16 August 2023
Prof. Dr. Xinyu Liu Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section “Quantum Materials” in Materials

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Xinyu Liu has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Section "Quantum Materials" in Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944).

Prof. Dr. Xinyu Liu received his Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame, USA, in 2003. In 2013, he began his current position as a Research Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the same institution. With a deep interest in spin-related phenomena in quantum materials and devices, Prof. Dr. Liu's research focuses on molecular beam epitaxy techniques and the development of integrated nanomaterials and devices based on traditional and magnetic semiconductors, superconductors, quantum and topological materials, and ferromagnetic materials. His groundbreaking contributions have significantly impacted areas such as ferromagnetic semiconductors, Majorana fermions, topological insulators, semiconductor/superconductor heterojunctions, and more. Throughout his career, Prof. Dr. Liu has been actively involved in numerous NSF and DOE-funded projects in condensed matter physics. He has authored over 400 research publications indexed in the Web of Science with an impressive h-index of 46 and has gathered more than 10,000 citations, according to Google Scholar.

The following is a Q&A with Prof. Dr. Xinyu Liu, who shared his vision for the Section, in addition to his views on the research area and open access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to become its Section Editor-in-Chief?

I have always admired the journal for its breadth in covering diverse topics, showcasing the dynamic landscape of materials science. Its commitment to publishing cutting-edge research and maintaining a rigorous yet swift peer-review process has always stood out. As Section Editor-in-Chief, I see an opportunity to influence the direction of discussions within the materials community. Given the journal's global reach and significant impact, it presents the ideal platform for such a role.

2. What is your vision for the Section “Quantum Materials”?

My vision for “Quantum Materials” is to stand at the forefront of innovation and exploration in the following fields. First and foremost, the Section aims to dive deeper into the realm of quantum simulation. By closely emulating complex quantum systems, we can pave the way for insights that traditional computational methods might overlook, pushing the boundaries of what is scientifically possible. In the field of microelectronics, as devices become progressively smaller and more efficient, quantum materials promise to revolutionize the way we store and process data, not just the miniaturization of components, but a paradigm shift in how they function. In this regard, the Section aims to explore and develop materials that can act as qubits, process quantum information, and maintain quantum coherence, all while reducing the vulnerability to external perturbations. Thus, machine learning and AI are essential to my vision. I believe these tools can significantly expedite the discovery of new quantum materials and optimize their properties. One of the groundbreaking areas I am interested in is the development of room-temperature superconductors. The discovery of such materials can revolutionize power transmission, transportation, and countless technological applications, making them more efficient and sustainable. In essence, “Quantum Materials” seeks to be a beacon of cutting-edge research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovative thinking, all directed towards harnessing the quantum realm for a better tomorrow.

3. As an expert in the field of quantum materials, which research topics do you think are popular at present, and what does the future of this field of research look like?

I would like to discuss this with my specific perspective and expertise on spintronics and topological materials.

The current research in spintronics focuses on magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) devices, which are becoming increasingly important for memory storage and magnetic random-access memories (MRAM). In these devices, spin-orbit torques (SOTs) that can harness spin–orbit coupling to manipulate magnetic states offer the potential for faster and more energy-efficient data storage solutions. Furthermore, exploring utilizing spin waves (and their quanta, magnons) for data transfer and processing is gaining attraction.

In the field of topological materials, observing the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) at higher temperatures in thin films of magnetic topological materials has become a thrilling motivation in the field. There is much interest in hunting for Majorana fermions in topological superconductors, which could be game-changers for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Exploring other 2D topological materials exhibiting exotic topological states are aspect of the future. The confluence of materials science, condensed matter physics, electrical engineering, and even AI for material discovery will shape the evolution of quantum materials research.

4. You have reviewed many articles as a reviewer. What do you think are the most important points of an article?

The article should offer a fresh perspective, novel findings, or innovative methodologies. It should fill a knowledge gap or provide a unique viewpoint that can stimulate further research or discussion. The article should contribute clearly to its field by introducing a new concept and insight, validating or refuting an existing theory, or providing new empirical evidence that advances understanding.

The methods used should be relevant to the research questions and the most suitable ones. The choice of methodologies can greatly influence the outcomes, so their justification and appropriateness are vital. An article must demonstrate a thorough and meticulous approach to the research. Central to the credibility of any research is the ability of other researchers to reproduce the experiments and obtain similar results. Clear, detailed experimental procedures, including any controls, must be provided to ensure the reliability of the findings.

An article should be well-organized, with a logical flow of ideas, making it easy for readers to follow and understand the research narrative.

5. What do you think of the development of open access in the publishing field?

Open access (OA) has transformed scientific publishing, making research, especially publicly funded studies, accessible worldwide. At its core, science is about the pursuit and distribution of knowledge. Open access embodies this philosophy by ensuring that knowledge is freely accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. This can significantly accelerate advancements, foster collaborations, and ensure that discoveries are built upon previous findings without impediments. However, OA's rise has led to predatory journals that compromise quality for profit. Despite challenges like the 'author-pays' model, OA's future is promising with growing support and mandates. Ensuring rigorous peer review is essential for the success of OA. Open access should not mean a compromise on quality. While some publishers might prioritize profits, the focus should always be on the integrity and quality of research. Overall, when executed with integrity, OA's benefits surpass its challenges.

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Xinyu Liu as the new Section Editor-in-Chief, and we look forward to him leading Materials to many more milestones.

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