
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Conditions for Wind Energy Applications

Edited by
May 2019
290 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-942-5 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-943-2 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Conditions for Wind Energy Applications that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences

This Special Issue “Atmospheric Conditions for Wind Energy Applications” hosts papers on aspects of remote sensing for atmospheric conditions for wind energy applications. Wind lidar technology is presented from a theoretical view on the coherent focused Doppler lidar principles. Furthermore, wind lidar for applied use for wind turbine control, wind farm wake, and gust characterizations is presented, as well as methods to reduce uncertainty when using lidar in complex terrain. Wind lidar observations are used to validate numerical model results. Wind Doppler lidar mounted on aircraft used for observing winds in hurricane conditions and Doppler radar on the ground used for very short-term wind forecasting are presented. For the offshore environment, floating lidar data processing is presented as well as an experiment with wind-profiling lidar on a ferry for model validation. Assessments of wind resources in the coastal zone using wind-profiling lidar and global wind maps using satellite data are presented.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
detached eddy simulation; turbulence; Lidar; range gate length; wind energy resources; QuikSCAT; WindSAT; ASCAT; global ocean; wind energy; resource assessment; power performance testing; wind turbine controls; complex flow; Doppler lidar; coherent Doppler lidar; wind sensing; single-particle; wind gusts; Doppler lidar; detecting and tracking; impact prediction; wind energy; atmospheric boundary layer; wind turbine wake; wind lidar; turbulence; wake modeling; field experiments; wind energy; atmospheric boundary layer; wind turbine wake; wind lidar; virtual lidar; turbulence; wake modeling; large-eddy simulations; tropical cyclones; Doppler Wind Lidar; atmospheric boundary layer; wind structure; wind energy; Doppler lidar; wind turbine controls; lidar-assisted control (LAC); IEA Wind Task 32; coastal wind measurement; vertical Light Detection and Ranging; NeoWins; fetch effect; Hazaki Oceanographical Research Station; empirical equation; complex terrain; complex flow; lidar; VAD; remote sensing; wind energy; Doppler lidar; NWP model; mesoscale; Floating Lidar System (FLS), wind resource assessment; wind atlas; lidar; wind; Doppler; aerosol; motion estimation; optical flow; cross-correlation; wind energy; gust prediction; variational analysis; Doppler radar; five-minute ahead wind power forecasting; probabilistic forecasting; remote sensing forecasting; offshore wind speed forecasting; wind energy; remote sensing; Doppler wind lidar; velocity-azimuth-display algorithm; resource assessment; offshore; turbulence intensity; Doppler wind lidar; wind energy; aerosol; wind turbine; wind farm; wake; control; complex terrain; offshore

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