
Aquatic Organisms Research with DNA Barcodes

Edited by
September 2023
418 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8530-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8531-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Aquatic Organisms Research with DNA Barcodes that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

This issue focuses on DNA barcoding of aquatic life from temperate regions to the tropics. It includes studies discovering an unknown diversity, describing new species with integrative taxonomy, and studies on phylogenies.

It also contains applications to species of interest for fisheries, aquaculture, bioindicators, invasive exotics, and new insights for controlling the latter. It comprises proposals for new-generation sequencing and automation methods of DNA barcoding for biomonitoring and conservation, and has some implications for fisheries derived from these methods' use. Other promising applications include identifying all life stages, from larvae to adults, from fish to invertebrates such as the chironomids, and applying the baselines created in the analyses of gut contents for some predators.

Finally, a global review of the advances of studies on DNA barcoding of aquatic organisms is included, highlighting the need to promote and continue the efforts of these studies.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
DNA barcode; Florideophyceae; non-indigenous species; Melanothamnus japonicus; rbcL; elasmobranchii; Humboldt current; Eastern Pacific Ocean; biodiversity; mtDNA; species delimitation; DNA-based classification; genetic diversity; catadromy; conservation; Decapoda; DNA barcoding; European marine waters; larval stage; macrobenthos; new record; non-indigenous species; Brazil; integrative taxonomy; monstrilloid copepods; new record; parasitic copepods tropical zooplankton; barcoding; Calanoida; diaptomids; freshwater; insular water bodies; new record; aquaculture; DNA barcoding; domestication; exotic species; management; tilapia; Southeast Asia; inland fisheries; type locality; genetic diversity; phylogeography; biodiversity; sinkhole; Chironomidae; Copepoda; Trombidiformes; cladocera; Ostracoda; Yucatan Peninsula; aquatic life; biodiversity; freshwater; marine; brackish; invertebrate; fish; crustacea; insecta; gene flow; hydrological connectivity; Usumacinta basin; Gulf of Mexico; tropical rainforest; Centropomus undecimalis; rotifers; cryptic species; freshwater zooplankton; reservoir; species diversity; tropics; penaeids; COI; GMYC; PTP; hidden diversity; biodiversity; Quintana Roo; Bacalar; Sian Ka’an; fish larvae; Pampus liuorum Liu & Li, 2013; DNA barcoding; species delimitation; systematics; Indo-West Pacific; Brachionus plicatilis complex; integrative taxonomy; biometrics; lifespan; strain; aquaculture production lineages; integrative taxonomy; biodiversity; DNA taxonomy; ABGD; morphology; genetic entities; non-biting midge; barcode gap; food web; Lebertia; Laurentian Great Lakes; taxonomy; morphology; DNA barcodes; COI; karstic; Arrenurus; DNA barcoding; gastropoda; amphipoda; mysidae; Danube River; distribution; mitogenome evolution; flounder; molecular diversity; phylogenomics; systematics; DNA barcoding; multigene phylogenetic reconstructions; divergence time; protein-coding genes (PCGs); genetic distance; coalescent analysis; Bayesian skyline; ITS; macroalgae; rbcL; tufA; Ulva californica; Ulva expansa; Ulva fenestrata; Ulva prolifera; Mollusks; gastropods; Zooplankton; plankton; COI mitochondrial gene; Pacific Ocean; larvae; DNA barcoding; metabarcoding; hidden diversity; diatoms; phytoplankton