
Dog–Human Relationships: Behavior, Physiology, and Wellbeing

Edited by
August 2024
384 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1693-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1694-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Dog–Human Relationships: Behavior, Physiology, and Wellbeing that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences

This special issue contains 22 papers (20 research articles and two reviews) on dogs interacting with humans in many different environments, including animal shelters, homes, healthcare facilities, other work sites, and outdoor areas. Given these diverse settings, there are papers concerning interactions between people and shelter dogs, pet dogs, therapy dogs, service dogs, working dogs, and free-living dogs. The aim of this special issue is to inform how such interactions affect both canine and human behavior, physiology, and wellbeing. These papers will interest researchers in the field of Human-Animal Interactions (HAI), veterinarians, animal shelter administrators and staff, as well as people training and handling therapy, service, and working dogs.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
caregiver burnout; behavioral disorders; human–animal bond; instrument validation; psychometric scales; dog-related physical activity; dog walking; longitudinal; agility; obedience; activity types; hair cortisol level; human-animal interaction; dog; cat; pet attachment; telework; positive affect; self-reported job performance; pet closeness; dog ownership; therapy dog visitation; hospital; COVID-19; healthcare workers; safety protocols; animal welfare; dogs; dental anxiety; dental fear; anxiety; orthodontists; orthodontics; dentistry; animal therapy; animal assisted therapy; COVID-19; dogs; adoption; survey; behavior; expectations; animal shelter; companion animal; free-ranging dog; India; interviews; occupational health; qualitative research; detector dog; sniffer dog; working dog; selection; personality; traits; behaviours; focus group; survey; drive; animal computer interaction; dogs; human-dog interaction; interactive technology; remote communication; dogs; dog acquisition; pre-acquisition research; pre-acquisition behaviours; preparatory research; dog; pet food industry; human–dog interaction; cortisol; welfare; guide dogs; companion dogs; free roaming; free ranging; stray; dog; urban; Iran; online media; news articles; rabies; landscape; habitat; human–canine interaction; canine communication; dogs; domestication; canine behavior; facial communication; facial markings; human–animal interaction; aggression; familiarity; risk factor; temperament test; undersocialized dogs; social evaluation; attachment; domestication; Canis familiaris; human–animal bond; guide dogs; dog–owner compatibility; personality; shelter dogs; cortisol; stress; pigmentation; morphology; the domestication syndrome hypothesis; dogs; animal shelter; human–animal interaction; welfare; adoption; urination; defecation; experience; environment; dog-human interaction; human–dog bond; dog welfare; behavior

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