
International Journal of Plant Biology | Four New Sections Established and Scope Update 14 Sep 2023
Journal of Clinical Medicine Indexed in the Polish Ministry of Education and Science List 13 Sep 2023
Journal of Clinical Medicine | Collection of Papers from the Winners of Best Paper Awards 13 Sep 2023
Biology | Top Cited Papers in 2022 13 Sep 2023
Meet Us Online at the 11th International Conference on Smart Systems Engineering (SmaSys2023), 12 October 2023 13 Sep 2023
Meet Us at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023, 11–15 December 2023, Online or On-Site in San Francisco, CA, USA 13 Sep 2023
Cancers | Blood Cancer Awareness Month 13 Sep 2023
Insects | Invitation to Read Selected Review Papers in 2022 in the Section “Insect Physiology, Reproduction and Development” 13 Sep 2023
Electronics | Issue Cover Articles in 2021 12 Sep 2023
Brain Sciences| Highly Cited Papers in 2021–2022 in the Section “Developmental Neuroscience” 12 Sep 2023
Beverages 2023 Travel Award—Winner Announced
12 Sep 2023
Symmetry | Invitation to Read the 2022 High Cited Papers in the Section “Physics and Symmetry/Asymmetry” 12 Sep 2023
Viruses | Spotlights in the “General Virology” Section 12 Sep 2023
Medical Sciences | Highly Viewed Papers in 2022 12 Sep 2023
Nitrogen Accepted for Coverage in Scopus 12 Sep 2023
Electronics | Highly Cited Papers in 2021 in the Section “Semiconductor Devices” 12 Sep 2023
Hemato Accepted for Coverage in Scopus 12 Sep 2023
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for the Section “Computation and Simulation on Metals” of Metals 11 Sep 2023
Materials | Editor’s Choice Articles in 2023 in the Section “Materials Physics” 11 Sep 2023
Nanomaterials | Top 10 Selected Papers in 2022 in the Section “Nanofabrication and Nanomanufacturing” 11 Sep 2023
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