17 May 2023
Interview with Dr. Dominik Zimon—Winner of the Energies 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award

We are pleased to announce the winner of the Energies 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award—Dr. Dominik Zimon.

Name: Dr. Dominik Zimon

Affiliation: Department of Management Systems and Logistics, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland

Research Interests: quality management; supply chain; logistics; sustainability

We would like to thank the award committee for their hard work in selecting five winners from such a large number of exceptional candidates, with Dr. Dominik Zimon being one of the winners among them. We will continue to reward reviewers with the Outstanding Reviewer Award to acknowledge their efforts in maintaining the high quality and quick turnaround time of the journal, and we wish them every success in their careers.

We hope you enjoy the interview.

  1. Could you give a brief introduction of yourself to the readers?
    I have been associated with two universities in Rzeszów for many years, my scientific interests focus on broadly understood quality, logistics and sustainable development. I consider the pursuit of internationalization a very important feature of my scientific and research activity. I strictly cooperate with many foreign universities and associations.
  1. What is your current research focus, and why did you choose this research field? As a reviewer, what kind of manuscripts would you prefer to review in the future?
    My current research efforts focus on topics related to the sustainable management of supply chains and modern technologies. These are important and topical subjects and working on them will have an impact not only on theory, but also on the practice. As a reviewer, I am open to all types of articles that fit into my research interests. I believe that reviewing articles is not only a contribution to the development of science, but it also allows reviewers to interact with the latest research results and improve their scientific skills.
  1. Which research topics do you think are of particular interest to the research community in the coming years?
    I think that all issues related to energy transformation and the implementation of the SDGs are very important topics at the moment.
  1. We are an open access journal. How do you think open access impacts authors?
    Publishing in open access gives measurable benefits. First of all, it definitely facilitates the rapid dissemination of research results not only among specialists in a given field, but also among recipients outside the scientific community. This makes it easier for authors to establish contacts with other researchers and business representatives, which may result in valuable discussions, scientific and business cooperation, and innovative projects.
  1. Which qualities do you think reviewers need?
    Patience and time management skills.

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