
Bioactive Secondary Metabolites of Marine Fungi

Edited by
October 2023
208 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9086-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9087-5 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Bioactive Secondary Metabolites of Marine Fungi that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

The Special Issue “Bioactive Secondary Metabolites of Marine Fungi” gathered ten publications, including two reviews and eight research articles, about marine fungi, ranging from the isolation and structure elucidation of new natural products to the biosynthetic pathways of marine fungal metabolites.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; Aspergillus fumigatus; chemical diversity; chemical ecology; Exophiala oligosperma; marine fungus; pulmonary fibrosis (PF); molecular docking; marine-derived fungus; Eutypella scoparia; polyketide; absolute configuration; anti-inflammatory activity; Aspergillus stellatus; Trichocomaceae; marine sponge-associated fungus; anthraquinones; isocoumarin; C-glucosyl resorcinols; antibacterial activity; antibiofilm activity; indole diterpene; noonindole; marine-derived fungus; Aspergillus noonimiae; antifungal; Australia; microbial biodiscovery; molecular network chemical profiling; MATRIX cultivation profiling; marine natural products; marine fungi; Chilean marine fungi; biological activities; marine fungus; natural product; Meira sp.; thiolactone; pregnene steroid; epimer; stereochemistry; α-glucosidase inhibitor; diketopiperazine; Aspergillus versicolor; deep-sea coral; endophytic fungus; antimicrobial activity; marine-derived fungus; secondary metabolites; anthraquinones; antibiotics; skin infection; HaCaT; sortase A; urease; migration; fungi; Aspergillus sydowii; metabolites; enzymes; biotechnology; bioremediation; renewable resources; life on land; marine natural products; drug discovery