadal trench effectively. Subsequently, the dynamics model of a hadal class underwater glider Petrel-XPLUS equipped with DARM was established using dual quaternions. The dynamics model of the underwater glider established using dual quaternions does not have trigonometric calculation, so this avoids the “gimbal lock” problem in motion simulation and control when the pitch angle is equal to ±90° and provides the basis model for future research on control methods. Moreover, a ballast method for modifying the regulation range of the pitch angle and initial equilibrium state of the underwater glider was obtained. When the regulation range of the pitch angle does not achieve the range of −90°~90°, it can be modified by symmetrically arranging two equal ballasts along the center of buoyancy in the upper part of the front and rear fairings. When the initial position of the battery packs is not at the center of the front and rear limits, it can be modified by arranging the ballast in the front or rear fairing to maintain an equal movement distance between the two limits. Finally, a water pool experiment and a sea trial in the Mariana Trench verified the effectiveness of the proposed methods. During the sea trial, Petrel-XPLUS performed station-keeping observations in VM mode and completed three consecutive profiles at depths over 10,000 m with a maximum dive depth of 10,619 m and an average deviation distance of 2.018 km from the target point.
The performance in LF mode was not verified in this study, and it will be performed in conjunction with observation missions. In the future, the large spatial–temporal observations of hadal trenches will be the focus of Petrel-XPLUS, such as monitoring along the hadal trench axis using LR mode, as this could provide real-time, continuous, and extensive observation data to facilitate hadal science.

Author Contributions

P.W.: Methodology, Software, Validation, Data curation, Writing—original draft, Writing—review and editing, Visualization; X.W.: Software, Validation, Writing—review and editing; Y.W.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Funding acquisition; W.N.: Project administration, Writing—review and editing; S.Y.: Writing—review and editing, Funding acquisition; C.S.: Validation, Supervision; C.L.: Data curation. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was jointly supported by the National Key R&D Program of China, Grant No. 2019YFC0311803, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 51721003, the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin City, Grant No. 18JCJQJC46400, and the Aoshan Talent Cultivation Program of QNLM, Grant No. 2017ASTCP-OE01.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are not publicly available.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

The basic operations of quaternions and parameters of Petrel-XPLUS.
Table A1. The basic operations of quaternions.
Table A1. The basic operations of quaternions.
Addition p + q = ( p 0 + q 0 ) + ε ( p ¯ + q ¯ )
Multiplication p q = ( p 0 q 0 p ¯ q ¯ , p 0 q ¯ + q 0 p ¯ + p ¯ × q ¯ )
Multiplication by a scale λ q = q λ = ( λ q 0 , λ q ¯ )
Conjugation q * = ( q 0 , q ¯ )
Dot product p q = ( p * q + q * p ) / 2 = ( p 0 q 0 + p ¯ q ¯ , 0 ¯ )
Cross product p × q = ( 0 , q 0 p ¯ + p 0 q ¯ + p ¯ × q ¯ )
Norm q = q q * = q q = ( q 0 q 0 + q ¯ q ¯ , 0 ¯ )
Scalar part s c ( q ) = ( q 0 , 0 ¯ )
Vector part v e c ( q ) = ( 0 , q ¯ )
Table A2. The main parameters of Petrel-XPLUS.
Table A2. The main parameters of Petrel-XPLUS.
Variable volume Voil−2.5~2.5 L
Initial oil volume in the inner tank Voi2.5 L
Initial oil volume in the external bladder Voe2.5 L
Mass of the static part ms198.9 kg
Mass of battery pack 1 mr110.5 kg
Mass of battery pack 2 mr210.5 kg
Position of the outer bladder in B-frame ro[0, 1.145, 0, 0]T m
Position of the static mass part in B-frame rs[0, 0.257, 0, 0.0025]T m
Seawater density on the surface ρsea1021.5 kg/m3
Eccentric offest of the two battery packs e0.025 m
Position of the two battery packs on the xb-axis l−0.418 m
Gravitational acceleration g9.8 m/s2
Inertia matrix about Ob JB [ 1 0 0 0 0 5.5 0 0.22 0 0 115.56 0 0 0.22 0 115.26 ] kg·m2
Body length Lglider4.08 m
Wing span Wglider1.64 m


