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The Sediment Reworking of the Mud Shrimp Laomedia sp. (Crustacea: Laomediidae) with Tidal Conditions in the Intertidal Sediments of Gomso Bay, Korea

East Sea Environmental Research Center, East Sea Research Institute, KIOST, Uljin 36315, Korea
School of Ocean Science, University of Science and Technology, Daejeon 34113, Korea
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9(11), 1251;
Submission received: 22 October 2021 / Revised: 5 November 2021 / Accepted: 9 November 2021 / Published: 11 November 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bioturbation in Marine Ecosystems: Current and Future Challenges)


Although the thalassinidean mud shrimp Laomedia sp. is one of the most abundant species in the upper tidal flats along the west coast of Korea, little is known of its ecological characteristics and bioturbation effects on intertidal sediments. This study estimated the sediment reworking rate (SRR) of Laomedia sp. by quantifying in situ sediments ejected from the burrows via direct entrapment and evaluated the effects of tidal conditions on the SRR. The amount of expelled sediments from individual burrows was significantly related to the duration of submergence, whereas SRR showed an increasing trend as elevation increased. The SRR of Laomedia sp. was estimated to be 40 g ind.−1 d−1 and the annual SRR of this species was 72.2 kg m−2 yr−1 based on the density in the study area, which is very high compared to other thalassinidean shrimp. These findings suggest that Laomedia sp. is an important bioturbator in intertidal sediments, and tidal conditions should be considered when evaluating the SRR of this species.

1. Introduction

Bioturbation by the activities of benthic organisms is an important process influencing the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of intertidal sediments [1,2]. Through bioturbation, macrofauna increases the surface area of sediment exposed to overlying water or air and modify the geomorphology of sediments, altering the sediment characteristics and enhancing the exchange of solutes and solids across the sediment–water interface [3,4,5]. In particular, sediment reworking that results from macrofauna feeding and burrowing largely affects organic matter mineralization, chlorophyll content reduction, and nutrient exchange from the sediment to the water column [6,7,8,9]. Therefore, sediment reworking has an important influence on biogeochemical processes in intertidal sediments.
Sediment reworking by thalassinidean shrimp profoundly affects the biogeochemical properties of sediments [10,11]. Thalassinidean shrimp have been recognized as one of the most effective bioturbating macrofaunal groups, with respect to the bioturbated depth of the sediment, the magnitude of exchange processes across the sediment-water interface, as well as their impact on the entire benthic assemblage [12,13,14,15,16]. Several studies have assessed sediment reworking by thalassinidean shrimp [17,18,19]. Berkenbusch and Rowden [17] and Rowden [18] estimated the sediment reworking rate (SRR) of Callianassa filholi and Callianassa subterranea to be 263 and 30 g m−2 d−1, respectively. Suchanek [19] estimated the SRR of another thalassinidean, Callianassa rathbunae, to be 2.6 kg m−2 d−1. However, most sediment turnover studies have been confined to Callianassidae, whereas that of other thalassinidean families is still limited.
Thalassinidean shrimp construct burrows in various soft-sediment environments; their presence is often evident by conspicuous mounds of expelled material on the surface [20]. The construction and maintenance of burrows have been linked to continuous sediment mixing between deep and shallow sediment layers, resulting in substantial sediment transport with changes in organic contents and grain size [12,21,22,23]. The burrow environment of thalassinidean shrimp is usually very distinct and differs from surface and ambient anoxic sediment. Burrow walls are often rich in organic matter of variable reactivity depending on its origin, chemical composition, structure, and age [24,25]. The low diffusivity of burrow linings reduces solute transport between the sediment and burrow lumen, while irrigation by the animal promotes nutrient and oxygen fluxes across the burrow walls [12,25,26].
Thalassinidean mud shrimp Laomedia (Crustacea, Laomediidae) species is distributed in upper tidal flats along the western coast of Korea. The genus Laomedia is represented by four species; Laomedia astacina [27], L. paucispinosa [28], L. healyi [29] and L. barronensis [30]. Since Laomedia species have been reported as only one species, L. astacina, most studies have been carried out as L. astacina without species identification until now in Korea. The burrows inhabited by Laomedia sp. in the upper tidal flats of the west coast of Korea are huge and structurally complex [31,32]. The burrow size, structure, and morphology of Laomedia sp. are distinctly different from those reported for L. astacina and L. healyi [33,34], so this species is presumed to be a new Laomedia species. Laomedia sp. burrows have several funnel-shaped openings through which seawater flows and one bell-shaped mound through which burrow water with sediments is discharged by shrimp irrigation activity during the submerged period [31,32]. Koo [35] reported that the nutrient flux through the burrows of this species with irrigation was much higher than that in the tidal flat surface layer. However, little is known of the ecological characteristics and sediment reworking effects of this species on intertidal sediments.
Therefore, this study estimated the SRR by quantifying sediments ejected from burrows of Laomedia sp. via in situ direct entrapment and evaluated the effects of tidal conditions on the SRR of this species.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

