Open Access Book

Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse

What a 50-Year-Old Model of the World Taught Me About a Way Forward for Us Today

October 2022
208 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3722-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-3721-4 (PDF)
Web of Science
Google Scholar
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Looming environmental and social breaking points, like climate change and massive inequalities, are becoming increasingly apparent and large in scale. In this book, Gaya Herrington puts today’s key societal challenges into perspective. Her analysis, rooted in her research on a 50-year-old model of the world that forecasted the onset of global collapse right around the present time, brings some structure to what otherwise might feel like the overwhelming task of achieving genuine societal sustainability.


Herrington's research, first published in 2020 in Yale‘s Journal of Industrial Ecology, went viral after it revealed empirical data tracked closely with the predictions of this world model, which was introduced in the 1972 best-seller, The Limits to Growth. Her book Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse contains an exclusive research update based on 2022 data and is written in a more personable and accessible style than the journal article. Herrington also elaborates more in this book on the many interlinkages between our economic, environmental, and social predicaments and on what her findings indicate for future global developments.


Herington lays out why “business as usual” is not a viable option for global society and identifies the root cause of this unsustainable path. Most importantly, her book teaches us what systemic changes humanity still has time to make to achieve a better tomorrow and a future in which society has transformed beyond the mere avoidance of collapse and is truly thriving.


You can read more about the question if we are on the Verge of Global Collapse here.



  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
sustainability; system dynamics; limits to growth; collapse; world3
Review mode

This monograph has been reviewed by two (or more) external single-blind reviewers. The opinions expressed in the book do not reflect the view of the publisher.

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