16 March 2023
Cancers 2022 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award—Winner Announced

We are delighted to announce one of the winners of the Cancers 2022 Best Ph.D. Thesis Award— Dr. Adria Cañellas Socias, from the University of Barcelona, Spain, for his thesis entitled “Metastatic Recurrence in Colorectal Cancer Arises from Residual EMP1+ Cells”.

We have received a large number of excellent essays from Ph.D. students and postdocs. We would like to thank the award committee for their excellent work in the hard task of selecting winners from such excellent candidates, as well as everyone who participated in this award and helped make it a huge success!

The winners will receive CHF 800, a certificate, and a chance to publish a paper free of charge after peer review in Cancers (ISSN: 2072-6694) before the end of 2023.

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