5 May 2023
Mathematics Webinar | Advances of Soft Computing, Held on 12 June 2023

On 12 June 2023, MDPI and the journal Mathematics (ISSN: 2227-7390) organized a webinar Advances of Soft Computing, which was held on 12 June 2023. The webinar focused on soft computing.

The webinar explored various aspects of this interesting topic of Artificial Intelligence, promoting very interesting applications to various scientific fields. It started with a brief introduction from the chair Prof. Dr. Michael Voskoglou about the contents and applications of soft computing. The first speaker, Prof. Dr. Basil Papadopoulos, thoroughly explored the relationship between fuzzy subsethood and fuzzy implications. The next speaker, Prof. Dr. Madhumangal Pal, presented in detail the topic of fuzzy graphs. The last speaker, Dr. Said Broumi, gave an interesting talk about neutrosophic sets, which are generalizations of fuzzy sets introduced by Smarandache in 1995, their extensions, and their applications. The three speakers also answered the various questions raised by the participants in the webinar. 

Relevant Special Issues:

Soft Computing and Uncertainty Learning with Applications
Guest Editors: Xiaodong Yue, Prof. Dr. Shu Zhao and Prof. Dr. Jie Zhou
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 August 2023 

Advances in Genetic Programming and Soft Computing
Guest Editors: Dr. Marko Ðurasević and Prof. Dr. Domagoj Jakobović
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 January 2024

Advances and Applications of Soft Computing
Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Michael Voskoglou
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 6 June 2024 

You can watch the recorded webinar at the following link:

Webinar Chair and Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Voskoglou, School of Engineering, University of Peloponnese (Ex Graduate Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece), Greece;
  • Prof. Dr. Basil Papadopoulos, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece;
  • Prof. Dr. Madhumangal Pal, Department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, India;
  • Dr. Said Broumi, LTI Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Ben Msik, University Hassan II, Morocco.

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