
Application of the Systems Approach to the Management of Complex Water Systems

Edited by
December 2020
314 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-769-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-770-2 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Application of the Systems Approach to the Management of Complex Water Systems that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
During the past five decades, we have witnessed a tremendous evolution in water resource system management. Three characteristics of this evolution are of particular note: First, the application of the systems approach to complex water management problems has been established as one of the most important advances in the field of water resource management. Second, the past five decades have brought a remarkable transformation of attitude in the water resource management community towards environmental concerns and action to address these concerns. Third, applying the principles of sustainability to water resource decision-making requires major changes in the objectives on which decisions are based, and an understanding of the complicated inter-relationships between existing ecological, economic, and social factors. The Special Issue includes 15 contributions that offer insights into contemporary problems, approaches, and issues related to the management of complex water resources systems. It will be presumptuous to say that these 15 contributions characterize the success or failure of the systems approach to support water resources decision-making. However, these contributions offer interesting lessons from current experiences and highlight possible future work.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2021 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
system dynamics; system analysis; complex water system; uncertainty assessment; climate change; regional climate models; averaging procedures; HEC-HMS; Lim river; Lim water systems; n/a; artificial recharge; groundwater; treated wastewater; freshwater resources; water footprint; water management; wine production; winemaking sector; Italy; SuDS; decision-making; Soft Systems; ANP; modelling; stakeholder; systems analyses; water resources; planning; management; implementation; political processes; innovation; impact; climate change; multi-purpose dam; system dynamics; water management; water resources systems; performance-based engineering; simulation; resilience; disaster; risk; perception; community; resilience; Canada; integrated urban watershed management; group decision-support system; risk analysis; group consensus; Kashafroud watershed; water policy; water portfolio planning; water resources management; systems assessment; adaptive capacity; coupled human–natural systems; integrated water resources management; sociohydrology; modeling perspectives; agent-based modeling; differential equations; system dynamics; uncertainty; artificial intelligence; machine learning; water resource modelling; multiobjective optimisation; river abstraction; reservoir operation; stochastic dynamic programming; fuzzy optimization; reservoir-river system; water quantity-quality management; climate change; socio-hydrology; hydro-sociology; human-water systems; human-nature systems; water resources systems; social-ecological systems; CHANS; SES; socio-hydrologic modeling; integrated water resources management; IWRM; water resources management; hydrology; multireservoir operations; optimization; multi-agent reinforcement learning; aggregation–decomposition; neural networks; systems; complexity; water resources; management

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