Keywordsprostate cancer; cancer stem cell; stem cell biomarker; prostate cancer; radical prostatectomy; stage T2; Akt; Snail; biochemical recurrence; mCRPC; surrogate biomarker; abiraterone acetate; prognosticators; prostate cancer; [−2]proPSA; fPSA; PHI; tPSA; molecular imaging; imaging target; prostate carcinoma; metastases; epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM); immunohistochemistry; prostate cancer detection; biomarker; prostate specific antigen (PSA); prostate health index; 4Kscore; PCA3 score; miRNAs; exosomal biomarkers; PSA; toxicity; HDR brachytherapy; prostate cancer; prostate cancer; androgen deprivation therapy; outcomes; genetic variation; Wnt pathway; prostate cancer; brachytherapy; circulating tumor cell; prostate-specific antigen; N-glycan; LacdiNAc; Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (WFA) lectin; biomarker; neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; castration-resistant prostate cancer; prognostic biomarker; treatment response; abiraterone; prostate cancer; metformin; hedgehog pathway; radiosensitization; xenograft mouse mode; prostate-specific antigen; α2,3-linked sialyl N-glycan; Maackia amurensis lectin (MAA) lectin; biomarker; prostate cancer; Prostate Health Index; tumor volume; RNase L; androgen receptor; filamin A; prostate cancer; biomarkers; prostate cancer; cancer/testis antigens; intrinsically disordered protein; prostate-associated gene 4 (PAGE4); nucleolar protein 4 (NOL4); centrosomal protein of 55 kDa (CEP55); SENP1; deSUMOylation; EMT; SMAD4; E-cadherin; prostate cancer; diagnosis; glycosylation; prostate cancer; prostate specific antigen; proPSA; PHI; α2,3-sialic acid; bone metastasis; breast cancer; FACBC; fluciclovine; FDG; positron emission tomography; prostate cancer; seminal plasma biomarkers; matrix metalloproteinase (MMP); tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP); qPCR; confocal laser scanning microscopy; Western blotting; circulating tumour cell; biomarker; androgen receptor; AR-V7; droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR); blood storage tube; nanoparticles; theranostics; nanomedicine; prostate cancer; breast cancer; active surveillance; prostate cancer; epigenetic biomarkers; prostate cancer; metastasis; immunohistochemistry; detection; PSA; PSAP; PSMA; NKX3.1; prostein; HOXB13; ERG; AR; microRNA; high throughput RNA sequencing; small RNA sequencing; qRT-PCR; prostate cancer; PSA; prostate cancer cell lines; docetaxel resistance; circulating miRNAs; predictive biomarkers; prostate cancer; lymph node metastases; neuroendocrine; chromogranin A; prognosis; n/a