
Growth and Development of Short Rotation Woody Crops for Rural and Urban Applications

Edited by
June 2022
390 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4502-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4501-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Growth and Development of Short Rotation Woody Crops for Rural and Urban Applications that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Integrating biomass production of short rotation woody crops (SRWCs), with their use in environmental applications to produce income, sequester carbon, and clean the environment, provides an opportunity to enhance livelihoods and increase ecosystem services in rural and urban communities. This book consists of 20 papers from the special issue on the Growth and Development of SRWCs for Rural and Urban Applications highlighting four genera (Phalaris L., Populus L., Robinia L., Salix L.) from 13 countries. In addition to the development and management of a Salix cultivar database, rural and urban applications represented in the book included: a) forest buffers, b) forest health screening, c) phytoremediation, d) short rotation coppice, e) volume production, and f) wastewater reuse.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
cutback; mulch; Salix; short-rotation coppice; weed control; woody biomass; intensive silviculture; Populus maximowiczii × P. deltoides × P. trichocarpa; fast-growing tree species; severe soil disturbance; foliar nutrition; soil inorganic N; deer browsing; Salix; short rotation coppice; woody biomass; yield loss; bioenergy plantation; woody biomass; Populus; renewable energy; Populus × euramericana; Lonsdalea populi; canker diseases; poplar diseases; bacterial canker of poplars; die-back of poplars; MLSA; short rotation coppice (SRC); biomass; white poplar; black locust; monocultures; mixture; leaf litter; biomass; Populus; SRC (Short Rotation Coppice); short rotation woody crops; sustainability; Mediterranean conditions; management; review; fuelwood; seasoning; log diameter; splitting; heating value; moisture content; agroforestry; red maple; white ash; trembling aspen; fast growing trees; poplar hybrids; poplar clones; tree height; DBH; stem volume; yield; agroforestry; Kyrgyzstan; Kazakhstan; Tajikistan; ecosystem services; multi-environmental trials (MET); phenotypic plasticity; phyto buffers; phyto-recurrent selection; phytotechnologies; poplars; Populus; effluent water treatment; short rotation coppice willow; irrigation; growth response; biomass crops; mineral content; tree growth; tree biomass; volume forest stand; thickness classes; clonal selection; genotype × environment (G × E) interactions; multi-environmental trials (MET); phenotypic plasticity; phyto buffers; phyto-recurrent selection; phytotechnologies; poplars; Populus; evapotranspirative willow system; resource recovery; sustainable wastewater treatment; short rotation coppice; oil sands reclamation; end-pit lake; balsam poplar; salt tolerance; Populus sp.; biomass; bioenergy; short rotation woody crops; SRC; financial analysis; break-even-point; net present value; proof-of-concept: use case; spreadsheet; CSV file; SQL; database; data integrity; GitHub; Linux; poplar; salt stress; gene expression analyses; radical scavenger capacity; osmolytes; cottonwood leaf beetle (Chrysomela scripta); stand density; fertilizer application; Populus; soil quality; Melampsora rust; energy crops; land use; biomass; bioenergy; reed canary grass (RCG); Phalaris arundinacea L.; n/a