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Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the division of the three typical motion modes.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the division of the three typical motion modes.
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Figure 4. The coordinate system of Petrel-XPLUS.
Figure 4. The coordinate system of Petrel-XPLUS.
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Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the variable buoyancy system.
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of the variable buoyancy system.
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Figure 6. Bl vs. h.
Figure 6. Bl vs. h.
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Figure 7. Regulation of the two battery packs by DARM: (a) Translation movement along the xb-axis in the vertical plane; (b) Opposite direction rotation around the xb-axis at equal angles (λ1 = −λ2); (c) Same direction rotation around the xb-axis at equal angles (λ1 = λ2); (d) Same direction rotation around the xb-axis at equal angles (with an open angle equals to λ1λ2).
Figure 7. Regulation of the two battery packs by DARM: (a) Translation movement along the xb-axis in the vertical plane; (b) Opposite direction rotation around the xb-axis at equal angles (λ1 = −λ2); (c) Same direction rotation around the xb-axis at equal angles (λ1 = λ2); (d) Same direction rotation around the xb-axis at equal angles (with an open angle equals to λ1λ2).
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Figure 8. Simulation results in LR mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Euler angles and gliding angles; (d) Attack angle and side slip angle.
Figure 8. Simulation results in LR mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Euler angles and gliding angles; (d) Attack angle and side slip angle.
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Figure 9. Simulation results in VM mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Euler angles and gliding angles; (d) Attack angle and side slip angle.
Figure 9. Simulation results in VM mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Euler angles and gliding angles; (d) Attack angle and side slip angle.
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Figure 10. Simulation results in LF mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Euler angles and gliding angles; (d) Attack angle and side slip angle.
Figure 10. Simulation results in LF mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Euler angles and gliding angles; (d) Attack angle and side slip angle.
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Figure 11. Spiral motion simulation in LR mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Angular velocities; (d) Euler angles and gliding angles; (e) Attack angle and side slip angle; (f) 3D trajectory.
Figure 11. Spiral motion simulation in LR mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Angular velocities; (d) Euler angles and gliding angles; (e) Attack angle and side slip angle; (f) 3D trajectory.
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Figure 12. Spiral motion simulation in VM mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Angular velocities; (d) Euler angles and gliding angles; (e) Attack angle and side slip angle; (f) 3D trajectory.
Figure 12. Spiral motion simulation in VM mode: (a) Position; (b) Velocities; (c) Angular velocities; (d) Euler angles and gliding angles; (e) Attack angle and side slip angle; (f) 3D trajectory.
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Figure 13. Ballast method to regulate the initial equilibrium state of Petrel-XPLUS: (a) Schematic diagram of ballast method; (b) Petrel-XPLUS in a water pool.
Figure 13. Ballast method to regulate the initial equilibrium state of Petrel-XPLUS: (a) Schematic diagram of ballast method; (b) Petrel-XPLUS in a water pool.
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Figure 14. The regulation range of θ at different ballast masses: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
Figure 14. The regulation range of θ at different ballast masses: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
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Figure 15. The regulation range of θ for different zba with mba equals to 1.0 kg: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
Figure 15. The regulation range of θ for different zba with mba equals to 1.0 kg: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
