8 February 2023
2022 Buildings Outstanding Reviewer Awards—Winners Announced

Peer review is an essential part of the publication process and is important in ensuring that Buildings (ISSN: 2075-5309) maintains high-quality standards for its published papers. The Buildings Editorial Board and editorial team would like to gratefully acknowledge the time and energy dedicated by reviewers to checking the manuscripts submitted to the journal.

The following reviewers have been selected to receive the 2022 Buildings Outstanding Reviewer Awards based on the quantity, timeliness, and quality of their reviews in Buildings. The winners will each receive CHF 500, the privilege of publishing a paper free of charge in Buildings in 2023, and a certificate in recognition of their outstanding work.

Dr. Paolo Blecich, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

Dr. Blecich holds a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering. He serves as an Associate Professor of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rijeka, Croatia. He is also Head of the Laboratory for Thermal Measurements. He teaches undergraduate and graduate-level classes of Thermodynamics, Gas Engineering, Renewable Energy, and Thermal Measurements. His scientific efforts are focused on the fields of heat and mass transfer, buildings energy analysis, energy efficiency, and energy conversion and management.


Dr. Łukasz Ścislo, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 31-155 Cracow, Poland

Dr. Ścislo holds a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering. He serves as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland. Between 2018 and 2021, he worked as a Vibration Expert Engineer at the Mechanical Measurement Laboratory at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), where he was connecting his theoretical knowledge and numerical analysis experience with practical skills in numerous high-tech projects regarding vibration measurements and analysis, seismic measurements, and sensor development. His current scientific interests include noise and vibration measurement and suppression techniques, smart structures, sensing technologies, structural health monitoring, and fault diagnosis.

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