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Qualitative Profiling, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Polar and Nonpolar Basil Extracts

Department of Ecology, University of Belgrade—Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”—National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Bulevar despota Stefana 142, 11108 Belgrade, Serbia
University of Belgrade—Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 12–16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
University of Belgrade—Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Chemistry, Njegoševa 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Foods 2024, 13(18), 2993;
Submission received: 5 July 2024 / Revised: 11 September 2024 / Accepted: 18 September 2024 / Published: 21 September 2024


Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a widely used culinary herb. In this study, ethanol, dichloromethane, and sunflower oil were used separately as solvents with distinct polarities for the extraction of basil aerial parts to simulate the different polarity conditions in domestic food processing. The oil extract (OE) was re-extracted with acetonitrile, and the chemical composition, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial activities of the ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), and acetonitrile (ACNE) extracts were determined. A total of 109 compounds were tentatively identified in EE, DCME, and ACNE by HPLC–DAD/ESI-ToF-MS. Fatty acids were present in all extracts. Phenolic acids and flavonoids dominated in EE. DCME was characterised by triterpenoid acids, while diterpenoids were mainly found in ACNE. The extracts were analysed for their antioxidant capacity using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) assay. EE and DCME showed significant radical scavenging potential. Antimicrobial activity was explored in eight bacterial, two yeast, and one fungal species. All extracts exhibited high antifungal activity, comparable to or better than that of the commercial drug nistatin. Antibacterial activities were notable for EE and ACNE, while DCME showed no activity against bacteria in the applied concentration ranges. The different polarities of the solvents led to distinctive phytochemical compositions and bioactivities in the extracts.

1. Introduction

A healthy diet through the consumption of certain foods and beverages is an important link in the promotion of health and the prevention and management of diseases. For example, significant positive results have been achieved in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes by changing dietary habits, e.g., by incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products [1]. In this regard, plants play an important role as a source of nutrients and specialised metabolites (formerly known as secondary metabolites). Specialised metabolites are classified into four main groups, namely terpenoids, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, and sulfur-containing compounds [2], and generally represent bioactive compounds that are associated with valuable health-enhancing properties, such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties [3,4,5,6,7,8], but can also have adverse effects, including neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic effects [9,10,11,12].
Ocimum basilicum L., commonly known as basil or sweet basil, is a highly aromatic herb that is widely used to enhance the flavour and aroma of various culinary dishes. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is native to tropical regions from Central Africa to Southeast Asia. Although it is considered an annual plant, it can also be grown as a biennial or perennial in regions with tropical or Mediterranean climates [13].
Basil leaves are commonly used as a fresh or dried popular spice. Apart from its culinary use, basil has a long history as a medicinal plant. Traditionally, it has been used to treat various ailments, such as headaches, coughs, gastrointestinal problems, menstrual irregularities, skin conditions, and kidney dysfunction [14,15]. The diverse bioactive compounds in basil contribute to its remarkable medicinal, pharmaceutical, and health-promoting properties. Basil essential oils, generally characterised by terpenoids and aromatic phenylpropanoid compounds, have insecticidal, nematicidal and antimicrobial properties and are used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries [16,17]. Essential oils from Ocimum sanctum and O. basilicum, as well as their main constituents eugenol and linalool, respectively, exhibit strong nematicidal activity against Meloidogyne incognita larvae [18]. Linalool and methylchavicol from the essential oil of O. basilicum displayed fungistatic activity against Rhizopus nigricans, while eugenol and cineole had a strong inhibitory effect on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum [19]. In addition to essential oils, basil also contains a number of non-volatile constituents, including fatty acids, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, and steroids [20]. These non-volatile constituents contribute to the therapeutic efficacy of basil, including its immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anxiolytic, adaptogenic, and antidiabetic properties [17,20]. Quercetin-3-O-glucoside, a flavonoid commonly found in Ocimum species, showed antibacterial and antioxidant activities [21]. Other flavonoids, such as rutin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, orientin and kaempferol, have been shown to possess antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic and gastroprotective activities, while the triterpenoid acids ursolic acid, 3-epi-maslinic acid and oleanolic acid exhibit antihyperglycemic, hepatoprotective and leishmanicidal effects, respectively (reviewed in [21]).
The preparation and processing of food can have a major impact on the extraction and bioavailability of nutrients. Different polarity media lead to different extraction of bioactive compounds. In addition, bioavailability depends on the food matrix. For example, it has been shown that the fat-soluble vitamin A precursors are better absorbed from high-fat foods [22]. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of solvents with different polarities, i.e., ethanol, dichloromethane, and sunflower oil, on the phytochemical composition, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial activities of extracts to simulate different food preparation conditions. Ethanol was used to simulate more polar food preparation conditions, such as broth cooking. Oil simulated apolar conditions, such as those achieved during stir-frying, braising/baking with vegetable oil, or marinating in oil. Since the oil extracts could not be analysed directly with HPLC, they were re-extracted with acetonitrile, which is relatively polar and probably could not extract all oil extractives. Therefore, the extraction of basil with dichloromethane was performed to identify the less polar extractives.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Plant Material

A commercial sample of Ocimum basilicum was obtained from the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr. Josif Pančić”, Belgrade, Serbia, lot number 06640319. Aerial parts of wild-growing plants were collected during full bloom.

