
Gluten Related Disorders: People Shall not Live on Bread Alone

Edited by
April 2017
252 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-356-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-357-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Gluten Related Disorders: People Shall not Live on Bread Alone that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2017 MDPI; under CC BY-NC-ND license
celiac disease; gluten sensitivity; IL-10; celiac; gluten; barley; gluten-free; NCGS; AGA; T cell; enteritis; celiac disease; gluten intolerance; lactic fermentation; sourdough; G12 antibody; tissue transglutaminase; TG2; QLP; α2-gliadin; celiac disease; gluten; osteoporosis; diet; physical activity; bone density; nutrient deficiency; IBS; non-celiac gluten sensitivity; gluten free diet; celiac disease; first degree relatives; HLA- DQ2; HLA-DQ7; HLA-DQ8; non-celiac gluten sensitivity; diagnosis; double-blind placebo-controlled challenge; gastrointestinal symptom rating scale; irritable bowel syndrome; celiac disease; gluten-free diet; diary recommended intake; food habit; body composition; gluten; hallucinations; non celiac gluten sensitivity; psycosis; prevalence; adverse reactions; gluten-free diet; gluten-related disorders; microbiota; celiac disease; gluten-free diet; dysbiosis; celiac disease; type 1 diabetes; gluten; celiac disease; prevalence; HLA-DQ; serological tests; anti-Endomysium antibodies; tissue transglutaminase antibodies; hygiene hypothesis; old-friend hypothesis; Central America; seronegative celiac disease; tissue-transglutaminase mRNA; common variable immunodeficiency; selective IgA deficiency; selective IgM deficiency; gluten-free diet; non-celiac gluten sensitivity; cutaneous gluten sensitivity; skin manifestations; direct immunofluorescence; adulthood; associated diseases; childhood; complications.; Celiac Disease; Intraepithelial Lymphocytes; iNKT; Vα24-Jα18; IFNγ; Celiac Disease-like molecular profile; non-responsive coeliac disease (NRCD); refractory coeliac disease (RCD); gluten free diet (GFD); enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma (EATL); ulcerative jejunitis; villous atrophy; T-cell receptor (TCR); clonality; polymerase chain reaction (PCR); intra-epithelial cell lymphocytes (IEL); celiac disease; gluten challenge; interferon-γ; ELISPOT; n/a

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