
Plant Responses to Hypoxia

Edited by
March 2021
288 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0148-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-0149-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Responses to Hypoxia that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Molecular oxygen deficiency leads to altered cellular metabolism and can dramatically reduce crop productivity. Nearly all crops are negatively affected by a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) due to adverse environmental conditions such as excessive rain and soil waterlogging. Extensive efforts to fully understand how plants sense oxygen deficiency and their ability to respond using different strategies are crucial to increase hypoxia tolerance. Progress in our understanding has been significant in recent years. This topic certainly deserves more attention from the academic community; therefore, we have compiled a series of articles reflecting the advancements made thus far.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
ethylene; Ein2; germination; RbohD; submergence; hypoxia; post-submergence recovery; legumes; plant water relations; shoot to root ratio; Lotus japonicus; leaf greenness; leaf desiccation; stomatal conductance; aerenchyma; auxin; ethylene; rice (Oryza sativa); root; waterlogging; hypoxia; leaf gas exchange; waterlogging tolerance; organic compound; plant growth; Physalis peruviana L.; anaerobiosis; anoxia; Arabidopsis; flooding; hypoxia; rice; submergence; waterlogging; development; apoplastic barrier; barrier to radial oxygen loss (ROL); lignin; Oryza glumaepatula; O. rufipogon; rice (O. sativa); suberin; wild rice; acetolactate synthase; ethanol fermentation; imidazolinones; mode of action; aerobic fermentation; Oryza sativa; Submergence; Activity of antioxidant enzymes; Chlorophyll content; ethylene; flooding; hypoxia; phytoglobin; VII Ethylene Response Factor; PRT6 N-degron pathway of proteolysis; Solanum tuberosum; Solanum lycopersicum; Solanum dulcamara; anoxia; coleoptile; flooding; hypoxia; rice; submergence; root hypoxia; oxygen sensing; jasmonate; root meristem; abiotic stress; RNA-seq; transcription factor; waterlogging; hypoxia; waterlogging; fruit trees; Prunus; aerenchyma; hypertrophied lenticels; anaerobic fermentation; energy metabolism; root respiration; anoxic signaling; potassium; pH; acidification; fluorescence microscopy; Triticum aestivum; Oryza sativa; submergence; direct seeding; anaerobic germination; low O2 stress; regulatory mechanism; metabolic adaptation; hypoxia; submergence; drought; alternated stress; maize; teosinte; microRNAs; waterlogging; hypoxia; metabolomics; phloem; n/a

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