This study was conducted in the upper tidal flat of Gomso Bay, on the west coast of Korea (35°31′48.32″ N, 126°35′47.84″ E; Figure 1 and Figure S1). Gomso Bay is a 7–9 km wide, 20 km long, funnel-shaped embayment with a mean tidal range of 4.34 m. The tidal ranges of spring and neap tides are 5.90 and 2.78 m, respectively. Two main channels, Jujin and Gangseon channels, empty into the bay. In the main channel, maximum tidal current velocities are 1.2 m s−1 during flood and 1.5 m s−1 during ebb [36]. The study site was located at the mouth of the Jujin, where salinity varies from 2.3 to 20.1 (annual mean 8.2) and is 3.2 m above mean sea level (MSL). The surface sediment of the study area is mixed silt and clay, with a mean grain size of 7.1 ∅. The mean density of mud shrimp Laomedia sp. in the study area is 5 ind. m–2.

2.2. Quantification of Reworked Sediments

The amount of sediment expelled from Laomedia sp. burrows was measured at spring tide in April 2020 using a direct entrapment method. Direct entrapment is the most widely used method of installing a sediment trap over the mound of sediment ejection and collecting the expelled sediment after a given time [37]. A sediment trap was installed over the sediment mound and the expelled sediment was collected after a given time. The sediment trap consisted of a 25 cm diameter cylindrical plastic container with plastic wrap with a 1 cm hole in the middle attached to the bottom of the trap to match the opening diameter of the mound (Figure 2a).
A sediment trap was placed over four mounds (LM1, LM2, LM3, and LM4) with different mound heights, at different tidal heights (243–273 cm from MSL) and four burrows were not submerged for ten days before the experiment began. The sediment traps penetrated the sediment to a depth of 3 cm and the plastic wrap at the bottom was firmly attached to the mound surface to prevent floating (Figure 2a). We constructed an artificial mound (25 × 25 × 15 cm, W × L × H) as the shape of Laomedia sp. mound without a hole in the middle as a control at each elevation and a sediment trap was deployed to measure natural sedimentation from the water column during the submerged period.
Immediately after the mound was exposed by the receding tide, the expelled sediments in the sediment traps were collected using a syringe with seawater and transferred into a plastic bottle (Figure 2b). This process was repeated five times consecutively at each submergence during spring tide; the duration of submergence differed among burrows (Figure 3). The wet weight of expelled sediments was measured using an electronic scale after precipitation for 72 h to separate seawater and sediments. The SRR was calculated based on the wet weight of expelled sediments and adjusted to the natural sedimentation rate of the control (artificial mound). The annual SRR was estimated arithmetically as daily SRR multiplied by 183.

2.3. Analysis of Tidal Conditions

The elevation from MSL was measured using a real-time kinetic differential global positioning system at each burrow. The tidal record of the study area for determining the submergence/exposure frequency and duration of submergence and duration of exposure was obtained from the Korean Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency. The duration and frequency at each burrow were calculated from tidal records at 10 min intervals for 1 year.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

The correlation between expelled sediments and duration of submergence as well as between the SRR and factors such as duration of submergence, elevation, and mound height was determined by regression analysis. Differences in the mean duration of submergence, mean duration of continuous exposure, maximum duration of continuous exposure, mean expelled sediments, and mean SRR among burrows were tested using non-parametric analysis of variances (Kruskal–Wallis test) due to the non-homoscedasticity of the data. The results were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.

