8 May 2023
Meet Us Online at FMOS 2023—FMOS Research Conference, 8–9 June 2023

Conference date: 8–9 June 2023
Conference link: https://aus.swiss/fmos-2023

FMOS Conference is the first of a series of online events to gather researchers, especially the forthcoming generation of scholars, and disseminate their works on sustainability at the crossroads of finance, marketing and operations.

The event consists of two parts: a workshop restricted to a limited number of young scholars (Ph.D. candidates, MRes students, or equivalent) in addition to a traditional research conference. The event will take place entirely online. Students, scholars, and practitioners who do not plan to present a paper are also welcome to join the conference.

The conference is multidisciplinary and encourages discussion between researchers from different perspectives. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Post-pandemic sustainability;
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion;
  • New visions for transport;
  • Innovation in transport;
  • Global and local;
  • Poverty reduction;
  • Responsible and sustainable tourism;
  • Challenges in retail operations;
  • Service operations management;
  • Servitization as a business model;
  • Supply chain management;
  • Sustainable solutions in operations and logistics;
  • Corporate social responsibility;
  • Total quality management and Six Sigma;
  • Sustainable operations;
  • Emerging countries;
  • Renewable energy production/solutions;
  • Environmental recovery;
  • Financial technology.

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