2.2. Extraction Procedure

The dried and powdered plant material (18 g) was extracted separately with 50 g of 96% ethanol, 100 g of dichloromethane and 100 g of sunflower oil (commercial product “Dijamant”, DOO Zrenjanin, Zrenjanin, Serbia) in a dark place at room temperature for seven days. The extracts obtained were filtered. The oil extract (33 mL) was re-extracted with 20 mL of acetonitrile using an overhead rotary mixer for 18 h at room temperature. The solvent was removed from the extracts by rotary evaporation. Prior to HPLC–DAD/ESI–ToF-MS analysis, the extracts were dissolved in methanol to a final concentration of 10 mg/mL and filtered through a 0.45 μm pore-size filter.

2.3. HPLC–DAD/ESI–ToF-MS Analysis

The chemical composition of the extracts was analysed by an HPLC apparatus (Agilent 1100 Series, Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany) with a degasser, autosampler, LiChrospher 100 RP18e column (250 × 4.0 mm i.d.; 5 μm) and a DAD detector in combination with a 6210 Time-of-Flight LC/MS System (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). The mobile phase consisted of 0.2% formic acid solution in water (solvent A) and acetonitrile (solvent B). The isocratic and gradient elution programme at a flow rate of 1.00 mL/min was as follows: 0–5 min 10–20% B, 5–10 min 20% B, 10–20 min 20–30% B, 20–30 min 30–70% B, 30–35 min 70–100% B, 35–40 min 100% B, 40–41 min 100–10% B, 41–45 min 10% B. The injection volume was 10 μL and the column was thermostated at 25 °C. Signals were detected in the 190–550 nm wavelength range by a DAD. The charged molecular ions were obtained by electrospray ionisation (ESI) in the negative ionisation mode at atmospheric pressure. The ionisation source conditions were as follows: capillary voltage, 4000 V; gas temperature, 350 °C; drying gas flow rate, 12 L/min; nebuliser pressure, 45 psig (310.26 Pa); fragmentation voltage, 140 V. Masses were measured in the range 100–2500 m/z. MassHunter Workstation software (version A.02.02, Agilent Tchnologies) was used for data recording and processing.

2.4. Antioxidant Assay

Free radical scavenging activity of plant extracts was evaluated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay [23]. Polar ethanol extract (EE) was analysed by the polar DPPH method (DPPH in methanol) and nonpolar extracts, i.e., dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile (ACNE) and oil (OE) extracts were analysed by the nonpolar DPPH method (DPPH in toluene). The concentrations of the extracts ranged from 0.1 to 1.75 mg/mL. A mixture of an extract solution (200 µL) and a 0.1 mM solution of DPPH (1800 µL) was shaken and incubated in the dark for 30 min. The absorbance of the remaining DPPH radical was measured at 517 nm (Asample). All samples were prepared in triplicate. The percentage of inhibition of the DPPH radical, I(%), by each sample was calculated according to the following equation:
I % = A b l a n k A s a m p l e A b l a n k × 100 ,
where Ablank is the absorbance of DPPH with methanol or toluene instead of the extract solution.
The EC50 value (concentration of the extract that reduces the absorption of the DPPH solution by 50%) was calculated using the curve of the dependence of I(%) on the concentration of each extract. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), a known artificial antioxidant, was dissolved in methanol (for the polar method) or toluene (for the nonpolar method) and used as a positive probe.
To compare the antioxidant capacity of the extracts, the results were also expressed in BHT equivalents (BHTE), i.e., µg BHTE/mg extract, which was calculated as follows:
B H T E = E C 50   B H T ( m g m L ) E C 50   e x t r a c t ( m g m L ) × 1000 ,
where the EC50 of BHT in methanol was used for the calculations for EE, and the EC50 of BHT in toluene was used for the calculations for DCME, ACNE, and OE.