3. Results

3.1. Tidal Conditions and Mound Height

Table 1 lists the mound heights and tidal conditions of the burrows. The mound height was highest at LM2 (6.4 cm), followed by LM3, LM1, and LM4. The duration and frequency at each burrow represent yearly values. The submergence/exposure frequency and mean duration of submergence decreased as elevation increased, whereas the mean and maximum duration of continuous exposure increased with elevation. The submergence/exposure frequency was highest at LM4, followed by LM3, LM2, and LM1. The mean duration of submergence was highest at LM4, whereas its mean duration of continuous exposure was lowest. The maximum duration of continuous exposure was highest at LM1 and lowest at LM4. The maximum duration of continuous exposure was equal at LM2 and LM3.

3.2. Expelled Sediments and SRR

The SRR ranged from 0.01 to 1.32 g min−1 and the natural sedimentation rate ranged from 0.05 to 0.10 g min−1 over the entire study period. The expelled sediments were highest on the fifth sampling at LM1 and tended to increase with the duration of submergence, except for the third sampling (Figure 4a). The expelled sediments were relatively high during the fourth sampling among sampling periods at LM2 (Figure 4b). The expelled sediments increased gradually with the duration of submergence from the first to third samplings at LM3, whereas it decreased gradually as the duration of submergence increased during the fourth and fifth samplings (Figure 4c). The expelled sediments increased gradually with the duration of submergence at LM4, except for the last sampling occasion (Figure 4d). The mean expelled sediments of LM2 were the highest, followed by LM1, LM3, and LM4, but without significance (Table 2). The mean SRR of LM2 was highest at 0.41 g min−1, followed by LM1, LM3, and LM4, with mean values of 0.34, 0.16, and 0.08 g min−1, respectively, but showed no significant difference (Figure 4e and Table 2). The mean expelled sediments and mean SRR were not significantly different among burrows (p < 0.05).

3.3. Correlation Analysis

The expelled sediments were positively correlated with the duration of submergence at all burrows; however, a significant correlation between them was not observed at LM1 and LM2 due to large variation (Figure 4). However, a significant correlation between them was observed over the entire study period at all burrows (p < 0.05, Figure 4e). The Kruskal–Wallis tests demonstrated that there were no significant differences in correlation between expelled sediments correlation and duration of submergence among burrows (p > 0.05).
The mean expelled sediments showed a negative correlation with the mean duration of submergence, whereas a positive correlation was observed between the mean expelled sediments and elevation, but without significance (p > 0.05, Figure 5). Although statistical significance was not observed between the mean expelled sediments and elevation among burrows, the mean expelled sediments showed an increasing trend with elevation. The mean expelled sediments increased as mound height increased (p > 0.05, Figure 6). Overall, the mean SRR increased as elevation and mound height increased (Figure 7).