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Figure 16. The regulation range of θ for different zba with mba equals to 2.0 kg: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
Figure 16. The regulation range of θ for different zba with mba equals to 2.0 kg: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
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Figure 17. The regulation range of θ for different zba with mba equal to 3.0 kg: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
Figure 17. The regulation range of θ for different zba with mba equal to 3.0 kg: (a) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.478 m); (b) θ vs. xr (λ1/−λ2 = 0°); (c) θ vs. λ1/−λ2 (xr = −0.358 m).
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Figure 18. Water pool experiment: (a) schematic diagram; (b) experiments.
Figure 18. Water pool experiment: (a) schematic diagram; (b) experiments.
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Figure 19. Sea trial of Petrel-XPLUS in Mariana Trench: (a) Sea trial area; (b) Petrel-XPLUS in the sea trial; (c) The navigation trajectory.
Figure 19. Sea trial of Petrel-XPLUS in Mariana Trench: (a) Sea trial area; (b) Petrel-XPLUS in the sea trial; (c) The navigation trajectory.
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Figure 20. Experimental results and simulation comparison of the LR mode: (a) Depth vs. time; (b) Vertical velocity vs. time; (c) θ vs. time.
Figure 20. Experimental results and simulation comparison of the LR mode: (a) Depth vs. time; (b) Vertical velocity vs. time; (c) θ vs. time.
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Figure 21. Experimental results and simulation comparison of the VM mode: (a) Depth vs. time; (b) Vertical velocity vs. time; (c) θ vs. time.
Figure 21. Experimental results and simulation comparison of the VM mode: (a) Depth vs. time; (b) Vertical velocity vs. time; (c) θ vs. time.
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Table 1. The basic operations of dual quaternions.
Table 1. The basic operations of dual quaternions.
Addition p ^ + q ^ = ( p r + q r ) + ε ( p d + q d )
Multiplication p ^ q ^ = p r q r + ε ( p ¯ r q ¯ d + p ¯ d q ¯ r )
Multiplication by a scale λ q ^ = λ q r + ε ( λ q d )
Conjugation q ^ * = q r * + ε q d *
Swap q ^ S = q d + ε q r
Dot product p ^ q ^ = p r q r + ε ( p d q r + p r q d )
Cross product p ^ × q ^ = p r × q r + ε ( p d × q r + p r × q d )
Dual norm q ^ = q ^ q ^ * = q ^ q ^ = ( q r q r ) + ε ( 2 q r q d )
Scalar part s c ( q ^ ) = s c ( q r ) + ε   s c ( q d )
Vector part v e c ( q ^ ) = v e c ( q r ) + ε   v e c ( q d )
Table 2. The added mass of Petrel-XPLUS.
Table 2. The added mass of Petrel-XPLUS.
Added MassValueAdded MassValue
λ1113.90 kgλ66162.81 kg⋅m2
λ22201.98 kgλ26−2.88 kg⋅m
λ33268.76 kgλ3522.15 kg⋅m
λ4411.58 kg⋅m2λ53−2.88 kg⋅m
λ55106.41 kg⋅m2λ6222.15 kg⋅m
Table 3. The added mass of Petrel-XPLUS.
Table 3. The added mass of Petrel-XPLUS.
KD012.01 kg/mKp−41.643 kg·s/rad
KD888.63 kg/m/rad2KM00.03 kg
KS−231.04 kg/m/radKM−386.01 kg/rad
KL0−0.381 kg/mKq−677.01 kg⋅s/rad2
KL954.35 kg/m/radKN100.42 kg/rad
KK0 kg/radKr−631.63 kg⋅s/rad2
Table 4. The mass of ballast for regulating xg.
Table 4. The mass of ballast for regulating xg.
Ballast MassValue (kg)
Table 5. The mass and position of ballast for regulating zg.
Table 5. The mass and position of ballast for regulating zg.
Ballast Mass
mba (kg)
Position on zb-Axis
zba (m)−0.05−0.1−0.15−0.05−0.1−0.15−0.05−0.1−0.15
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wang, P.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Niu, W.; Yang, S.; Sun, C.; Luo, C. Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of an Underwater Glider with Dual-Eccentric Attitude Regulating Mechanism Using Dual Quaternions. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 5.

AMA Style

Wang P, Wang X, Wang Y, Niu W, Yang S, Sun C, Luo C. Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of an Underwater Glider with Dual-Eccentric Attitude Regulating Mechanism Using Dual Quaternions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023; 11(1):5.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wang, Peng, Xuehao Wang, Yanhui Wang, Wendong Niu, Shaoqiong Yang, Chao Sun, and Chenyi Luo. 2023. "Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of an Underwater Glider with Dual-Eccentric Attitude Regulating Mechanism Using Dual Quaternions" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, no. 1: 5.

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