2.5. Antimicrobial Assay

Antimicrobial activity was tested against Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 9027), Proteus hauseri (ATCC 13315), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 10031), Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis (ATCC 13076), Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633), Clostridium sporogenes (ATCC 19404), yeasts Candida albicans (ATCC 10231), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 9763) and the fungal strain Aspergillus brasiliensis (ATCC 16404). These strains of microbes were selected as the most common causes of infections in humans.
Antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the broth microdilution method according to the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards [24], as described by Vujić et al. [25]. The 96-well plates were prepared by adding 100 μL of Mueller-Hinton broth for bacteria and Sabouraud dextrose broth for yeasts and fungi to each well. The test extracts were dissolved in DMSO to a stock concentration of 20 mg/mL, then 100 μL of the stock solution of the tested extracts was added to the first row of the plate and diluted twice in the broth. The direct colony method was used to prepare the bacterial and yeast suspension in sterile 0.9% saline, while spores from agar slants with growing Aspergilli were carefully stripped into sterile 0.9% saline to prepare the fungal spore suspension. The turbidity of the suspension was determined by comparison with the 0.5 McFarland standard. After measuring the optical density OD600, the colony count was also checked after a series of dilutions of the initial suspensions. Due to the visual detection of growth inhibition, the maximum concentrations of the microorganisms were used. Ten µL of bacterial or yeast suspension or spore suspension was added to each well to achieve a final concentration of 106 CFU/mL for bacteria and 105 CFU/mL for yeasts and fungi. Chloramphenicol served as a positive control for bacteria, while nystatin served as a positive control for yeasts and fungi. The inoculated plates were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h for bacteria and at 28 °C for 48 h for yeasts and fungi. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined as the lowest concentration that inhibited visible microbial growth.
Minimum bactericidal (MBC) and minimum fungicidal concentrations (MFC) were determined by plating 10 μL of samples from wells where no colony growth was observed onto nutrient agar medium for bacteria and Sabouraud dextrose agar for yeasts and fungi. After the incubation period, the lowest concentration with no visible growth (no colony) was defined as the minimum microbicidal concentration.

2.6. Statistical Analysis

The antioxidant properties of the extracts were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the statistical software R, version 4.2.2 [26]. The significance level was set at p ≤ 0.05, and the type I error rate in hypothesis testing was controlled using the Bonferroni p-adjustment method.

3. Results

3.1. Phytochemical Profile

Three solvents of different polarities were used for the extraction of O. basilicum aerial parts. Ethanol, dichloromethane and acetonitrile oil extract gave yields of 2.70%, 3.07%, and 0.89% of dry weight, respectively. In total, 109 compounds were tentatively identified by HPLC–DAD/ESI-ToF-MS based on their exact molecular masses and corresponding molecular formulas, UV spectra (where available, depending on content and/or molar absorption coefficient), and literature data on Ocimum species and/or Lamiaceae family (Table 1).
Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of organic acids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, terpenoids and fatty acids as the most represented compounds (Figure 1). EE was characterised by fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids and monoterpenoids. Flavone and flavonol derivatives were the predominant flavonoids (Figure 2). Being the most hydrophilic, phenolic acids and glycosylated flavonoids were found only in EEs, while the organic acids were present in EEs and DCMEs. Terpenoids and fatty acids were the main compound classes identified in DCME and ACNE. Terpenoids were represented mostly by triterpene acids in DCME, diterpenoids in ACNE and monoterpenoid glucosides in EE (Table 1, Figure 2). The majority of the fatty acids identified in the extracts were (poly)unsaturated hydroxyoctadecatrienoic (HOTrE), dihydroxyoctadecatrienoic (diHOTrE), dihydroxyoctadecenoic (diHOME), dihydroxyoctadecadienoic (diHODE) and trihydroxyoctadecadienoic (triHODE) acids (Table 1, Figure 2).

3.2. Antioxidant Potential

Table 2 presents the results of the antioxidant activity of the basil extracts evaluated by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical assay. The scavenging effects of the extracts are expressed as EC50 values. A lower EC50 value indicates that the sample displays higher antioxidant activity. EE exhibited five times weaker antioxidant potential than the BHT standard (methanol), while DCME exhibited seven times lower activity than BHT (toluene).
The antioxidant capacity of the extracts was compared on the basis of BHTE by ANOVA. A higher BHTE value means that the sample has a higher antioxidant activity. The extracts showed decreasing antioxidant capacity, as follows: EE > DCME > ACNE > OE (Table 3).

3.3. Antimicrobial Properties

The antimicrobial activities of O. basilicum extracts are listed in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. The extracts displayed notable antibacterial activity in the range of 0.313–2.5 mg/mL, except DCME, which showed no antibacterial activity against all the tested bacteria over the concentration range investigated. EE exhibited the strongest activity against a Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while ACNE was most potent against a Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and a Gram-negative Proteus hauseri, as indicated by the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. All extracts displayed better or the same antifungal activity compared to the commercial drug nystatin.