4. Discussion

Differences in habitat elevation induce differences in the tidal conditions such as duration of submergence, submergence/exposure frequency, duration of continuous exposure, and maximum duration of continuous exposure. The submergence/exposure frequency and duration of submergence decrease with elevation, whereas the duration of continuous exposure and maximum duration of continuous exposure increase with elevation. Suchanek et al. [38] speculated on a link between the SRR by callianassids and the nutrient content in their environment, suggesting that rapid sediment reworking reflected the need to process larger volumes of sediment when the nutrient content was low. This hypothesis was supported by Nickell et al. [39], who reported comparably lower sediment reworking by C. subterranea in areas of organically enriched sediments. The difference in elevation reflects the time when shrimp burrows are covered by seawater and organic materials can be deposited from the water column; therefore, burrows at high elevation are in areas of relatively lower food content than those at low elevation. Berkenbusch and Rowden [17] found that C. filholi at low elevation had a lower SRR than individuals at high elevation. In this study area, the burrow of Laomedia sp. at high elevation was submerged less than that at low elevation, and the mean duration of submergence in the former was significantly lower than that in the latter, indicating that the inhabitant at high elevation had relatively few opportunities to actively irrigate compared to low elevation. The SRR of Laomedia sp. increased as the mean duration of submergence increased, whereas it decreased as elevation increased, suggesting that shrimp living at high elevations need larger volumes of sediment to maximize energy intake. Therefore, elevation relative to tidal conditions is an important factor regulating the SRR of this species.
Previous studies have reported a relationship between the size of mud shrimp and the mound dimensions [38,40]. The mean SRR of Laomedia sp. increased as mound height increased, suggesting that shrimp size is important for determining the SRR of this species. Berkenbusch and Rowden [17] reported that the SRR appeared to correspond to the size of the thalassinidean shrimp C. filholi; large individuals expelled significantly more sediment than small shrimp. Rowden et al. [18] found a significant correlation between the SRR and shrimp size in another thalassinidean, C. subterranea. Since the burrow of Laomedia sp. extends up to 2 m below the sediment surface [32], we could not capture the inhabitant of each burrow, so the correlation between mound height and Laomedia sp. size was not evaluated. Although the correlation between mound height and the size of Laomedia sp. could not be assessed in this study, a positive correlation between the SRR and mound height implies that shrimp size may be an important factor influencing the SRR of this species. However, further studies are necessary to determine the relationship between mound height and shrimp size of Laomedia sp. and the effects of shrimp size on the SRR of this species.
Based on the amount of expelled sediment, we estimated that the individual SRR of Laomedia sp. was 40 g ind.−1 d−1, which is remarkably high compared to other thalassinidean shrimp. Stamhuis et al. [41] and Berkenbusch and Rowden [17] estimated by quantifying in situ sediments ejected from the burrows via in situ direct entrapment the individual SRRs of the thalassinideans C. subterranea and C. filholi to be 1.3 and 15.5 g ind.−1 d−1, respectively. Since the SRR depends on factors such as species, density, sediment organic contents, and food availability, direct comparisons are generally inappropriate. Nonetheless, the annual SRR of Laomedia sp. based on their density in our study area was estimated to be 72.2 kg m−2 yr−1, indicating that Laomedia sp. is an important bioturbator in the intertidal sediments. However, since the estimated value of the SRR based on short-term surveys is inaccurate, more detailed studies are necessary to evaluate accurately the SRR of Laomedia sp. through longer time series and more frequent sampling.

5. Conclusions

We estimated the SRR of Laomedia sp. by quantifying the amount of expelled sediments and the effects of tidal conditions on the SRR. The amount of expelled sediments from individual burrows was significantly related to the duration of submergence, whereas SRR was positively related to elevation. The SRR of Laomedia sp. was markedly higher than that of other thalassinideans. We could not fully evaluate accurate SRR of Laomedia sp. or the correlations between the SRR and various factors such as seawater temperature, shrimp size, and food content influencing the SRR of this species due to insufficient data from our short-term survey. Nonetheless, the significance of this study lies in estimating the SRR of Laomedia sp. by quantifying in situ sediments ejected from the burrows via direct entrapment and evaluating the effects of tidal conditions on the SRR. Our findings suggest that Laomedia sp. is an important bioturbator in this study area and tidal conditions should be considered when evaluating the SRR of this species.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at, Figure S1: The zoomed-in locations of the sediment traps spaced along a gradient of the varying elevation relative to MSL.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, formal analysis, investigation, and preparing and writing the original draft, J.S. and B.J.K.; writing the revision and editing, B.J.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was supported by the project “Development of technology for constructing biological and environmental spatial information system of tidal flats through machine learning of remotely sensed visual data (PE99915)” funded by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


