5 May 2023
Pharmaceuticals | Top 5 Selected Papers in 2021–2022 in the Section “Natural Products”

1. “Benefits of Ginger and Its Constituent 6-Shogaol in Inhibiting Inflammatory Processes”
by Iris Bischoff-Kont and Robert Fürst
Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14(6), 571; https://doi.org/10.3390/ph14060571
Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/14/6/571

2. “New Insights into Curcumin- and Resveratrol-Mediated Anti-Cancer Effects”
by Andrea Arena, Maria Anele Romeo, Rossella Benedetti, Laura Masuelli, Roberto Bei, Maria Saveria Gilardini Montani and Mara Cirone
Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14(11), 1068; https://doi.org/10.3390/ph14111068
Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/14/11/1068

3. “Ursolic Acid Inhibits Collective Cell Migration and Promotes JNK-Dependent Lysosomal Associated Cell Death in Glioblastoma Multiforme Cells”
by Gillian E. Conway, Deimante Zizyte, Julie Rose Mae Mondala, Zhonglei He, Lorna Lynam, Mathilde Lecourt, Carlos Barcia, Orla Howe and James F. Curtin
Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14(2), 91; https://doi.org/10.3390/ph14020091
Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/14/2/91

4. “In Silico and In Vitro Identification of Pan-Coronaviral Main Protease Inhibitors from a Large Natural Product Library”
by Nasim Shahhamzehei, Sara Abdelfatah and Thomas Efferth
Pharmaceuticals 2022, 15(3), 308; https://doi.org/10.3390/ph15030308
Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/15/3/308

5. “Immunomodulatory and Antiaging Mechanisms of Resveratrol, Rapamycin, and Metformin: Focus on mTOR and AMPK Signaling Networks”
by Vincenzo Sorrenti, Francesca Benedetti, Alessandro Buriani, Stefano Fortinguerra, Giada Caudullo,  Sergio Davinelli, Davide Zella and Giovanni Scapagnini
Pharmaceuticals 2022, 15(8), 912; https://doi.org/10.3390/ph15080912
Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/15/8/912

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