4. Discussion

4.1. Phytochemical Profile

In this study, qualitative analyses of O. basilicum aerial parts extracted with solvents of different polarities were performed to gain insight into the chemical composition and bioactivity of food extracts prepared under different cooking conditions, taking into account that more polar conditions lead to the extraction of more polar components and, conversely, nonpolar conditions lead to the extraction of nonpolar components. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first comprehensive, untargeted analysis of extracts from basil aerial parts with gradient polarity; for the first time, 109 compounds belonging to ten different compound classes were tentatively identified from the same plant material. The results highlight the differences in the phytochemical composition between the ethanol, dichloromethane and sunflower oil basil extracts. Ethanol was the superior solvent for extracting phenolic acids and flavonoids, which is in accordance with previous findings. All phenolic acids tentatively identified in the present work, i.e., protocatechuic acid (compound 6, Table 1), 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (7), caffeic acid (8), p-coumaric acid (9), rosmarinic acid (10), and salvianolic acids (11, 12), have been previously reported in O. basilicum [13,14,48,85,86]. Rosmarinic acid is frequently found in medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family [87]. It has been reported to be one of the predominant phenolic compounds in O. basilicum [14,85,88]. It has demonstrated a myriad of biological and pharmacological activities in prior research, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, cytotoxic, neuroprotective, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects from in vitro studies; anti-inflammatory, antitumour, antithrombotic, antivenom, and protective effects from in vivo studies; and anti-inflammatory effects in treating several ailments from clinical trials, as reviewed by Amoah et al. [87]. It is believed that many of these effects are supported by the antioxidant and radical scavenging properties of rosmarinic acid.
Among the flavonoids, six glycosylated flavonoids (13, 14, 20–23) and five aglycones, including apigenin (15) and four methoxylated compounds (16–19), were found. Apigenin and glycosylated flavonoids were restricted to the ethanol extract, while the methoxylated derivatives were also extracted with dichloromethane and sunflower oil. Natural flavonoids are mostly found in O-glycoside or C-glycoside forms in plants. Glycosylation increases the chemical stability and solubility of flavonoids and provides access to active membrane transport systems that recognise glycosylated compounds but not their aglycones [89]. Methoxylated flavonoids are lipophilic molecules commonly found on the plant surface, where they are assumed to provide protection against harmful UV radiation and microbial infection, and there is evidence for their herbivore deterrence role [39,89]. Although methylation reduces the hydrophilicity and antioxidant potential of flavonoids in vitro, it increases their bioavailability by blocking the hydroxyl functional groups involved in the further catabolism of these compounds in living organisms. O-Methylated compounds generally exhibit higher in vivo anticancer activity than their corresponding hydroxylated derivatives [90]. In addition, methoxylated flavonoids can permeate membranes more easily due to their increased hydrophobicity, which facilitates their interaction with microorganisms in antimicrobial defence.
Ethanol and dichloromethane were the most effective solvents for the isolation of triterpenoids (37–45), among which the majority were triterpenoid acids, which have proven hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antiviral, antioxidant, and antitumour activities [76,91,92]. On the other hand, sunflower oil was superior in the isolation of diterpenoid compounds (28–35). Labdane, abietane and ent-kaurene diterpenoids, with prominent biological activities such as antioxidative, gastroprotective, and cytotoxic activities [70,93,94], were tentatively identified in the present study.
In all three extracts that were examined, a variety of fatty acids were found, particularly unsaturated hydroxy fatty acids. These types of fatty acids are a significant component of plant seed oils and waxes. The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are considered important health promoters due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cytotoxic properties, aligns with previous studies on the fatty acid composition of basil leaves [95,96].

4.2. Antioxidant Potential

Different compositions of phytochemicals led to variations in the antioxidant effects of the extracts. The highest antioxidant activities were obtained with ethanol extracts, which is consistent with previous studies showing the superiority of polar protic solvents in obtaining extracts of O. basilicum with high antioxidant potential [86,88,97]. The ability of polar extracts to scavenge radicals is attributed to their phenolic content, particularly that of the phenolic acids and flavonoids. Their mode of action may include the inhibition of enzymes/chelation of trace elements involved in the formation of reactive oxygen species or the reduction of highly oxidising free radicals by hydrogen atom donation [25]. The phenoxyl radical formed by hydrogen atom donation is stabilised by delocalisation via a conjugated aromatic ring system. Particularly pronounced antioxidant activities are observed in phenolic acids possessing two hydroxyl groups at the ortho position [16], as found in protocatechuic (6), caffeic (8), rosmarinic (10), and salvianolic acids (11, 12) in the present study, as well as in certain flavonoids with catechol groups. The second oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group in the ortho position is also involved in delocalisation, which further stabilises the phenoxyl radical [98]. Furthermore, the catechol group can scavenge two radicals and chelate transition metal ions, which are involved in the formation of free radicals [99]. In addition to flavonoids and phenolic acids, some diterpene compounds, such as carnosic acid, a phenolic abietane diterpene found in ACNE, and other abietane diterpenes found in DCME and ACNE (28, 30, 31, 34, 35) have also been reported to exhibit remarkable antioxidant activities [93,94].

