
Plant Polyamines

Edited by
June 2020
162 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03936-318-6 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03936-319-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Plant Polyamines that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Polyamines are small organic compounds found in all living organisms. In recent years, there have been many exciting advances in our understanding of plant polyamines, such as the determination of the biosynthetic and catabolic pathways of plant polyamines and the identification of the roles that plant polyamines play in cellular processes. This Special Issue contains six original research papers and three review articles, providing valuable insights and information for future polyamine-related research.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
polyamine oxidase; norspermidine; thermospermine; Selaginella lepidophylla; Arabidopsis thaliana mutant; polyamines; spermidine; thermospermine; nonsense-mediated decay; no-go decay; non-stop decay; quality control; translation; copper amine oxidases; H2O2; ROS; polyamines; ABA; stomatal closure; back conversion pathway; polyamines; polyamine oxidase; polyamine catabolism; stress response; terminal catabolism pathway; Ranunculus biternatus; Ranunculus pseudotrullifolius; Ranunculus moseleyi; secondary metabolite variation; amines; quercetins; natural populations; environment; redundancy; sub-Antarctic plants; Arabidopsis; phloem; rice; spermine; thermospermine; xylem; polyamines; nitrogen metabolism; abiotic and biotic stress; hydrogen peroxide; antioxidant machinery; heat shock proteins; heat stress; polyamines; polyamine oxidases; PA acetylation; PA oxidation; PA back-conversion; hydrogen peroxide; putrescine; spermidine; spermine; tomato; spermidine synthase; fruit shape; cell division; cell expansion; copper amine oxidase; polyamine oxidase; spermidine; spermine; stress response; thermospermine

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