
Traffic Calming Measures as an Instrument for Revitalizing the Urban Environment

Edited by
March 2024
240 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0410-8 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-0409-2 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Traffic Calming Measures as an Instrument for Revitalizing the Urban Environment that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Urbanization challenges cities with traffic, pollution, and reduced public spaces, affecting life quality. Traffic calming measures address these, focusing on safety and environmental improvement. Beyond regulating car traffic, they create pedestrian zones, promote cycling, and enforce speed limits, aiming to achieve a safe, sustainable, and comfortable environment, especially for vulnerable people, such as children and the elderly.These measures impact more than road safety, influencing public health, social cohesion, and urban life. They encourage healthier lifestyles and community connections. They contribute to liveable cities, not just limiting traffic but nurturing urban life.Implementing these measures requires collaboration among local authorities, citizens, and private sectors. Despite challenges, their long-term benefits in revitalizing cities and responding to modern challenges are significant. They promote city sustainability, health, and vitality, integrating road safety into enriching lifestyles.This Special Issue examines strategies for urban traffic safety and sustainability. It covers pedestrian safety, speed control, infrastructure and traffic interaction, and the effectiveness of traffic circles and roundabouts in residential areas. It advocates for holistic urban designs for safety, efficiency, and enhancement, including sustainable streets, shared spaces, and connected vehicles, reflecting a forward-thinking urban planning approach.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Zones 30; speed management; speed uniformity; speed profile; speed tables; chicane; urban streets; aesthetics; environment; liveability; safety; vulnerable road users; urban road infrastructures; turbo-roundabouts; road safety; congestion; traffic scenarios; urban redevelopment; human-centered design; virtual reality; streetscape; built environment; traffic calming; horizontal devices; vertical devices; pedestrian mobility; walkability; roundabout; microsimulation; surrogate safety measures; road safety; connected and automated vehicles; traffic operations; vulnerable road users; cyclists; pedestrians; shared space; urban road safety; pedestrian crossings; speed control; traffic safety; vehicle dynamics; speed humps; pedestrian refuges; refuge islands; reduce speed; traffic calming measures; TCM; horizontal deflection; free view; Pareto chart; cause-and-effect diagram; traffic calming; traffic circle; reduce speed; home zone; sustainability; air pollution; streetscape character; n/a