4.3. Antimicrobial Properties

A large number of infections of the urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract are caused by bacteria [100,101,102]. Some of the microbes used in this work are causative agents of a variety of diseases and are associated with the problem of the emergence of resistant strains [103]. These microbial strains were selected as the most common causes of infections in humans. For example, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp. and Candida spp. are among the most common causes of urinary tract infections [104], while Salmonella spp., Clostridium spp., E. coli, Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. are microbial pathogens that cause more severe or complicated gastrointestinal infections in immunocompromised hosts [101].
There are numerous studies on the antimicrobial effect of O. basilicum extracts, most of which investigated the effect of the essential oils and the ethanol, methanol or water extracts of the leaves. Backiam et al. [105] found that ethanol and methanol extracts of basil leaves inhibited the growth of the bacterial species K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and S. aureus investigated herein. Against K. pneumoniae they were as effective as the control antibiotic ampicilin; against P. aeruginosa the ethanol extract was better than the control and against E. coli and S. aureus, slightly weaker than the control. Ababutain found that the strength of inhibition of basil leaf extracts against S. aureus, Bacillus subtilis, E. coli and P. aeruginosa was in the order methanol > ethanol > water extract, and that all extracts had the same effect on the yeasts Candida albicans and C. tropicalis [106]. In his study, even the erythromycin-resistant strains of S. aureus and E. coli were sensitive to all O. basilicum extracts.
Fungi play various roles in food, from production to spoilage. Every year, millions of people fall ill from foodborne diseases, some of which are caused by fungi such as Alternaria, Aspergillus, Candida and Fusarium, which mainly affect immunocompromised individuals [107]. The importance of plant extracts as a novel approach to combat pathogenic microorganisms is increasingly being recognised. In this context, polyphenols, which are found in all higher plants, have been extensively studied for their antimicrobial properties. It is assumed that their mode of action is based on their ability to directly combat microorganisms and suppress microbial virulence factors [108]. In this study, the extracts contained a variety of phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids and a phenolic diterpene (carnosic acid), while phenolic acids were only present in the ethanol extract. Bais et al. reported an increased production of rosmarinic acid in hairy root cultures of O. basilicum upon elicitation with fungal cell wall elicitors of the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi [109]. They also found that rosmarinic acid exerted antimicrobial activity against a range of soil-borne microorganisms, with the most detrimental effects against P. aeruginosa and significant inhibitory activity against A. niger. In addition, the methanolic-aqueous extract of O. basilicum was reported to exert 95.8% mycelial inhibition against the toxigenic strain of Aspergillus flavus and pronounced antiaflatoxigenic activity [110]. These results are in agreement with those of our study. All extracts were able to inhibit fungal strains due to the variety of specialised metabolites reported here, e.g., phenolic acids [111], methoxylated flavonoids [112], and triterpenoid acids [113]. The ethanol extract was the only one containing phenolic acids and their derivatives, of which rosmarinic acid is the most abundant in sweet basil according to literature data [14,85,88] and showed the strongest activity against P. aeruginosa. The acetonitrile oil extract, which exhibited strong antibacterial activity against the Gram-positive bacterium S. aureus and the Gram-negative bacterium P. hauseri, was characterised by the content of diterpenoids, especially abietane-type diterpenoids. Abietane diterpenoids from the Lamiaceae family have been reported to exhibit a range of antimicrobial activities, including antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic activities [113,114].

5. Conclusions

In this study, solvents of different polarity (ethanol, dichloromethane and sunflower oil) were used to investigate the influence of different polarity conditions, as they may occur in food matrices during different food preparation processes, on the phytochemical composition and bioactivity of basil. The ethanol extract showed the highest antioxidant potential among the extracts. All extracts displayed notable antifungal activities against selected yeast and fungi species. More polar conditions, as found in cooking broths, lead to the extraction of (poly)phenols with significant antioxidant potential, which are important for fighting inflammation in the body. Less polar extraction methods, which can be considered analogous to stir-frying, braising/baking with vegetable oil, or marinating in oil, contribute to the extraction of nonpolar bioactive compounds, such as diterpenoids and triterpenoids.

Author Contributions

Conceptualisation, B.M.; formal analysis, B.V., M.J., S.T. and I.N.; resources, V.T. and B.M.; data curation, M.J., V.V., I.N. and B.M.; writing—original draft preparation, V.V.; writing—review and editing, M.J., S.T., V.T. and B.M.; visualisation, V.V. and B.V.; supervision, B.M.; funding acquisition, V.T. and B.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Republic of Serbia (contracts: 451-03-66/2024-03/200168, 451-03-66/2024-03/200026 and 451-03-66/2024-03/200007).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


