6 March 2023
Energies | 2022 Annual Report

It is with great pleasure that we present the 2022 annual report for Energies (ISSN: 1996-1073), a year marked by significant progress and success. We are thrilled to report that the quantity and quality of our publications have improved considerably.

We are delighted to announce that our submissions and publications increased by 10%, with 36,756 authors and 15,480 reviewers contributing to the journal. We are also proud to report that our Impact Factor (IF) increased from 3.004 to 3.252, and our CiteScore rose from 4.7 to 5.0. Energies has also ranked Q1 in the “Engineering (miscellaneous)”, “Control and Optimization”, and “Building and Construction” categories in Scopus.

Academic editors, reviewers, authors, and our editorial staff have worked tirelessly to maintain a median time of approximately 38 days between submission and publication.

2022 Annual Report

Furthermore, Energies has been indexed in the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) in May 2022, in recognition of our journal's growing impact and reputation in the academic community.

In 2022, we carried out various marketing activities, such as cooperating with 53 scientific conferences as a media partner and award sponsor. We sponsored 48 scholars to present their research findings at conferences and helped increase the exposure of the journal.

Highly Cited Papers

Hot Special Issues

Open Calls

We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the Editor-in-Chief of Energies, all Section Editors-in-Chief and Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors of Special Issues, Topical Advisory Panel Members, Reviewer Board Members, authors, reviewers, and internal editors for their dedication and hard work in ensuring the continued success of the journal.

Finally, we are proud to announce that 2023 marks the 15th anniversary of Energies. To celebrate this milestone, we have planned several events and special content, and we invite you to join us in celebrating this important occasion. Energies will continue to make valuable contributions to academic exchange and knowledge sharing.

Energies Editorial Office



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