
New Trends in Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

Edited by
January 2019
202 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-469-7 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-470-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue New Trends in Statistical Physics of Complex Systems that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences

A topical research activity in statistical physics concerns the study of complex and disordered systems. Generally, these systems are characterized by an elevated level of interconnection and interaction between the parts so that they give rise to a rich structure in the phase space that self-organizes under the control of internal non-linear dynamics. These emergent collective dynamics confer new behaviours to the whole system that are no longer the direct consequence of the properties of the single parts, but rather characterize the whole system as a new entity with its own features, giving rise to the birth of new phenomenologies.

As is highlighted in this collection of papers, the methodologies of statistical physics have become very promising in understanding these new phenomena. This volume groups together 12 research works showing the use of typical tools developed within the framework of statistical mechanics, in non-linear kinetic and information geometry, to investigate emerging features in complex physical and physical-like systems.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
scale invariance; log-periodic oscillation; complex nonextensivity parameter; self-similarity; combinants; compound distributions; Kullback–Leibler divergence; model selection; information theory; transfer entropy; stochastic interaction; nonlinear systems; complex networks; state space reconstruction; mixed-spin ising model; triplet interaction; weak-universal critical behaviour; negentropy; non-ideal systems; many-body correlations; information theory; Riemannian geometry; entanglement characterization; Bose-Einstein condensation; statistics of Bose-Einstein condensate; Bogoliubov coupling; interacting Bose gas; mesoscopic system; nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations; generalized entropies; nonextensive thermostatistics; representing functions; affine immersion; nonextensive statistical physics; invariance; dually flat structure; Legendre conjugate; gradient flow; entropy; elastic scattering; neutron slowing down; Lloyd model; scaling laws; information length; one-dimensional disordered systems; caged dynamics; stochastic processes; collective motion; single-file diffusion; normal and anomalous diffusion; displacement correlation; overtaking; hopping rate; label variable; Dean–Kawasaki equation; natural convection; bifurcation; horizontal annulus; thermal IB-LBM; rotation; generalized statistical mechanics; information theory; anomalous diffusion; stochastic processes; collective phenomena; disordered systems