The authors thank Nebojša Menković from the Institute for the Study of Medicinal Plants “Josif Pančić”, Belgrade, Serbia for providing the plant material sample.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Distribution of representative compound classes tentatively identified in O. basilicum. EE—ethanol extract, DCME—dichloromethane extract, ACNE—acetonitrile oil extract.
Figure 1. Distribution of representative compound classes tentatively identified in O. basilicum. EE—ethanol extract, DCME—dichloromethane extract, ACNE—acetonitrile oil extract.
Foods 13 02993 g001
Figure 2. Distribution of representative subgroups of flavonoids, terpenoids, and fatty acids tentatively identified in O. basilicum. HOTrE—hydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid; diHOTrE—dihydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid; diHOME—dihydroxyoctadecenoic acid; diHODE—dihydroxyoctadecadienoic acid; triHODE—trihydroxyoctadecadienoic acid; EE—ethanol extract; DCME—dichloromethane extract; ACNE—acetonitrile oil extract.
Figure 2. Distribution of representative subgroups of flavonoids, terpenoids, and fatty acids tentatively identified in O. basilicum. HOTrE—hydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid; diHOTrE—dihydroxyoctadecatrienoic acid; diHOME—dihydroxyoctadecenoic acid; diHODE—dihydroxyoctadecadienoic acid; triHODE—trihydroxyoctadecadienoic acid; EE—ethanol extract; DCME—dichloromethane extract; ACNE—acetonitrile oil extract.
Foods 13 02993 g002
Table 1. Composition of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), and acetonitrile oil extract (ACNE) analysed by HPLC–DAD/ESI-ToF-MS.
Table 1. Composition of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), and acetonitrile oil extract (ACNE) analysed by HPLC–DAD/ESI-ToF-MS.
NoCompound Class/NameCAS Registry NumberMolecular FormulaIon SpeciesPseudomolecular Ion (m/z)Rt (min)UV Maximum (nm)ExtractReference
Organic acid
1Succinic acid110-15-6C4H6O4[M−H]117.02052.702.62192, 218, 234EE[27]
2Benzoic acid65-85-0C7H6O2[M−H]121.02977.787.66232, 284EE, DCME[28]
312-Hydroxyjasmonic acid140631-27-2C12H18O4[M−H]
8.00n.a. 1n.a.EE, DCME[29]
4Cinnamic acid621-82-9C9H8O2[M−H]147.045411.58n.a.n.a.DCME[17]
5Azelaic acid123-99-9C9H16O4[M−H]187.098213.50n.a.n.a.EE, DCME[30]
Phenolic acid (derivative)
6Protocatechuic acid99-50-3C7H6O4[M−H]
4.574.49232, 258, 296EE[31]
74-Hydroxybenzoic acid99-96-7C7H6O3[M−H]
5.805.70238, 280, 310EE[31]
8Caffeic acid331-39-5C9H8O4[M−H]179.03547.167.06244, 296sh, 324EE[32]
9p-Coumaric acid7400-08-0C9H8O3[M−H]163.03729.419.28296sh, 310EE[14]
10Rosmarinic acid20283-92-5C18H16O8[M−H]
15.5315.35234, 288, 330EE[33]
11Salvianolic acid A96574-01-5C26H22O10[M−H]493.115815.88n.a.n.a.EE[34]
12Salvianolic acid B
Salvianolic acid E
Salvianolic acid L
14Vicenin 223666-13-9C27H30O15[M−H]
15Apigenin520-36-5C15H10O5[M−H]269.046625.6425.30232, 266, 336EE[33]
C17H14O6[M−H]313.072928.1227.56230, 258, 268, 280EE, DCME, ACNE[39]
5,8-Dihydroxy-4′,6,7-trimethoxy-flavone (7CI)



C16H12O5[M−H]283.062329.7629.26230, 282, 330EE, DCME[39]
5,8-Dihydroxy-4′,6,7-trimethoxy-flavone (7CI)



1219. 2982
10.3210.20354, 266sh, 298sh, 352EE[33]
21Kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside17650-84-9
22Quercetin 3-glucoside
Quercetin 7-O-glucoside
Quercetin 3-O-hexoside
11.2711.11256, 264sh, 296sh, 352EE[45]
Luteolin 7-O-glucoside
Luteolin 4′-O-glucoside
14.5014.31232, 266, 288, 342EE[43]
clohexanone [2R-
2H-pyran-3-yl β-D-glu-
copyranoside (ACI)
Betulalbuside A
[2.2.2]oct-5-yl β-D-glu-
copyranoside (ACI)
thylbicyclo [2.2.1]hept-
2-yl β-D-glucopyra-
noside (ACI)
[2.2.2]oct-5-yl β-D-glu-
copyranoside (ACI)
1,8-cineole β-D-gluco-














clohexanone [2R-
2H-pyran-3-yl β-D-glu-
copyranoside (ACI)
Betulalbuside A
[2.2.2]oct-5-yl β-D-glu-
copyranoside (ACI)
thylbicyclo [2.2.1]hept-
2-yl β-D-glucopyra-
noside (ACI)
[2.2.2]oct-5-yl β-D-glu-
copyranoside (ACI)
1,8-cineole β-D-gluco-














26(-)-α-Terpineol 8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside
Geranyl glucoside
Neryl glucoside
Linalool glucoside
C16H28O6[M+HCO2]361.187822.70n.a.n.a.EE, DCME[59]
28Carnosic acid3650-09-7C20H28O4[M−H]331.191929.65n.a.n.a.ACNE[20]
2915-Nor-14-oxolabda-8(17),12E-diene-18-oic acid

ent-15-Nor-14-oxolabda-8(17),12E-dien-18-oic acid





31Bodinieric acid A2227130-30-3C19H24O4[M−H]315.161633.43n.a.n.a.DCME[65]
33Lagopsin C
15-epi-Lagopsin C
Lagopsin D
15-epi-Lagopsin D
Sideripullol C
C22H36O6[M−H]395.245434.2933.60258sh, 276DCME[67]
341,4-Phenanthrenedione, 10-butoxy-4b,5,6,7,8,8a,9,10-octahydro-3-hydroxy-4b,8,8-trimethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-, (4bS,8aS,10R)-(ACI)3024059-23-9C24H36O4[M−H]387.253136.11n.a.n.a.ACNE[69]
35Palustric acid1945-53-5C20H30O2[M−H]301.216836.47n.a.n.a.ACNE[70]
36Leucosceptroid B
(1R,3S,3aR,4aS,5S,7aS,8S,8aR)-Decahydro-8a-hydroxy-3,5,8-trimethyl-3-[2-(3-methyl-2-furanyl)ethyl]-1-(2-methyl-1-propen-1-yl)-4H-cyclopent[f]isobenzofuran-4-one (ACI)



