7 February 2023
Catalysts | Highly Cited Special Issues from the Section “Catalytic Reaction Engineering”

(ISSN: 2073-4344) has launched the Section “Catalytic Reaction Engineering”. The Section is dedicated to publishing original and high-impact contributions that report new reaction mechanisms, kinetics, and reaction engineering with emphasis on the recent progress in sustainable catalysts and catalytic processes.

You are welcome to read the Highly Cited Special Issues. As Catalysts is an open access publication, you have free and unlimited access to the full text of all of the articles published in our journal.

1. Special Issue “Current Advanced Technologies in Catalysts/Catalyzed Reactions”
Edited by Sagadevan Suresh and Is Fatimah
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/catalysts_catalyzed_reactions
Viewed by 15616 | Cited by 32

2. Special Issue “Photocatalytic Reaction Engineering for Energy Conversion, Water and Air Purification”
Edited by Hugo de Lasa and Salvador Escobedo
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/pre
Viewed by 10764 | Cited by 19

3. Special Issue “10th Anniversary of Catalysts: Feature Papers in Catalytic Reaction Engineering”
Edited by Hugo de Lasa and Mohammad Mozahar Hossain
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/FP_Catalytic_Reaction_Engineering
Viewed by 9240 | Cited by 6

4. Special Issue “Catalytic CO2 Methanation Reactors and Processes”
Edited by Son Ich Ngo and Enrique García-Bordejé
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/metha_react
Viewed by 8136 | Cited by 12

5. Special Issue “Catalytic Reaction Engineering for the Sustainability of the Environment”
Edited by Michael Nigra
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/cataly_reac_engin_sustain_environ
Viewed by 3597 | Cited by 6

6. Special Issue “Multicomponent Catalytic Reactions under Green Conditions”
Edited by Giovanna Bosica
Webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/special_issues/MRUGCS
Viewed by 1941 | Cited by 5

If you are an active researcher in the field and are passionate about participating in editorial work, please do not hesitate to contact the Catalysts Editorial Office ([email protected]).

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