2 February 2023
Crystals 2022 Best Cover Award

To reward the authors who have published important research results in Crystals, we are announcing the Crystals 2022 Best Cover Award. There will be one cover story published in 2022 because of the writers' growing interest in having their studies published as a cover story in Crystals (ISSN: 2073-4352). This cover story provides key scientific findings or novel approaches along with striking imagery.

One Crystals 2022 Best Cover Award cover story will be chosen from the 12 stories published in 2022, and the winner will receive CHF 500. The criteria that will be considered for selection are as follows:

  • The importance or innovation of the research;
  • The quality of the cover image.

We will invite authors from these Issues to vote for the best cover and randomly select the votes of 10 participants, and then, to show our appreciation for their involvement in the voting process, the 10 selected participants will each receive a CHF 50 voucher. The vote will be open from 6 February 2023 to 6 March 2023.

Please cast your vote here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M92ZML3.

The winners will be announced on the journal website at the end of March 2023.

Crystals Editorial Office

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