
Sustainable Healthy Working Life for All Ages—Work Environment, Age Management and Employability

Edited by
March 2023
262 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6676-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6677-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Sustainable Healthy Working Life for All Ages—Work Environment, Age Management and Employability that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

The reprint “Sustainable Healthy Working Life for All Ages—Work Environment, Age Management and Employability” provide an outlet of research contributing to the development of theoretical and practical knowledge influencing people’s working life. Working life is complex and there are many different factors that influence, such as the demographic change, pandemic and rapid technological development, etc., which place constantly changing demands on both employees, organizations/companies and society in different countries.

This reprint covers new knowledge, as identified factors and areas that affect employees' ability to work to an older age, interventions and measures that enable a healthy and sustainable working life throughout the entire working life journey, from young to senior employees. The reprint also addresses the pressured work situation of school leaders in managing the education of children and young people in society, and what makes them stay or leave their jobs. In addition, the reprint addresses the way in which the Covid-19 pandemic has affected working life, not least for the health care professional groups and organizations.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
psychosocial working conditions; mental health; school leader; employability; ageing; senior; work environment; swAge-model; demography; retirement; global sustainable goal; public health; health promotion; health prevention; empowerment; occupational health care; psychosocial; working hours; recuperation; recovery; private finance; economy; work–life balance; manager; social support; discrimination; motivation; job satisfaction; competence; work ability; creativity; gerontology; older worker; extended working life; age management; systematic literature review; sustainable working life; labour market; prevalence; sick leave; unemployment; workplace relationships; flourishing; multi-stage focus groups; old age healthcare; participatory approach; workplace health promotion; aging; extended working life; decision latitude; health promotion; life-course perspective; work-life balance; retirement; self-rated health; social activities; sustainable working life; work environment; international study; job crafting; older workers; prolonged work life; sustainable work; sustainable employability; definition; measurement dimensions; the swAge-model; decreased work ability; returning to work; counselling; disability pension; partial work ability; rehabilitation; social benefits; musculoskeletal disorders; age discrimination; employability; ageing; work environment; swAge-model; demography; retirement; work–life balance; social support; discrimination; work ability; older worker; senior worker; extended working life; age management; principals; organisation; mental; psychosocial; burnout; work environment; health; work ability; work engagement; swage-model; older workers; senior employees; retirement decisions; extended working lives; older nurses; intensive care; SwAge model; interpretative phenomenological analysis; qualitative; ergonomics; stress; musculoskeletal pain; work-related; mental-health diagnoses; work situation; work environment; nurses; n/a