
Early Life Nutrition and Future Health

Edited by
February 2020
182 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-250-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-251-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Early Life Nutrition and Future Health that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
Inequity starts before birth and is programmed in part by nutritional exposures. If these exposures occur around the time of conception, during pregnancy, and/or in infancy or childhood (all critical periods of development) they may alter a child’s health trajectory and impact risk for impaired cognition and learning, and cardiometabolic, immune, and neuropsychiatric diseases and disorders. This Special Issue on “Early Life Nutrition and Future Health” has the following aims: 1) understand the origins of offspring health inequities from an early nutritional perspective; 2) uncover new insights into the environmental, biological, and social mechanisms that underpin these health outcomes in offspring; and 3) present novel targets and approaches to optimise health trajectories and prevent chronic diseases and disorders in later life and across generations. The research projects included herein highlight novel mechanistic, epidemiologic, and intervention studies that target key windows where nutrition has the greatest influence on future health (preconception, prenatal, and postnatal periods) and that explore vulnerable populations and animal models of early life nutritional programming.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
reduced litter size; postnatal calcium homeostasis; adult bone health; milk composition; developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD); gut microbiota; non-communicable disease; nutrient-sensing signal; nutrition; oxidative stress; pregnancy; reprogramming; undernutrition; abdominal obesity; fetal; infant; adulthood; folic acid supplementation; pregnancy; epidemiology; social inequalities; short-chain fatty acid (SCFA); pH; dietary fibre; gut health; prebiotic; malnutrition; gut barrier; development; pregnancy; prebiotic; gut-brain; programming; microbiota; L-cell; eating behavior; pregnancy; postpartum; dietary intake; energy intake; supplements; dietary reference intakes (DRIs); diet quality; Healthy Eating Index; sugars; fruit juices; life-course epidemiology; infant; child; human milk; human milk oligosaccharides; phospholipids; sphingomyelin; gangliosides; LC–MS

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