
New Advances on Zika Virus Research

Edited by
April 2019
552 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-764-3 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-765-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue New Advances on Zika Virus Research that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a mosquito-borne member of the Flaviviridae family that historically has been associated with mild febrile illness. However, the recent outbreaks in Brazil in 2015 and its rapid spread throughout South and Central America and the Caribbean, together with its association with severe neurological disorders—including fetal microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults—have changed the historic perspective of ZIKV. Currently, ZIKV is considered an important public health concern that has the potential to affect millions of people worldwide. The significance of ZIKV in human health and the lack of approved vaccines and/or antiviral drugs to combat ZIKV infection have triggered a global effort to develop effective countermeasures to prevent and/or treat ZIKV infection. In this Special Issue of Viruses, we have assembled a collection of 32 research and review articles that cover the more recent advances on ZIKV molecular biology, replication and transmission, virus–host interactions, pathogenesis, epidemiology, vaccine development, antivirals, and viral diagnosis.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Ziks virus; silvestrol; antiviral; eIF4A; hepatocytes; flavivirus; arbovirus; Zika; sexual transmission; testis; prostate; Zika virus; ZIKV; rhesus macaques; Non-human primates; NHP; infection; natural history; Asian-lineage; African-lineage; zika virus; ZIKV–host interactions; viral pathogenesis; cell surface receptors; antiviral responses; viral counteraction; cytopathic effects; microcephaly; ZIKV-associated neurologic disorders; Zika virus; serology; flavivirus; microsphere immunoassay; validated; optimised; dengue virus; ZIKV; reporter virus; cryptic promoter silencing; full-length molecular clone; subgenomic replicon; plasmid toxicity; Zika virus; dengue viruses; flavivirus; ELISA; indirect immunofluorescence; plaque reduction neutralization test; polymerase chain reaction; cross-reactions; Zika virus; flavivirus; infectious cDNA; replication; gene expression; neuropathogenesis; viral genetic variation; host genetic variation; flavivirus; Zika virus; therapy; host-directed antivirals; Aedes aegypti; RNA-seq; insecticide resistance; Zika virus; detoxification and immune system responses; Zika virus; mosquito-borne flavivirus; emerging arbovirus; outbreak control; molecular diagnostics; laboratory preparedness; assay standardization; external quality assessment; EQA; QCMD; flavivirus; eye; zika virus; blood-retinal barrier; ocular; innate response; Zika virus; pregnancy; fetal infection; congenital Zika syndrome; Asian lineage; Zika virus; Full-length cDNA infectious clones; Bacterial artificial chromosome; NS2A protein; Zika virus; neural progenitor cells; neurons; Zika virus; antivirals; therapeutics; research models and tools; flavivirus; Zika virus (ZIKV); reverse genetics; infectious clone; full-length molecular clone; bacterial artificial chromosome; replicon; infectious RNA; Zika virus; flavivirus; arbovirus; sexual transmission; host genetic variation; immune response; Zika virus; flaviviruses; vaccines; virus like particles; clinical trials; ZIKV; NS1 protein; Zika virus; diagnosis; monoclonal antibodies; ELISA; zika virus; placenta cells; microglia cells; siRNA; TLR7/8; Zika; viral evolution; genetic variability; Bayesian analyses; Zika virus; reverse genetics; infectious cDNA; Tet-inducible; MR766; FSS13025; flavivirus; ZIKV; NS5; type I IFN antagonist; point-of-care diagnostics; isothermal nucleic acid amplification; nucleic acid computation; nucleic acid strand exchange; zika virus; mosquito; mosquito surveillance; multiplex nucleic acid detection; boolean logic-processing nucleic acid probes; Zika virus; flavivirus; astrocytomas; dsRNA; viral fitness; antiviral; heme-oxygenase 1; Zika virus; viral replication; Zika virus; antiviral compounds; neural cells; viral replication; flavivirus; Zika virus; viral persistence; testicular cells; testes; Zika virus; prM-E proteins; viral pathogenicity; virus attachment; viral replication; viral permissiveness; viral survival; apoptosis; cytopathic effects; mutagenesis; chimeric viruses; human brain glial cells; Zika virus; flavivirus; microRNAs; neurons; neuroinflammation; anti-viral immunity; Zika virus; dengue virus; secondary infections; cross-reactions; IgA; IgG avidity tests; n/a

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