37Vitexnegheteroin H
Sanguic acid
1035; 6401
38Madecassic acid18449-41-7C30H48O6[M−H]
1007; 6836
28.81n.a.n.a.EE, DCME[75]
39Euscaphic acid
Tormentic acid
C30H48O5[M−H]487.344130.9030.62196, 210, 218, 228EE, DCME[76]
40Euscaphic acid
Tormentic acid
41Alphitolic acid
Pomolic acid
3-epi-Maslinic acid
42Glycyrrhetinic acid471-53-4C30H46O4[M−H]469.333933.98n.a.n.a.DCME[78]
43Alphitolic acid
Pomolic acid
3-epi-Maslinic acid
C30H48O4[M−H]471.349334.4833.74206, 212, 216sh, 280EE, DCME[76,77]
44Alphitolic acid
Pomolic acid
3-epi-Maslinic acid
45Oleanolic acid
(+)-Ursolic acid
3-epi-Ursolic acid
Betulinic acid
Fatty acid
46FA 2 18:2;O3 C18H32O5[M−H]
25.3324.98234, 292EE, DCME
47FA 18:2;O3 C18H32O5[M−H]327.218725.64n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
48FA 18:2;O3 C18H32O5[M−H]327.218125.84n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
49FA 18:2;O3 C18H32O5[M−H]327.219126.2025.60250EE, DCME
50FA 18:1;O3 C18H34O5[M−H]329.234526.5226.31234, 282EE, DCME
51FA 18:2;O3 C18H32O5[M−H]327.219226.90n.a.n.a.DCME
52FA 16:0;O2 C16H32O4[M−H]287.224127.4027.26232, 258, 268, 278DCME
53FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]309.2080
27.8827.57260, 268, 278DCME
54FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]309.2080
28.0627.74258, 268, 278DCME
55FA 18:3;O3 C18H30O5[M−H]325.203128.28n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
56FA 18:4;O2 C18H28O4[M−H]
28.4728.15314EE, DCME
57FA 18:4;O2 C18H28O4[M−H]307.192528.6428.28254sh, 320EE, DCME
58FA 18:3;O4 C18H30O6[M−H]341.198228.87n.a.n.a.EE
59FA 17:3;O3
FA 16:3;O
311.187829.0428.69264, 280, 334DCME
60FA 18:3;O3 C18H30O5[M−H]
61FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]309.208129.42n.a.n.a.DCME
62FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]
63FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]
29.80n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
64FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]309.206929.80n.a.n.a.ACNE
65FA 18:2;O2 C18H32O4[M−H]
29.9429.44262sh, 270, 282sh, 338EE, DCME
66FA 18:2;O2 C18H32O4[M−H]311.222530.13n.a.n.a.ACNE
67FA 18:2;O4 C18H32O6[M−H]343.214330.31n.a.n.a.DCME
68FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]309.180230.62n.a.n.a.DCME
69FA 18:3;O3 C18H30O5[M−H]325.201730.66n.a.n.a.ACNE
70FA 18:1;O2 C18H34O4[M−H]313.237930.90n.a.n.a.ACNE
71FA 18:1;O2 C18H34O4[M−H]313.239631.15n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
72FA 18:1;O2 C18H34O4[M−H]-
73FA 18:1;O2 C18H34O4[M−H]313.238132.15n.a.n.a.ACNE
74FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]
32.1831.56276, 332, 410EE, DCME
75FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]293.211232.3131.71230, 278, 286shDCME
76FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]293.211332.46n.a.n.a.ACNE
77FA 18:3;O2 C18H30O4[M−H]
32.5531.90200, 218sh, 232EE, DCME
78FA 18:0;O2 C18H36O4[M−H]
32.64n.a.n.a.DCME, ACNE
79FA 18:1;O3 C18H34O5[M−H]329.190633.0532.45202, 212, 220EE
80FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]293.211233.06n.a.n.a.DCME
81FA 18:2;O C18H32O3[M−H]
33.3632.63280, 414EE, DCME
82FA 18:1;O3 C18H34O5[M−H]329.188933.36n.a.n.a.ACNE
83FA 18:2;O2 C18H32O4[M−H]311.224133.52n.a.n.a.EE
84FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]293.213333.55n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
85FA 18:2;O2 C18H32O4[M−H]311.224133.61n.a.n.a.DCME
86FA 18:2;O C18H32O3[M−H]295.227133.65n.a.n.a.ACNE
87FA 18:2;O C18H32O4[M−H]311.224233.6633.04208, 214, 220shEE
88FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]293.213533.8333.05234, 268, 326DCME
89FA 18:2;O2 C18H32O4[M−H]311.222733.90n.a.n.a.ACNE
90FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]293.213334.1033.43204, 216, 280EE, DCME, ACNE
91FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]-
92FA 18:1;O C18H34O3[M−H]297.242934.37n.a.n.a.ACNE
93FA 18:1;O C18H34O3[M−H]297.244934.55n.a.n.a.DCME
94FA 18:1;O2 C18H34O4[M−H]
34.65n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
95FA 18:3;O C18H30O3[M−H]
34.7534.36276EE, DCME, ACNE
