
Photonics for Emerging Applications in Communication and Sensing

Edited by
July 2023
178 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8164-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8165-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Photonics for Emerging Applications in Communication and Sensing that was published in

Physical Sciences

Photonics has emerged as crucial for enabling communication and sensing applications, revolutionizing industries such as data centers, autonomous driving, and 5G/6G networks. This reprint includes thirteen articles showcasing the transformative potential of photonics in supporting emerging technologies. It presents the recent advancements and future challenges in these technologies, focusing on optical performance monitoring, photonic sensors and devices, optical signal processing subsystems, and digital signal processing (DSP) for optical transmission systems. Optical performance monitoring encompasses a self-attention mechanism-based quality-of-transmission estimator for optical networks, optical-label-based monitoring for wavelength division multiplexing networks, and a key distribution scheme for enhanced security. Advancements in photonic devices include optimized silicon nitride waveguides and hybrid phase-change metasurface carpet cloaks for efficient optical signal processing. Moreover, plasmonic sensors that utilize plasmons and alternative materials like aluminum nitride are explored for sensing and detection applications. Optical signal processing subsystems, which feature an enhanced optical analog-to-digital converter, two-tone signal generation, and a programmable photonics spectral processor, as well as DSP techniques for chromatic dispersion estimation, coherent communication, are presented to support reliable optical transmission.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
programmable; photonics spectral processor (PSP); liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS); high-resolution and low-cost; optical frequency combs (OFC); analog-to-digital converter; optical phase-shift quantization; ENOB; four-wave mixing; dispersion; phase matching; silicon nitride waveguide; conversion efficiency; key distribution; signal-to-noise ratio; reciprocity; key consistency rate; surface plasmons; ultrashort laser pulse; carrier envelope phase; nanoparticles; nanocubes; modulation; metasurface carpet cloak; states of polarization (SOP); hybrid phase-change metasurface; polarization-insensitive cloaking; electromagnetic camouflage and illusion; microwave photonics; optical modulation; optical polarization; optical two-tone signals; RF photonics; bound states in the continuum; plasmonic; sensor; probabilistic amplitude shaping; constant composition distribution matcher; higher order modulation format signal; constellation shaping; LDPC coding; optical performance monitoring; wavelength division multiplexing; channel optical power; optical signal-to-noise ratio; optical labels; intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IM-DD); discrete multi-tone (DMT); probabilistically shaping (PS); full data-carrying SC precoding (FDSP); partial data-carrying SC precoding (PDSP); Walsh–Hadamard transform (WHT); faster-than-Nyquist; chromatic dispersion estimation; low-complexity; quality of transmission (QoT) estimation; nonlinear effect; multi-channel; self-attention mechanism; n/a