
Research on Soil Management and Conservation

Edited by
August 2024
308 pages
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1965-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-7258-1966-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Research on Soil Management and Conservation that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Soil is the base of life, as it is essential for food and energy production, sustains buildings, is a water and nutrient reservoir, and acts as a filter for water and contaminants. Soil use and management may significantly negatively impact the soil, with consequences to the environment, crop development and yield, natural resources such as air and water, and human and animal health. In this sense, studies focusing on soil and water conservation practices and strategies to improve soil functions and structure are necessary, but considering the diversity of soil uses and types, climate, relief, and origin materials makes this a worldwide challenge, necessiting site-specific studies. This Special Issue on “Soil Management and Conservation” contains 16 original papers, addressing topics such as soil health, contamination, compaction, management and conservation, erosion, organic carbon, and amendments, presenting some advances and contributions to our knowledge of these topics and future research possibilities. We hope that this Special Issue will support decisions about soil management and conservation practices.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2024 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
compressibility; precompression stress; soil compaction; soil permeability; carbon accumulation; cranberry soils; activation energy; temperature-dependent CO2 emissions rate; AnnAGNPS; ungauged watershed; conservation practices; agricultural watershed; soil erosion; sediment load; watershed modeling; GIS; riparian buffer; sediment basin; water erosion; sediment; soil conservation; crop residue; vegetative practices of soil conservation; cost of erosion; soil erosion; soil conservation; physical–hydric properties; soil morphology; soil fertility; Quartzipsamments; sandyzation; reduced tillage; permanent soil cover; crop diversification; soil and water conservation; ecosystem services; carbon sequestration; climate change mitigation and adaptation; adoption barriers; economic incentives; agro-environmental policies; conservation agriculture; cover crops; semi-arid region; soil carbon; soil functions; salinization; biomass production; nutrient; irrigation water salinity; mango wood biochar; soil erosion; inventory data; performance; robustness; spatial prediction; Oxisols; image analysis; pore shape; pore size distribution; soil pore system; soil water retention curve; Cajanus sp.; Canavalia sp.; Urochloa decumbens; macroorganisms; soil-geomorphology; oxisols; soil conservation; sustainability; food system; food security; contamination factor; lettuce; uptake; agricultural and urban soils; soil health; management-intensive grazing; irrigation; SMAF; environmental degradation; soil erosion; trail; protected areas; conservation units; n/a

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