
10th Anniversary of Axioms: Mathematical Physics

Edited by
March 2023
234 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6867-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6866-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue 10th Anniversary of Axioms: Mathematical Physics that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences

This Special Issue of the journal Axioms collects submissions in which the authors report their perceptions and results in the field of mathematical physics and/or physical mathematics without any preconditions of the specific research topic. The papers are intended to provide the reader with a broad window into the status of the research field showing our understanding of how a known concept changes our thinking in that area of science. The papers in the Special Issue highlight the current two issues in physics and mathematics under hot debate: fractional calculus and entropy.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
weak detonation; high activation regime; nonlinear PDEs; Fuchsian reduction analysis; Lorentz transformation; blow-up; hot spot; chemically reactive flows; nonlinear equations in partial derivatives; hyperbolic equations; Bäcklund transformations; Clairin’s method; differential relationships; the Liouville equation; symbolic calculus; canonical system of q-difference equations; q-Euler integral; multi-term fractional differential equation; quasilinear equation; Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative; defect of Cauchy type problem; fixed point theorem; initial-boundary value problem; deformed numbers; deformed algebras; deformed calculus; nonadditive entropy; vibration control; boundary control; intermediate state control; separation of variables; Riemann–Liouville fractional differential equations; nonlocal boundary conditions; positive parameters; positive solutions; existence; nonexistence; Patlak–Keller–Segel systems; the Cattaneo model of chemosensitive movement; hyperbolic models; shock waves; conservation laws; constrained Hamiltonian system; canonicalization; symplectic method; numerical simulation; extended Chebyshev functional; generalized proportional Hadamard fractional integral operator; manipulation system; geometric approach; noninteraction; two-phase flow; Sobolev spaces; analytic semigroups; fractional interpolation; local and global solutions; seismic tensorial force; far-field seismic waves; near-field seismic waves; seismic mainshock; quasi-static deformations; mathematical physics; Elliott Lieb; the International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP, history and development); Letters in Mathematical Physics (LMP); history; God as an (optional) axiom; metamathematics; symmetries; particle physics; n/a

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