
Climate Variability and Climate Change Impacts on Land Surface, Hydrological Processes and Water Management

Edited by
September 2019
460 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-507-2 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-508-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Climate Variability and Climate Change Impacts on Land Surface, Hydrological Processes and Water Management that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

During the last several decades, Earth´s climate has undergone significant changes due to anthropogenic global warming, and feedbacks to the water cycle. Therefore, persistent efforts are required to improve our understanding of hydrological processes and to engage in efficient water management strategies that explicitly consider changing environmental conditions. The twenty-four contributions in this book have broadly addressed topics across four major research areas: (1) Climate and land-use change impacts on hydrological processes, (2) hydrological trends and causality analysis faced in hydrology, (3) hydrological model simulations and predictions, and (4) reviews on water prices and climate extremes. The broad spectrum of international contributions to the Special Issue indicates that climate change impacts on water resources analysis attracts global attention. We hope that the collection of articles presented here can provide scientists, policymakers and stakeholders alike with insights that support sustainable decision-making in the face of climate change and increasingly scarce environmental resources.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
hydrological drought; Three Gorges Dam; GRACE; compound extremes; climate change; multivariate distribution; quantile regression; indicator; PUB; rainfall-runoff experiments; distributed hydrological model; Hydro-Informatic Modelling System (HIMS); freshwater availability; runoff; simulated rainfall; plot scale; litter layer; topsoil; karst; Yellow River Delta; estuarine wetlands; spatiotemporal change analysis; remote sensing; intra-annual climate change; variation in percentage of flood-season precipitation; natural streamflow variation; contribution and sensitivity analysis; Yellow River; highland agricultural field area; diffuse pollutant discharge; multiple regression model; climate change; jackknife validation; water security; water pricing; sustainable water management; trends and patterns; economics; precipitation; air temperature; river discharge; Mann-Kendall test; Selenga river basin; Lake Baikal basin; Mongolia; snowfall to precipitation ratio; WRF model; arid region; Xinjiang; water resources management; climate change; LULCC; Budyko equation; streamflow; drought; climate variability; land surface change; runoff; Budyko framework; elasticity coefficient; Weihe River Basin; flood; streamflow; CMIP5; climate change; HEC-RAS; trend analysis; precipitation; temperature; eco-region; Ethiopia; Three Gorges Project; dam; runoff changes; flood control; Yangtze River; benefits; evapotranspiration; Pan evaporation; TFPW-MK; Haihe River Basin; hydrological simulation; quantitative analysis; SWAT model; land use/cover change; climate change; scenario simulation; Climate variability; Large-scale climate indices; Reservoir inflow forecasting; Ensemble empirical mode decomposition; Time series model; Artificial intelligence model; grid-based; HRU-based; SHM; SWAT; large scale basin; climate change; human activities; power operations; cascade joint operation chart; inter-basin water transfer project; climate change; MATOPIBA agricultural frontier; water security; hydroclimatic analysis; water conflicts; average annual runoff; runoff map; hydrological model; GIS; DPR Korea; streamflow reduction; climate change; coal mining; SWCM; coal mining concentrated watershed; the Loess Plateau; hydrology; land cover; land use and climate change; water resources management; macro scale modeling; climate variability; climate change; land use change; hydrological processes; trends; water management; model; predictions