25 September 2024
Metals 2024 Best PhD Thesis Award—Open for Applications

The journal Metals (ISSN: 2075-4701) is inviting applications for the 2024 Best PhD Thesis Award. This prize will be awarded to a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential. The applications will be assessed by an evaluation committee led by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Yong Zhang.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • The candidate must be a PhD student or recently qualified PhD who has produced a highly anticipated thesis with great academic potential;
  • The PhD thesis must be their original work;
  • The PhD thesis must be defended in 2024.

Required Application Documents:

  • An executive summary of the PhD thesis in English of around 3000 words;
  • A letter from the PhD supervisor recommending the candidate for consideration for this award;
  • The candidate’s CV, including a list of publications connected with the thesis;
  • An electronic copy of the PhD thesis;
  • A scanned copy of the PhD diploma (or certificate of studying at a school or research institute as a PhD student going to graduate or participate in graduation thesis defenses).

Selection Criteria:

  • Quality of resume and publications;
  • Relevance of the candidate and research description;
  • Novelty of the candidate’s PhD thesis;
  • Strength of the recommendation letter;
  • Anticipated academic potential;
  • Originality and impact of the research.


  • CHF 500;
  • An electronic certificate;
  • Offer to publish one paper free of charge in Metals after peer review before the end of July 2026.

Please visit the following link to submit your application: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/metals/awards/submit/3022.

The application deadline is 31 May 2025. The winner will be announced on the Metals website by the end of July 2025.

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