10 February 2023
15th Anniversary of Materials

The year 2023 marks the 15th anniversary of Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944), a peer-reviewed open access journal of materials science and engineering published semimonthly online by MDPI. To date, Materials has published more than 33,000 papers from more than 120,000 scholars. More than 45,000 reviewers and academic editors contribute to our peer review process. We sincerely appreciate the contributions and support of every author, reviewer, and academic editor. To celebrate the achievements and mark this significant milestone, we have arranged a series of special events. We hope you can join us in celebrating the 15th anniversary of our journal and enjoy the collection below.

Anniversary Video from the Editors of Materials

Development and Achievements

View the 15-year timeline infographic below. Trace the development of Materials from its origins and through key events.

Anniversary Special Issues

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of our journal Materials, we launched a series of anniversary Special Issues. For more details, please click here.

Collection of Excellent Works

Please click the covers above for details. For more collections of excellent works, please click here.

Issue Covers

Please click the covers above for details. For more issue covers, please click here.

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