
Advance in Topology and Functional Analysis——In Honour of María Jesús Chasco's 65th Birthday

Edited by
July 2024
228 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1389-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1390-2 (PDF) (registering)

Print copies available soon

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Advance in Topology and Functional Analysis——In Honour of María Jesús Chasco's 65th Birthday that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences

The interaction between topology and functional analysis has been a wellspring of powerful mathematical ideas and developments since the early stages of both disciplines. It is obvious that many classical theorems from functional analysis have a strong topological flavour. In the other direction, probably the best-known example is the way abstract harmonic analysis informs many essential features of locally compact groups and Pontryagin duality. This influence is also exerted through many tools and concepts from the theory of topological vector spaces that have been either generalized to topological abelian groups or adopted as templates to study their structure and duality properties beyond the locally compact case. Besides topological groups, this Special Issue also contains papers on fuzzy groups, semigroups, topological vector spaces and real analysis. Their authors are well-known specialists and the different viewpoints provided by them will surely inspire future research on these exciting topics. This Special Issue pays tribute to María Jesús Chasco's mathematical career on the occasion of her 65th birthday.

  • Hardback
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© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
factorizations of a group; thin subset of a group; distinguished space; injective and projective tensor product; vector-valued continuous function; Fréchet space; nuclear space; monoid; group; character; homomorphism; factorization; Roelcke uniformity; topological group; Lie group; compact group; pro-Lie group; Lie algebra; duality; Tannaka duality; Pontryagin duality; LCA group; aggregation function; T-subgroup; strictly monotone function; normed space; Mackey group; locally quasi-convex; compatible group topology; Fubini’s theorem; Brunn–Minkowski inequality; isoperimetric inequality; volumes of section of balls; semigroup; group; topology; permutation; convergence; bounded set; group action; G-space; barrelled space; full free subgroup; (locally) compact abelian group; Pontryagin Duality; totally disconnected; 0-dimensional; precompact; functorial subgroup; quasi-torsion element; minimal group; totally minimal group; exotic torus; summable sequence; absolutely summable sequence; locally quasi-convex group; Schwartz group; nuclear group; Pontryagin reflexive group; Schur property; LCA groups; vector bundle; dual bundle; direct sum; completion; tensor product; cocycle; smoothness; analyticity; hypocontinuity; k-space; compactly generated space; infinite-dimensional Lie group; Poisson vector space; Poisson bracket; Hamiltonian vector field; group action; multilinear map; quasi-convex subset; determining subgroup; quasi-convex compactness property; Krein’s Theorem; series; permutation; convergence; sum range; n/a