We thank M. Jang for assistance in the field.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Location and layout of the study site in the Gomso tidal flat. Red rectangle represents study area; brown area represents tidal flat.
Figure 1. Location and layout of the study site in the Gomso tidal flat. Red rectangle represents study area; brown area represents tidal flat.
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Figure 2. Sediment trap for quantifying expelled sediments (a) before and (b) after submergence.
Figure 2. Sediment trap for quantifying expelled sediments (a) before and (b) after submergence.
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Figure 3. Sampling times for collecting expelled sediments by tidal height from MSL. Black triangles represent the time LM4 (243 cm from MSL, dotted red line) began to submerge. The collection process was conducted in the submerged period (yellow triangle) between 1st and 2nd submergence events; however, data were not included because LM1, LM2, and LM3 were not submerged at that period.
Figure 3. Sampling times for collecting expelled sediments by tidal height from MSL. Black triangles represent the time LM4 (243 cm from MSL, dotted red line) began to submerge. The collection process was conducted in the submerged period (yellow triangle) between 1st and 2nd submergence events; however, data were not included because LM1, LM2, and LM3 were not submerged at that period.
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Figure 4. Correlation between SRR and duration of submergence at each burrow over the study period: (a) LM1, (b) LM2, (c) LM3, (d) LM4, and (e) all burrows.
Figure 4. Correlation between SRR and duration of submergence at each burrow over the study period: (a) LM1, (b) LM2, (c) LM3, (d) LM4, and (e) all burrows.
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Figure 5. Correlation between (a) mean SRR and mean duration of submergence, and (b) mean SRR and elevation over the study period. Yellow, green, purple, and orange circles represent LM1, LM2, LM3, and LM4, respectively.
Figure 5. Correlation between (a) mean SRR and mean duration of submergence, and (b) mean SRR and elevation over the study period. Yellow, green, purple, and orange circles represent LM1, LM2, LM3, and LM4, respectively.
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Figure 6. Correlation between mean SRR and mound height. Yellow, green, purple, and orange circles represent LM1, LM2, LM3, and LM4, respectively.
Figure 6. Correlation between mean SRR and mound height. Yellow, green, purple, and orange circles represent LM1, LM2, LM3, and LM4, respectively.
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Figure 7. Bubble chart of the mean SRR of each burrow over the study period. Bubble size represents the mean SRR of each burrow.
Figure 7. Bubble chart of the mean SRR of each burrow over the study period. Bubble size represents the mean SRR of each burrow.
Jmse 09 01251 g007
Table 1. Comparison of tidal conditions among burrows. Different superscripts indicate significant differences among burrows (p < 0.05), while superscript ab indicates no significant difference from a and b.
Table 1. Comparison of tidal conditions among burrows. Different superscripts indicate significant differences among burrows (p < 0.05), while superscript ab indicates no significant difference from a and b.
BurrowMound Height
Elevation from MSL
Submergence/Exposure Frequency
Mean Duration of Submergence
Mean Duration of Continuous Exposure
Maximum Duration of Continuous Exposure
LM14.62731842.3 ± 1.4 a45 ± 73 a14
LM26.42652132.4 ± 2.3 b38 ± 63 a12
LM35.02602292.5 ± 1.4 b26 ± 58 ab12
LM44.22432922.8 ± 1.5 c27 ± 44 b10
Table 2. Comparison of daily expelled sediments and daily SRR among burrows.
Table 2. Comparison of daily expelled sediments and daily SRR among burrows.
BurrowMean Expelled Sediments
Mean SRR
(g min−1)
LM144.24 ± 52.700.34 ± 0.36
LM254.86 ± 69.380.41 ± 0.55
LM326.04 ± 14.270.16 ± 0.16
LM417.78 ± 11.070.08 ± 0.05
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MDPI and ACS Style

Seo, J.; Koo, B.J. The Sediment Reworking of the Mud Shrimp Laomedia sp. (Crustacea: Laomediidae) with Tidal Conditions in the Intertidal Sediments of Gomso Bay, Korea. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 1251.

AMA Style

Seo J, Koo BJ. The Sediment Reworking of the Mud Shrimp Laomedia sp. (Crustacea: Laomediidae) with Tidal Conditions in the Intertidal Sediments of Gomso Bay, Korea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2021; 9(11):1251.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Seo, Jaehwan, and Bon Joo Koo. 2021. "The Sediment Reworking of the Mud Shrimp Laomedia sp. (Crustacea: Laomediidae) with Tidal Conditions in the Intertidal Sediments of Gomso Bay, Korea" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9, no. 11: 1251.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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