

Edited by
January 2020
204 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-062-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-063-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Inequalities that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

Inequalities appear in various fields of natural science and engineering. Classical inequalities are still being improved and/or generalized by many researchers. That is, inequalities have been actively studied by mathematicians. In this book, we selected the papers that were published as the Special Issue ‘’Inequalities’’ in the journal Mathematics (MDPI publisher). They were ordered by similar topics for readers’ convenience and to give new and interesting results in mathematical inequalities, such as the improvements in famous inequalities, the results of Frame theory, the coefficient inequalities of functions, and the kind of convex functions used for Hermite–Hadamard inequalities. The editor believes that the contents of this book will be useful to study the latest results for researchers of this field.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY license
analytic functions; starlike functions; convex functions; Fekete-Szegö inequality; Hilbert C*-module; g-frame; g-Bessel sequence; adjointable operator; analytic functions; starlike functions; convex functions; Fekete-Szegö inequality; operator inequality; positive linear map; operator Kantorovich inequality; geometrically convex function; frame; weaving frame; weaving frame operator; alternate dual frame; Hilbert space; quantum estimates; Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities; quasi-convex; Hermite–Hadamard type inequality; strongly η-convex functions; Hölder’s inequality; Power mean inequality; Katugampola fractional integrals; Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals; Hadamard fractional integrals; Steffensen’s inequality; higher order convexity; Green functions; Montgomery identity; Fink’s identity; Hermite-Hadamard inequality; interval-valued functions; (h1, h2)-convex; majorization inequality; twice differentiable convex functions; refined inequality; Taylor theorem; Gronwall–Bellman inequality; proportional fractional derivative; Riemann–Liouville and Caputo proportional fractional initial value problem; convex functions; Fejér’s inequality; special means; weaving frame; weaving K-frame; K-dual; pseudo-inverse; ϱ-variation; one-sided singular integral; commutator; one-sided weighted Morrey space; one-sided weighted Campanato space; power inequalities; exponential inequalities; trigonometric inequalities; weight function; half-discrete Hardy-Hilbert’s inequality; parameter; Euler-Maclaurin summation formula; reverse inequality