96FA 18:1;O2 C18H34O4[M−H]313.240134.8234.04276EE, DCME
97FA 18:2;O C18H32O3[M−H]295.227134.91n.a.n.a.ACNE
98FA 18:2;O C18H32O3[M−H]295.226835.15n.a.n.a.ACNE
99FA 18:1;O C18H34O3[M−H]297.242936.32n.a.n.a.ACNE
100FA 18:3 C18H30O2[M−H]
36.47n.a.n.a.EE, DCME
101FA 18:3 C18H30O2[M−H]
102FA 18:2 C18H32O2[M−H]
103Undecanedioic acid1852-04-6C11H20O4[M−H]215.129524.9424.62202, 208, 214, 232EE, DCME[81]
104Gingerglycolipid A145937-22-0C33H56O14[M−H]
105Panaxcerol B171520-42-6C27H46O9[M−H]513.3079
33.07n.a.n.a.EE, DCME[82]
108Moreollic acid173792-68-2C34H40O9[M−H]
109Dehydrodieugenol B75225-33-1C20H22O4[M−H]325.144232.89n.a.n.a.ACNE[84]
1 n.a.—Not available; 2 FA—Fatty acid.
Table 2. DPPH antiradical activity (EC50, mg/mL) of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE); BHT—butylated hydroxytoluene.
Table 2. DPPH antiradical activity (EC50, mg/mL) of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE); BHT—butylated hydroxytoluene.
EC50 1 (mg/mL)1.73 ± 0.069.55 ± 0.1515.92 ± 0.3152.69 ± 1.390.33 ± 0.011.42 ± 0.01
1 Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
Table 3. Antioxidant capacity of the extracts expressed in µg BHTE/mg extract; different letters indicate statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.05).
Table 3. Antioxidant capacity of the extracts expressed in µg BHTE/mg extract; different letters indicate statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.05).
BHTE 1189.27 ± 6.61 a149.19 ± 1.71 b89.49 ± 1.73 c 27.05 ± 0.72 d
1 Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3).
Table 4. Antibacterial activity of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE) against Gram-negative bacteria. MIC—minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC—minimum bactericidal concentration.
Table 4. Antibacterial activity of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE) against Gram-negative bacteria. MIC—minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC—minimum bactericidal concentration.
Escherichia coliPseudomonas aeruginosaProteus hauseriKlebsiella pneumoniaeSalmonella enterica subsp. enterica
Chloramphenicol0.062 0.25 0.125 0.062 0.125
Table 5. Antibacterial activity of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE) against Gram-positive bacteria. MIC—minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC—minimum bactericidal concentration.
Table 5. Antibacterial activity of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE) against Gram-positive bacteria. MIC—minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC—minimum bactericidal concentration.
Staphylococcus aureusBacillus subtilisClostridium sporogenes
Chloramphenicol0.015 0.015 0.25
Table 6. Antifungal activity of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE). MIC—minimum inhibitory concentration; MFC—minimum fungicidal concentration.
Table 6. Antifungal activity of O. basilicum ethanol (EE), dichloromethane (DCME), acetonitrile oil (ACNE), and oil extract (OE). MIC—minimum inhibitory concentration; MFC—minimum fungicidal concentration.
Aspergillus brasiliensisSaccharomyces cerevisiaeCandida albicans
Nystatin2.5 1.25 2.5
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MDPI and ACS Style

Vidaković, V.; Vujić, B.; Jadranin, M.; Novaković, I.; Trifunović, S.; Tešević, V.; Mandić, B. Qualitative Profiling, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Polar and Nonpolar Basil Extracts. Foods 2024, 13, 2993.

AMA Style

Vidaković V, Vujić B, Jadranin M, Novaković I, Trifunović S, Tešević V, Mandić B. Qualitative Profiling, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Polar and Nonpolar Basil Extracts. Foods. 2024; 13(18):2993.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Vidaković, Vera, Bojan Vujić, Milka Jadranin, Irena Novaković, Snežana Trifunović, Vele Tešević, and Boris Mandić. 2024. "Qualitative Profiling, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Polar and Nonpolar Basil Extracts" Foods 13, no. 18: 2993.

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