
Advances in Characterizing and Addressing Land Degradation and Associated Ecosystem Responses

Edited by
December 2023
306 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9596-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-9597-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Characterizing and Addressing Land Degradation and Associated Ecosystem Responses that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Land degradation, exacerbated by climate change and rapid urbanization, poses significant threats to socio-economic development. There is an urgent need to explore land degradation and its associated ecosystem responses and the suitable pathways for sustainable development in urban and rural regions. This reprint comprises a collection of 16 articles, featuring 1 review article and 15 research articles. There are some key practical experiences and scientific findings to support the ecosystem change response to land degradation, through either theoretical works or empirical research, identifying the characteristics and solutions for sustainable development. Key scientific issues addressed include land use and land cover change, ecological impacts of urbanization, mechanisms of land degradation on ecosystems, and coordinated social, economic, and ecological development. This reprint encouraged scholars to share the latest advancements in the research framework, datasets, methods, and case studies for assessing land degradation and associated ecosystem responses. We expect this reprint will inspire broader reflection and discussion within academic community regarding the theories and practices concerning land degradation and associated ecosystem responses. It could be a valuable reference for exploring potential solutions towards achieving land degradation neutrality and promoting regional sustainable development.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
ecological compensation; ecosystem services; opportunity cost; ecological compensation priority; land degradation; dust emission; wind erosion; dust models; dust cycle; carbon cycle; livestock carrying capacity risk; planting and breeding balance; northeast China; farmland circulation; differential circulation features; driving mechanism; plot level; plains and mountainous areas; Zhangye City; ecological carrying capacity; ecosystem services; supply and demand; priority areas; agricultural ecological efficiency; spatial-temporal evolution; SBM model; spatial Markov chain; ecosystem services; spatiotemporal changes; driving factors; agro-pastoral transitional zone; management; Bashang Plateau; Populus simonii forest; optimal plant cover; leaf-area index; Biome-BGC model; urban resilience; land use/cover change; urbanization; carbon neutrality; Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration; surface thermal environment; standard deviation ellipse; Shijiazhuang; wildfires; natural protected areas; decision support system; scenario-based analysis; ecosystem services; soil salinity; sodicity; GIS; RS; leaching and gypsum requirement; carbon and nitrogen pools; soil quality; carbon and nitrogen management index; land use; arid environment; eco-compensation; ecosystem service value; opportunity cost; PAHs pollution; risk assessment; industrial legacy sites; vertical distribution; land reuse; wind erosion; dust emission; drylands; sediment connectivity; degradation; land use and land cover change (LULCC); n/a

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