
Physics of Ionic Conduction in Narrow Biological and Artificial Channels

Edited by
September 2021
306 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1646-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1645-5 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Physics of Ionic Conduction in Narrow Biological and Artificial Channels that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences
The book reprints a set of important scientific papers applying physics and mathematics to address the problem of selective ionic conduction in narrow water-filled channels and pores. It is a long-standing problem, and an extremely important one. Life in all its forms depends on ion channels and, furthermore, the technological applications of artificial ion channels are already widespread and growing rapidly. They include desalination, DNA sequencing, energy harvesting, molecular sensors, fuel cells, batteries, personalised medicine, and drug design. Further applications are to be anticipated.The book will be helpful to researchers and technologists already working in the area, or planning to enter it. It gives detailed descriptions of a diversity of modern approaches, and shows how they can be particularly effective and mutually reinforcing when used together. It not only provides a snapshot of current cutting-edge scientific activity in the area, but also offers indications of how the subject is likely to evolve in the future.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
reversal potential; effects of diffusion coefficients; permanent charge; bioelectricity; electrochemistry; thermodynamics; electrokinetics; molecular mean-field theory; Boltzmann and Fermi distributions; Poisson–Boltzmann; Poisson–Fermi; Poisson–Bikerman; Nernst–Planck; steric and correlation effects; ion channels; ion activity; double-layer capacitance; nanofluidics; steric effect; Poisson-Boltzmann model; Bikerman model; entropy; specific ion size; electric double layer; orientational ordering of water dipoles; Helmholtz free energy; modified Langevin Poisson-Boltzmann model; nanopores; ion channels; reduced models; Monte Carlo; classical density functional theory; Poisson-Nernst-Planck; ion transport; nanopore; graphene; crown ether; ion channel; selectivity; permeability; patch-clamp; computer simulations; nanofluidics; ionic Coulomb blockade; 2D materials; nanopores; nanotubes; angstrom slits; ion channels; protein dynamics; molecular dynamics; non-Hermitian Hamiltonians; algebraic topology; semiclassical methods; nanopores; ion transport; statistical mechanics; polarization; maxwell equations; gating current; dielectric constant; ion channel; statistical theory; linear response; ionic transport; NaChBac; computational electrophysiology; electrodiffusion model; stochastic simulations; current–voltage dependence; reversal potential; committor probabilities; n/a