
Archaeology and Ancient Israelite Religion

Edited by
September 2020
260 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03936-808-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03936-809-9 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Archaeology and Ancient Israelite Religion that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
Israelite religions have always fascinated scholars. Initial studies used the Bible as their main source of information and attempted to read it critically in order to learn about the religion of ancient Israel. With the advent of modern research in the Near East, more and more information on other Ancient Near Eastern religions was accumulated and initially used to illuminate Israelite religious practices as described in the Bible, but gradually led to challenging some of the accepted truisms. The new information was collected mainly through archaeological excavations, and archaeology had gradually become a major player in the study of ancient Israelite religion(s) and religious practices. The massive amount of information on the various subthemes related to Israelite religions, the shifting trends in scholarship, the multiplicity of approaches, and the interdisciplinary nature of the field means that no single scholar can master all the data today. Indeed, there is currently no comprehensive and updated book that covers all or even most aspects pertaining to Israelite religion(s). This volume is a partial attempt to fill some of this lacuna. The volume includes a number of broad, summarizing studies, presenting readers with the up-to-date state of the research on a number of important issues, from Solomon’s temple to broader studies of the loci of cultic activity in ancient Israel through to analysis of the difference between the “official” and “popular” expression of religion, the place of women in Israelite cult(s), similarities and differences between the religious practices in Israel and Judah and those of other Iron Age religions, and the religion of some of Israel’s neighbors to the role of zooarchaeology in the study of religion, ancient Israelite festivals, and more.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Philistines; Iron Age; Aegean-style; temples; shrines; household; figurines; Israelite religion; temples; ancient Israel; cultic buildings; shrines; sanctuaries; biblical archaeology; egalitarian ethos; religion; women; Israel; Judah; Iron Age; domestic religion; family religion; rituals; worship; Jerusalem Temple; feminist studies; archaeology; Hebrew Bible; Old Testament; Yahweh; Asherah; Tell el-Far‛ah North; shrine model; moon; rain; womb; mercy; household religion; cult sites; Transjordan; Iron Age; Deir Alla; Pella; Damiyah; Ataruz; Mudayna Thamad; WT-200; Busayrah; Ammon; sons of Ammon; Ammonite; gods; Milkom; iconography; Jordan; Iron Age; Solomon’s Temple; Khirbet Qeiyafa; Motza; Kuntillet ʿAjrud; theomachy; theophany; blessings; religion; Hebrew inscriptions; scribal curriculum; zooarchaeology; Israelite religion; sacrifice; offering; Yahwistic worship; sacred feasting; faunal remains; animal bones; cult; ritual; Tel Dan; Hebrew Bible; Late Bronze Age; Canaan; religion; cult; temples; Egypt; Israelite festivals; Sabbath; calendars; pilgrimage festivals; full-moon celebrations; harvest celebrations; firstborn rituals; first produce rituals; ancient Israel; Israelite religion; folk religion; family religion; archaeology; Israelite religion; Bible; biblical archaeology; Near Eastern archaeology; archaeology and religion; temples; cult

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