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What is MDPI Books?

10 Nov 2023

MDPI, which stands for Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, is a well-known academic publisher that provides open access journals and books. While many are familiar with MDPI and its journals, MDPI Books is a relatively newer initiative compared to its parent organization. In this informative piece, we'll explore MDPI Books, how it differs from MDPI, and why you should publish your scholarly book with MPDI.

MDPI Books: an overview

MDPI Books is a specialized platform within the MDPI organization dedicated to publishing academic books. It was established to provide researchers and scholars with a platform to publish comprehensive book-length works, in the form of Monographs, Edited Books, Conference Proceedings, and Textbooks. MDPI Books adheres to the same principles of open access as MDPI's journals, making academic research widely accessible to the global scientific and scholarly community.

Why you should publish your scholarly book with MDPI Open Access Books

Commitment to open access

At MDPI Books, we publish our books as Gold Open Access. This means that they are permanently and freely available worldwide under an open access licence (Creative Commons licence) immediately upon publication, operating without any pay- or time-wall for the reader.

Open access publication is supported by the authors' institutions or research funding agencies by payment of a comparatively low processing charge (BPC/CPC/APC) for accepted manuscripts.

Global reach

MDPI is an international academic publisher with a broad readership and author base. Publishing with MDPI Books allows your work to reach a global audience, making it easier for researchers from around the world to discover and engage with your research. Furthermore, our dedicated marketing team will ensure that your MDPI Open Access Book is effectively promoted via the appropriate social media channels

Thorough review process

A common misconception is that publishing your book open access leads to a loss in quality. With MDPI Books, this is certainly not the case. We operate with the same quality controls as non-open access publishers, ensuring the highest standards of scholarly research. During our thorough peer review stage, our experienced editors and carefully selected academic specialists work together to guarantee the overall merit of an author’s work. (You can read more about our peer review process here).


MDPI Books covers a wide range of academic disciplines, just like MDPI's journal portfolio. This multidisciplinary approach allows researchers from various fields to contribute and access diverse content.

Whereas academic journals publish the very latest research according to their subject area, however, academic books are freer to explore various disciplines within a comprehensive and perhaps more thought-provoking framework.

Flexibility in publishing formats

MDPI Books offers flexibility in publishing formats. Whether you prefer a traditional Monograph, an Edited Book, or another format, MDPI Books can accommodate your publishing needs. This flexibility allows authors to showcase their work in the most suitable and effective manner and accommodate the diverse needs of the academic community.

Author-friendly policies

MDPI Books offers author-friendly policies, including transparent fee structures and personalized support for authors throughout the publication process, from writing, to submission, to peer review, through the production, publication and post-publication stages. We are committed to making the publication experience as fast, smooth and straightforward as possible.

Citations and impact

Open access publications often receive more citations, increasing the impact of your research. By publishing with MDPI Books, you can expect your work to have a broader influence within your academic community and beyond.

Discoverability and indexing

MDPI Books ensures that your work is discoverable through indexing in reputable databases and search engines, with many of MDPI's Open Access Books going on to be indexed in such databases as the Web of Science. This helps increase the visibility of your research and its accessibility for scholars and researchers.


MDPI Books is an integral part of the MDPI ecosystem, specializing in the publication of academic books that complement the open access journal publications offered by MDPI. By providing a platform for the publication of book-length academic works, MDPI Books expands the accessibility of high-quality research across diverse academic disciplines. Researchers and scholars looking to publish their open access book can benefit from the unique benefits and services provided by MDPI Books while adhering to the principles of open access. With a focus on efficiency, author support, discoverability, and long-term preservation, MDPI Books is a reputable choice for academics seeking to share their research with the world.


Interested in publishing with MDPI Books? Submit a book proposal today.

You can also watch the MDPI Books Introduction video here.